Matti Pirinen, PhD, Statistics


Matti Pirinen, 2017

Professor of Statistics
Department of Mathematics and Statistics &
Department of Public Health
University of Helsinki, Finland

Director of Life Science Informatics Msc Programme

Research Group Leader
Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM)
University of Helsinki, Finland

Contact: matti.pirinen 'at'



I work with statistical and population genetics. In particular, methodologies related to

I am a member of the Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence in Complex Disease Genetics 2018-2025.


I have a title of Docent in Statistics at the Faculty of Science, University of Helsinki, Finland.

Msc programme in Mathematics and Statistics, University of Helsinki

Msc programme in Life Science Informatics, University of Helsinki

Degree programme in Medicine and Dentistry, University of Helsinki


PhD theses

Mathematically and statistically oriented students with interest in modern computational methods for high-dimensional problems, and/or students with interest in applications of computational methods in human genetics, be in touch by email.

Previously completed PhD theses that I have supervised are listed below.

Name Year Title Supervisors
Kerminen, Sini 2021 Fine-scale genetic structure and polygenic scores in Finland M. Pirinen (UH) & S. Ripatti (UH)
Benner, Christian 2019 FINEMAP: a statistical method for identifying causal genetic variants M. Pirinen (UH) & S. Ripatti (UH)
Cichonska, Anna 2018 Machine learning for systems pharmacology J.Rousu (Aalto), T.Aittokallio (UH), M.Pirinen (UH)

Master's theses

I have supervised over 15 Msc theses. Msc students interested in Msc theses in statistics in general, or statistical genetics / statistical population genetics in particular, be in touch by email.

Examples of completed Msc theses that I have supervised at University of Helsinki are listed below.

Name Year, University Title
Ottensmann, Linda 2020, UH Comparing the performance of the gene prioritization methods DEPICT and MAGMA on genome-wide association studies of schizophrenia using the Benchmarker framework
Hautakangas, Heidi2018, UH LD Score regression for estimating and partitioning heritability of lipid levels in the Finnish population
Ruotsalainen, Sanni2017, UH Univariate and multivariate statistical tests in genetic association studies
Kerminen, Sini2015, UH Genetic population structure in Finland: an advantage of haplotype information over independent genetic markers


Previous positions


Contact: matti.pirinen'at'

Updated: 14-Nov-2024