Juliette Kennedy
Fall 2022:
Visitor, School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study
External member of SPHERE,
Université Paris Cité, as of December 2023.
Research Interests
- Set Theory and Set-Theoretic Model Theory.
- Foundations and Philosophy of Mathematics.
- Philosophy and History of Logic.
- Art History and Curatorial Practice.
- Philosophy of Language.
Editorial board member
- Review of Symbolic Logic (2018-2024)
- Philosophia Mathematica
- Theoria
- Journal for the Philosophy of Mathematics (JPM)
Invited talks 2025
- "Completeness for strong logics," February 5, 2025, Models and Sets seminar, Leeds, UK
- "Set theory as a theory of the infinite," at conference "The Concept of Actual Infinity," April 7-8, Paris
- Tutorial, Young Set Theory Workshop, September 8-12, 2025, TU WIEN (Vienna, Austria)
Invited talks 2023-2024
- "Gödel, Turing and the Iconic/Performative Axis",
Les mathématiques discrétes et la logique: des mathématiques
à l'informatique, 19 January, 2023, CIRM.
- "The Formal/Informal Boundary", at the conference "The Formal Turn - The Emergence of Formalist Thinking in Twentieth-Century Thought," University of Vienna, February 13-17, 2023.
- "Computability", March 15, 2023, Kyiv Logic seminar, Kyiv, Ukraine
- "The syntax/semantics distinction", March 21, 2023, The Finnish network of the philosophy of mathematics seminar, Helsinki
- Author Meets Critics session on Gödel, Tarski and the lure
of natural
language: logical entanglements,
formalism-freness, Pacific APA, April 2023. Organized by the
Philosophy of Mathematics Association. Critics: Neil Barton, Gabe Goldberg, Maryanthe
Malliaris, Toby Meadows, Zeynep Soysal.
- "The supervenience of syntax on semantics in the foundational context", June 9, 2023, PhilMath Intersem, Paris.
- "Extracting syntax from semantics", British Logic Colloquium, Bristol, September 7-8, 2023.
- "How first order is first order logic?" French PhilMath Workshop, October 18-20, 2023, Paris
- "On the mathematical sublime," K-group, University of Turku, October 27, 2023.
- "Historicizing Extended Constructibility," with J. Väänänen, Séminaire de philosophie et mathématiques de la rue d'Ulm, November 6, 2023.
- "Inner models of set theory," Helsinki Mathematics Colloquium, May 29, 2024.
- "Incompleteness," Bard College, May 3, 2024.
- TBA, 7th International meeting of the Association for the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice, Pavia, June 18, 2024.
- TBA, World Congress of Philosophy, August 2024.
Invited talks 2022
- "A view of the Incompleteness Theorems," University of Bogota, January 11, 2022.
- Panel entitled "Gödel, \
Church and Turing in Retrospect", Eastern APA, January 14, 2022, Baltimore.
- "The Incompleteness theorems," meeting on The Philosophy of Metamathematical\
Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, January 21, 2022.
- Nordic Logic Seminar, March 28, 2022, University of Stockholm.
- Chicago Spring Logic Conference, April 13-16, 2022.
- "Hartryfest", Conference in honor of Hartry Field, Columbia University, May \
13-14, 2022.
- "On the Entscheidungsproblem", 10th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of the History of Analytical Philosophy, Shanxi University 6-8 July 2022.
- Plenary talk, Logic Colloquium 2022 (European Summer Meeting of the ASL), Reykjavik, June 27 - July 1, 2022.
- "Does Syntax supervene on semantics in the foundational context?", at Wittgenstein on Foundations:
Mathematics, Mind, World,
Wadham College, Univ. of Oxford and Dept. of Philosophy, Univ. of Bergen. August 1, 2022.
- "Kripke on the Entscheidungsproblem", 28th Nordic Congress of Mathematicians, August 19, 2022.
