After Grant et al., 2006, and Frost et al, 2006, with species from Frost, 2000-2002 [“AMNH Amphibian species of the World”]

<==o Athesphatanura Frost et al., 2006
   |-- Hylidae Rafinesque, 1815 [taxonomic history]
   `--o Leptodactyliformes Frost et al., 2006
      |-- Centrolenidae Taylor, 1951
      `--o Cruciabatrachia Grant et al., 2006
         |-- Leptodactylidae Werner, 1896 [1838]
         `--o Chthonobatrachia Frost et al., 2006
            |-- Ceratophryidae Tschudi, 1838 [taxonomic history] (sarvikonnat, sarvisammakot)
            `--o Hesticobatrachia Frost et al., 2006
               |?- Rupirana cardosoi Heyer, 1999
               |-- Cycloramphidae Bonaparte, 1850 [taxonomic history]
               `--o Calamitophrynia Grant et al., 2006
                  |-- Leiuperidae Bonaparte, 1850
                  `--o Agastorophrynia Frost et al., 2006
                     |-- Bufonidae Gray, 1825 (toads; konnat)
                     `--o Nobleobatia Gtant et al., 2006
                        |-- Hylodidae Günther, 1858
                        `--o Dendrobatoidea Cope, 1865 sensu Frost et al., 2006
                           |-- Aromobatidae Grant et al., 2006
                           `-- Dendrobatidae Cope, 1865
