1;95;0c Publications of Jouko Väänänen

Dependence logic

  1. Second order logic and foundations of mathematics, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, Volume 7, Issue 4, December, 2001.

  2. On the semantics of informational independence, Logic Journal of the Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics, 10:3, 337-350, 2002.

  3. R. Parikh and J. Väänänen, Finite information logic, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic vol. 134, 2005, 83-93

  4. A remark on nondeterminacy in IF logic. Acta Philosophica Fennica 78 (2006) 71-77.

  5. Dependence Logic: A New Approach to Independence Friendly Logic, London Mathematical Society Student Texts (No. 70) Cambridge University Press, 2007, pp. 240. Review in MathSciNet.

  6. Team logic, in: Interactive Logic, Johan van Benthem, Benedikt Löwe, Dov Gabbay (eds.), Texts in Logic and Games, vol 1. Amsterdam University Press, 2007, 281-302

  7. Modal dependence logic, in: New Perspectives on Games and Interaction, Krzysztof Apt, Robert van Rooij (eds.) Texts in Logic and Games, vol 5 Amsterdam University Press, 2008, 237-254.

  8. From IF to BI - A Tale of Dependence and Separation, with S. Abramsky. Synthese, Volume 167, Number 2. March, 2009. ArXiv.

  9. Dependence of Variables Construed as an Atomic Formula, with W. Hodges. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (2010) 817-828.

  10. On definability in dependence logic, with J. Kontinen. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 18(3) (2009), 317 - 332. Erratum: J. Log. Lang. Inf. 20 (2011), no. 1, 133-134. The erratum concerns the singular case of an empty team in Theorems 4.9, 4.10, 5.1, and 5.2.

  11. A note on negation in dependence logic, with J. Kontinen. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 52(1), 55-65, 2011.

  12. E. Grädel and J. Väänänen. Dependence, Independence, and Incomplete Information. In: Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Database Theory, ICDT 2012, 2012.

  13. Axiomatizing first order consequences in dependence logic, with Juha Kontinen. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164, 1101-1117 (2013). Available in arXiv.org.

  14. Sort logic and foundations of mathematics, in: Infinity and Truth, Edited by: Chitat Chong, Qi Feng, Theodore A Slaman, W Hugh Woodin, Lecture Notes Series of the Institute for Mathematical Sciences, World Scientific, vol. 25, 2014, 171-186. Available in arXiv.org.

  15. Dependence and independence, with Erich Grädel. Studia Logica: Volume 101, Issue 2 (2013), Page 233-236. ArXiv.

  16. Independence in database relations. with Juha Kontinen and Sebastian Link, in: L. Libkin, U. Kohlenbach, and R. de Queiroz (Eds.): WoLLIC 2013, LNCS 8071, pp. 179-193, 2013.

  17. Dependence logic with generalized quantifiers: axiomatizations. with Fredrik Engström and Juha Kontinen, in: L. Libkin, U. Kohlenbach, and R. de Queiroz (Eds.): WoLLIC 2013, LNCS 8071, pp. 138-152, 2013. ArXiv.

  18. Comments on Abramsky. In Logic Across the University: Foundations and Applications, Proceedings of the Tsinghua Logic Conference, College Publications, London, 2013. pp. 152-156.

  19. On dependence logic, with Pietro Galliani. Trends in Logic: Outstanding Contributions in Logic, (ed. A. Baltag and S. Smets), Springer, 2014, 101-119. ArXiv.

  20. Tractability Frontier of Data Complexity in Team Semantics, with Arnaud Durand, Nicolas de Rugy-Altherre, and Juha Kontinen, in: International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics and Formal Verification (GandALF 2015), Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 193 (2015). ArXiv.

  21. Quantum team logic and Bell's inequalities, with Tapani Hyttinen and Gianluca Paolini, Review of Symbolic Logic, 8(4), 722-742, 2015. Available in arXiv.org

  22. Dependence Logic in Pregeometries and omega-Stable Theories, with Gianluca Paolini. Journal of Symbolic Logic Volume 81(1), 32 - 55, 2016. Available in arXiv.org

  23. Propositional Logics of Dependence, with Fan Yang, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 167, 557-589 (2016), DOI. ArXiv.

  24. Grelling on dependence, in: Dependence Logic: Theory and Applications, edited by S. Abramsky, J. Kontinen, J. Väänänen and H. Vollmer, Progress in Computer Science and Applied Logic, Birkhäuser, 2016.

  25. Dependence Logic: Theory and Applications, edited with S. Abramsky, J. Kontinen, and H. Vollmer, Progress in Computer Science and Applied Logic, Birkhäuser, 2016.

  26. A Logical approach to context-specific independence, with Jukka Corander, Antti Hyttinen, Juha Kontinen, and Johan Pensar. Proceedings of WoLLIC 2016, vol. 9803 of Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 165-182. Journal version Annals of Pure and Applied Logic vol 170 (2019), 975-992.

  27. The Logic of Approximate Dependence, Chapter 12 in: Rohit Parikh on Logic, Language and Society (edited by: Can Baskent, Lawrence S. Moss and Ramaswamy Ramanujam), Springer, 2017, 227-234. Arxiv.

  28. Propositional team logics, with Fan Yang, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 168(2017), 1406-1441. Available online. ArXiv.

  29. A logic for arguing about probabilities in measure teams, with Tapani Hyttinen and Gianluca Paolini, Archive for mathematical logic, Vol. 56(5–6), pp 475–489, 2017. ArXiv.

  30. Dependence logic with generalized quantifiers: Axiomatizations. with Fredrik Engström and Juha Kontinen, Journal of Computer and System Sciences Vol. 88, pp. 90-102, 2017. ArXiv.

  31. Diversity, Dependence and Independence, with P. Galliani, Proceedings of FoIKS 2020, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 12012. arxiv.

  32. Proceedings of Workshop on Logics of Dependence and Independence (LoDE 2020V), edited with F. Yang, Acta Generalia Instituti Mathematico-Rationarii, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland. Published in 2020.

  33. Tractability Frontier of Data Complexity in Team Semantics, with Arnaud Durand, Nicolas de Rugy-Altherre, and Juha Kontinen, ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 23 (1), 1-21, 2022. Full version of #125. Available in ArXiv.

  34. Team Semantics and Independence Notions in Quantum Physics, with Samson Abramsky and Joni Puljujärvi. Preprint. arXiv.

  35. Chain logic and Shelah's infinitary logic, with M. Džamonja, Israel Journal of Mathematics vol. 245, pages 93-134, 2021. Available online, also in arXiv.

  36. An atom's worth of anonymity. Logic Journal of the IGPL, November 2022. Available in arXiv.

  37. Positive logics, with S. Shelah. Archive for Mathematical Logic 62, 207-223, (2023). Available in arXiv.

  38. Diversity, Dependence and Independence (Journal version), with P. Galliani, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, November, vol. 90 (2-3), pages 211-233 (2022). Arxiv

  39. Logics of Dependence and Independence. A special issue of the Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, edited with Philip Scott and Fan Yang. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 173(10), 2022.

  40. Dimension in team semantics, with Lauri Hella and Kerkko Luosto. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, to appear. Available in arXiv.

  41. Modular SAT-based techniques for reasoning tasks in team semantics, with Arnaud Durand and Juha Kontinen, to appear. Available in arXiv.

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