- "On the Problem of Cultural Influence," seminar Grandes Conférences
of Poincaré Archives, Nancy, October 12, 2022.
- "Historicising Extended Constructibility," European Set theory Society Colloquium, October 27, 2022.
Selected other recent talks
- "90 Years of Incompleteness!" UNAM, Mexico City, Oct 15, 2021.
- Keynote, History and Philosophy of Computing (HaPoC-6),
Turing Centre, ETH, October 27-29, 2021.
- "From Incompleteness to Extended Constructibility,"
Online International Workshop on Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems,
August 2021, Wuhan.
- "Kreisel on Informal Rigor", PMA session at the Pacific APA, April 2021
- "Entanglements, Instabilities and Invariance:
the peculiarities of the formal/informal border".
Conference "Perspectives on Mathematical Practices", January 28-30, 2021
- Keynote,
31st Novembertagung On the History and Philosophy of Mathematics.\
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, November 2020.
- "On the feasibility of conceptual engineering
in logic and (meta)mathematics: a few test cases", Arche Conceptual Enigineering Seminar,
St. Andrews, 10 November, 2020.
- Author meets critics session on John Baldwin's
Model Theory and the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice, 2020
Eastern APA, Jan 8, 2020, Philadelphia.
- "On the entanglement of second order
logic with set theory and conversely."
Workshop in set theory and philosophy of mathematics,
Universite Paris Diderot, February 7-8 2020.
- Plenary speaker, 2020 Annual Meeting of the ASL, March 25-28, 2020,
UC Irvine. (Cancelled due to Covid.)
- Conference on The 'End' of Philosophy of Mathematics?,
at Princeton University, 3-5 April 2020. (Cancelled due to Covid.)
- Author meets critics session,
CLMPS Prague,
August 10, 2019.
- Invited talk at conference The Joint Quest for Absolute
Infinity and the Continuum - From Cantor to Woodin, Turku University, May 6-10, 2019.
- Speaker, Invited Symposium: History and Philosophy of Logic,
2019 Eastern Division Meeting of the APA, New York
- Lecture, Summer School, 100 Years of Model Theory,
University of Jena, September 3-7, 2018
- Plenary, 11th Annual Cambridge Graduate
Conference on the Philosophy of Mathematics
and Logic, January 20-21, 2018.
- Lectures on the philosophy of mathematics, Summer
School on Mathematical Philosophy for Female Students, Munich
Center for Mathematical Philosophy, 23-29 July, 2017
- "Gödel's Reception of Turing's
Model of Computability: the 'Shift of Perception' in 1934", CiE 2017, History and
Philosophy of Computing Special Session, Turku, June, 2017.
- "Tarski and 'the mathematical'",
Model Theory: Philosophy, Mathematics and Language, Munich, January, 2017.
- "On Gödel's reception of Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems."
Images of Mathematics lecture series, ETH, Zurich, 5-6 December, 2016
- Images of Mathematics lecture series, ETH, Zurich, 5-6 December,
- "Squeezing Arguments and Strong Logics", Working Group in the History
and Philosophy of Logic, Mathematics, and Science (HPLMS) UC Berkeley,
November 16th, 2016
- Set Theoretic Pluralism symposium, Aberdeen July 12-18, 2016
- "Tarski and the 'mathematical'", Society for
the Study of Analytic Philosophy, Denver, June 16-18, 2016
- Philosophy of Mathematics Seminar, University of Oxford, November 30, 2015.
- Entanglement and Formalism Freeness: Templates from Logic and Set Theory, Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Helsinki, August, 2015.
- Keynote, Fourth Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of the
History of Analytical Philosophy, Trinity College Dublin, 4-6 June 2015.
Selected publications (in chronological order)
- On regular reduced products, with Saharon Shelah,
Journal of Symbolic Logic, Volume 67, Number 3, Sept. 2002.
History of Logic (vols. 1, 2), editors Juliette Kennedy and
Gabriel Sandu, Synthese, volume 137 (1-2), 2003.
