Statistical Methods for Medical Research

Matti Pirinen, University of Helsinki

This page contains the material for the course on Statistical Methods for Medical Research given at UH. It is given for students of the Degree programme in Medicine and Dentistry as well as to PhD students at UH. Students must register through Sisu.

The course is given in a fully remote teaching mode in fall of 2023, starting on week 38 (Mon 18.9.2023).

Teacher: Matti Pirinen.


The course consists of 8 topics. Each topic has a set of home exercises to be done with the R language. The solutions to the home exercises are returned by Monday 9am each week. An exercise session will be available in Moodle the same Monday at 10am latest. In case you find something to correct in your solutions after watching the exercise session, the corrected version of the exercises should be returned to Moodle by the following Monday 9am (the same deadline as for the home exercises of the following week).

Weekly tasks on weeks 1 — 8.

Week 1 ("Topic 1")


Materials in table below (except some of the data files) are by Matti Pirinen and distributed under CC-BY-SA license. Sources of the data files are given in the corresponding home exercises. To save the files to your computer, set your cursor on top of the filename and right-click and "Save As". On a Mac touchpad, "right-click" is a two-finger click. If you view lecture files with a web browser, click "Refresh" from your browser to make sure you are always looking at the most recent version.

Week Topic Learn R Lecture Home Exercises Other files
1 1.Intro Rscript browser pdf Rmd Rmd pdf RunningR.pdf Rmarkdown_intro.Rmd systbp_ldlc.txt
2 2.P-value Rscript browser pdf Rmd Rmd pdf
3 3.Estimation Rscript browser pdf Rmd Rmd pdf
4 4.Continuous data Rscript browser pdf Rmd Rmd pdf beers.csv prostate.txt systbp_ldlc.txt
5 5.Statistical power Rscript browser pdf Rmd Rmd pdf hypothesis_testing.pdf
6 6.Linear regression I Rmd browser pdf Rmd Rmd pdf Davis_height_weight.txt prostate.txt systbp_ldlc.txt
7 7.Linear regression II Rscript browser pdf Rmd Rmd pdf Davis_height_weight.txt prostate.txt UN98.csv
8 8.Logistic regression Cheat sheet browser pdf Rmd Rmd pdf Arrests.csv Wells.csv
Extra Statistical thinking browser pdf Rmd

Contact: matti.pirinen'at'

Updated: 17-Sep-2023