On embedding models of arithmetic into reduced powers,
8th Workshop on Logic, Language, Informations and Computation---WoLLIC'2001
Mat. Contemp. 24 (2003), 91--115.
- On embedding models of arithmetic of
cardinality aleph_1 into reduced powers, with Saharon Shelah,
Fundamenta Mathematicae, Volume 176, Issue 1, 2003. (dvi,
On the Philosophical Development of Kurt Gödel, with Mark van Atten,
Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, Volume 9, Issue 4, December 2003. pages 425-476.
- More on regular reduced products, with Saharon Shelah,
Journal of Symbolic Logic, Volume 69, Issue 4, December 2004.
- Gödel's Modernism: On Set-Theoretic Incompleteness, with Mark van Atten,
Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal, volume 25, number 2, 289--349, 2004
- Incompleteness - A Book Review,
Notices of the American Mathematical Society April 2006,
- On Applications of Transfer Principles in Model Theory, with Jouko Väänänen,
in Set Theory: Recent Trends and Applications (A. Andretta ed.),
Quaderni di Matematica, vol 17, 2007, 111-136.
- Kurt Gödel,
An entry in the
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2007.
- Review of “Kurt Gödel: Das Album”,
by Sigmund, Dawson and Mühlberger,
The Mathematical Intelligencer vol. 29, issue 3, pp. 73-75, 2007.
- Regular Ultrafilters and Finite Square Principles, with Saharon Shelah, and Jouko Väänänen,
Journal of Symbolic Logic 73(2), 2008, 817-823.
- On Gödel's Logic, with Mark van Atten,
The Handbook of the History of Logic, volume 5, Elsevier, 2009, 449-509.
- Gödel's Modernism: On Set Theoretic Incompleteness, Revisited, with Mark van Atten,
in Logicism, Intuitionism and Formalism: What has become of them?,
edited by Sten Lindström, E. Palmgren, K. Segerberg, and V. Stoltenberg-Hansen, Springer, 2009, 303-356.
- Review of the Princeton Companion to Mathematics, T. Gowers, ed.,
Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol 15(4), December 2009, 431-436.
- Review of The Autonomy of Mathematical Knowledge by Curtis Franks, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol. 17(1), 119-122, March, 2011.
- Set Theory, Arithmetic, and Foundations of Mathematics Edited by: Juliette Kennedy, University of Helsinki, and Roman Kossak, City University of New York, Cambridge University Press, Lecture Notes in Logic 36, 2011.
- Can the Continuum Hypothesis be Solved?, The Institute Letter, Institute for Advanced Study, Fall 2011.
- Gödel's Thesis: An Appreciation, in Horizons of Truth, Proceedings of the Gödel Centenary, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
- Hilbert's Twenty-fourth Problem: On the Aesthetic of Simplicity in Mathematics. Arkadia Gazette, Helsinki, January 2012.
- Set Theory, Classical and Constructive,
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, volume 163, issue 10, pages 1359-1446 (October 2012).
Guest editor with Jaap van Oosten.
Invited papers from the meeting of the same name in Amsterdam, May 6-7, 2010.
- On Formalism Freeness:
Implementing Gödel's 1946 Princeton Bicentennial Lecture,
Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, volume 19, issue 3,
September 2013, 351-393. MathSciNet review.
- Review of After Gödel
by Richard Tieszen, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, Oct 2013.
Review of Defending the Axioms: On the Philosophical Foundations of Set Theory by Penelope Maddy, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, March 2014.
- Interpreting Gödel: Critical Essays, edited volume, Cambridge University Press, 2014.
- Gödel's 1946 Princeton Bicentennial Lecture: An Appreciation, in Interpreting Gödel: Critical Essays, Cambridge University Press, 2014.
- On the "Logic without Borders" Point
of View,
Logic without Borders: Essays on Set
Theory, Model Theory, Philosophical Logic and
Philosophy of Mathematics,
edited by Åsa Hirvonen,
Juha Kontinen, Roman Kossak and Andrés Villaveces,
de Gruyter, 2015, 1-14.
- Aesthetics and the Dream of Objectivity: Notes from Set Theory, with J. Väänänen, for the proceedings of the 2011 conference Mathematical Evidence, University of Oslo. Inquiry, 58(1), 2015, 83-98.
Regular Ultraproducts at Regular Cardinals,
with S. Shelah, and J. Väänänen,
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 56:3, 2015.
Inner Models from Extended Logics, with M. Magidor and J.
Väänänen. Isaac Newton
Institute preprint series, January 2016.
- Turing, Gödel and the "Bright Abyss", in: Philosophical Explorations of the Legacy of Alan Turing (edited by J. Floyd and A. Bokulich), Proceedings of the conference Turing 100 at Boston University, November 2012, Springer, 2017.
- Three Moments in the Life of the Mathematical Diagram: Notes on the Syntax/Semantics Distinction,
for the volume Mathematical Concepts edited by L. de Freitas, N. Sinclair and A. Coles. Cambridge University Press, 2017.
- Squeezing Arguments and Strong Logics,
with J. Väänänen, Proceedings of LMPS 2016, Hannes Leitgeb, Ilkka Niiniluoto, Elliott Sober, and Päivi Seppälä, editors, 2017.
- Gödel's Reception of Turing's Model of Computability: the 'Shift of Perception' in 1934, Proceedings of CiE 2017, Unveiling Dynamics and
13th Conference on Computability in Europe,
CiE 2017, Turku, Finland, June 12-16, 2017.
Jarkko Kari, Florin Manea, Ion Petre (eds.)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10307 (2017).
- The System that Destroys Itself,
or Greenberg's Modernism & the Liar's Paradox, with Michael Maizels, Crisis and Critique, Vol 5(1), 2018.
- Kurt Gödel and the mechanization of mathematics, Times Literary Supplement, April 20, 2018.
- Remarks on Heller-Roazen's No One’s Ways: An Essay on Infinite Naming, Syndicate, 2019.
- Gödel, Tarski and the lure
of natural
language: logical entanglements,
formalism-freeness, Cambridge University Press, 2020.
- Gödel and the Integrated Self, or: On the Philosopher's Second Sailing. Theoria, 2020.
- Mapping Traces, co-editor (with Andrés Villaveces and Maria Clara Cortés), Special issue of Theoria, vol. 87, issue 4, August 2021.
- Inner Models from Extended Logics: Part 1,
with M. Magidor and J. Väänänen. Journal of Mathematical Logic Vol. 21, No. 2 (2021). Available in arXiv.
- Inner Models from Extended Logics: Part 2, with M. Magidor and J. Väänänen. Available in arXiv. To appear.
- Logicality and model classes, with J. Väänänen. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 27(4), 385-414, 2021. Available in arXiv.
- Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems, Cambridge Elements series,
- "Review of Floyd and Mühlhölzer on Wittgenstein's Annotations to Hardy,"
Philosophia Mathematica, June 2022.
- "Second Philosophy and the Depth Metaphor", in volume
The Philosophy of Penelope Maddy, Sophia Arbeiter, Juliette Kennedy, editors, Springer series Outstanding Contributions to Logic, to appear.
- "On: One True Logic", Reasoner, special issue on infinite reasoning, Volume 16, Number 7, October 2022.
- "Gödel, Turing and the Iconic/Performative Axis," special issue 'Turing the Philosopher: Established Debates and New Developments,' D. Proudfoot, editor, Philosophies 2022, 7(6), 141; https://doi.org/10.3390/philosophies7060141.
- "A conversation with Hugh Woodin," with Beau Mount, in
The Philosophy of Penelope Maddy, Outstanding Contributions to Logic, edited by Sophia Arbeiter and Juliette Kennedy, Springer.
- The Philosophy of Penelope Maddy, co-editor (with Sophia Arbeiter) of essay collection, Springer series Outstanding Contributions to Logic, 2024.
- "Boris Zilber and the model-theoretic sublime", Model Theory, vol. 3 (2), 2024.
- A semantic decomposition of the Liar Paradox,
or: when is a paradox not a paradox? With J. Väänänen.
For the volume The Liar Paradox, Classic Philosophical
Arguments series of Cambridge University Press, Lorenzo Rossi, editor,
to appear.
- "How first order is first order logic?" with J. Väänänen, for The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Logic, editors: Elke Brendel, Massimiliano Carrara, Filippo Ferrari, Ole Hjortland, Gil Sagi, Gila Sher, Florian Steinberger, Oxford University Press, to appear.
Works in progress
- "On the set theoretic content of logic(s)", Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Set Theory, Venturi et al, eds.
- Aesthetics and Mathematics, co-authored with Andrew Arana, Cambridge Elements series.
- On the syntax/semantics distinction, in preparation.
- "What can philosophy do for set theory?", proceedings of conference, WCPDFST, Journal of Philosophical Logic
Publications - Art
- Logic Unfettered: European and American Abstraction Now,
Museumbrief, Mondrian House Publications, 2007.
- Book Review: Matti Kujasalo, Galerie Anhava Publications,
2010. Taide & Design, 10 (2010) 212--213.
- "Fred Sandback", Taide & Design, 11 (February 2011), 40-47.
- "Interview with Andy Goldsworthy", Taide & Design, 13 (July
2011), 47-53.
- "Andy Goldsworthy", Pori Art Museum Publications, July 2011, pp.
- "Kant, Co-production, Actuality and Pedestrian Space: On the
Philosophical Writings of Fred Sandback",
for the volume Simplicity: Ideals of Practice in Mathematics and the Arts,
Roman Kossak and Philip Ording, eds., Springer, 2017.
- "On the Art of Gabriel de la Mora", catalogue essay, Perrotin Gallery, New
York, March 2019.
- "Fred Sandback at the University of Helsinki", catalogue essay, University of Helsinki, 2024.
Curatorial Projects
- Exhibition: Logic Unfettered: European and American Abstraction Now. Mondriaan Huis, Amersfoort, Netherlands, November 2, 2007 to April 12, 2008.
Review in NY Arts/Art Fairs International, September 2008, vol.13, #7/8, pp. 22-23: Notes on "Logic Unleashed - European and American Abstraction Now" at Mondrian House by Marek Bartelik.
Poster, Aesthetics and Mathematics.
- Exhibition: Fred Sandback at Pori. Pori Art Museum,
Pori, Finland. February 4 - May 29, 2011. Review in Helsingin Sanomat 24.2.2011 Section C3, and in ARTFORUM
- Exhibition: Andy Goldsworthy. Pori Art Museum,
Pori, Finland. June 10 - September 4, 2011. Review in Helsingin Sanomat 11.6.2011
- Exhibition: Silent Watch: Contemporary Prints from Finland. IPCNY, New York, September 15 - October 27, 2011. Toured to Elaine L. Jacob Gallery at Wayne State University.
- The Wor(l)d, with artists Maria Clara Cortes and Taina Riikonen, curated by Juliette Kennedy and Merja Polvinen, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, 18 May – 19 June, 2015.
- Fred Sandback at the IHP, Institut Henri Poincare, Paris,
October 2 - November 11, 2017
- Fred Sandback at the University of Helsinki, May 8 - August 31, 2023.
Press release.,
Review, Helsingin Sanomat.
Awards and Prizes
Juliette Kennedy
Associate professor (suom. yliopistonlehtori), emer.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
P.O. Box 68 (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2b)
FI-00014 University of Helsinki,
tel. (+358-9)-191-51446, fax (+358-9)-191-51400
e-mail: juliette.kennedy@helsinki.fi
Wikipedia: Juliette Kennedy