After Frost et al, 2006, with Recent species from Frost, 2000-2002 [“AMNH Amphibian species of the World”]

Alternative phylogeny after Gao & Shubin, 2012

Alternative phylogeny after Winkler, Murry & Jacobs, 1990, Larson, 1996 [“The Tree of Life”] and Shishkin, 2000

Alternative phylogeny after Trueb, 1993

<==o Diadectosalamandroidei Frost et al., 2006 [taxonomic history] (true salamanders; aitosalamanterit)
   |--o Hydatinosalamandroidei Frost et al., 2006
   |  |--o Perennibranchia Latreille, 1825 sensu Frost et al., 2006
   |  |  |-- Proteiidae Gray, 1825 [taxonomic history] (mudpuppies & waterdogs; olmiensukuiset salamanterit)
   |  |  `-- Sirenidae Gray, 1825 [taxonomic history] (sirens; mutaliskot)
   |  `--o Treptobranchia Frost et al., 2006
   |     |-- Ambystomatidae Gray, 1850 [incl. Dicamptodontidae Tihen, 1958] [taxonomic history] (aksolotlit ja sukulaiset)
   |     `-- Salamandridae Goldfuss, 1820 [taxonomic history] (newts and “true salamanders”; vesiliskot ja aitosalamanterit)
   `--o Plethosalamandroidei Frost et al., 2006
      |--o Rhyacotriton Dunn, 1920 [Rhyacotritonidae Tihen, 1958] (torrent salamanders; koskisalamanterit, länsirannikon-)
      |  |--+-- R. olympicus (olympiankoskisalamanteri)
      |  |  `-- R. kezeri
      |  `--+-- R. cascadae (kaskadivuortenkoskisalamanteri)
      |     `-- R. variegatus
      `--o Xenosalamandroidei Frost et al., 2006
         |-- Amphiumidae Gray, 1825 emend. Gray, 1850 [taxonomic history] (amphiumas, congo eels; ankeriasliskot)
         `-- Plethodontidae Gray, 1850 [taxonomic history] (lungless salamanders; keuhkottomat salamanterit)

Fossil diadectosalamandroids:

Apricosiren ensomi Evans & McGowan, 2002; L.Cret. WEu.
    †Beiyanerpeton jianpingensis Gao & Shubin, 2012; L.Jur. EAs.
    †Calverpeton Estes & Sanchíz, 1982; L.Cret. WEu.
    †Comonecturoides marshi Hecht & Estes, 1960
    †Hylaeobatrachus croyii Dollo, 1884; L.Cret. WEu.
    †Valdotriton gracilis Evans & Milner, 1996; L.Cret. WEu.

    †Scapherpetontidae Auffenberg & Goin, 1959 [are ambystomatoids (Shishkin, 2000)??]
        †Eoscapherpetontinae Nesov, 1981
            †Horezmia gracile Nesov, 1981
            †Eoscapherpeton Nesov, 1981
                †E. asiaticum Nesov, 1981
                †E. superum Nesov, 1997
        †Scapherpetontinae (Auffenberg & Goin, 1959)
            ?†PiceoerpetonScapherpeton tectum [Hedronchus, Hemitrypus]

    o †Batrachosauroididae Auffenberg, 1958 [are proteoids (Shishkin, 2000)??]
    |?- †Mynbulakia surgayi Nesov, 1981
    |?- †Peratosauroides problematica U. Mioc. SWNA.
    |-- †Parrisia neocesariensis Denton & O'Neill, 1998; CNA.
    `--+-- †Prodesmodon copei Estes, 1964 [Cuttysarkus]
       `--+--o †Opisthotriton
          |  |-- †O. kayi
          |  `-- †O. gidleyi
          `--+-- †Batrachosauroides
             `-- †Palaeoproteus

After Gao & Shubin, 2012

<==o Salamandroidea
   |-- †Beiyanerpeton
   `--+--+-- Amphiumidae
      |  `--+-- Proteidae
      |     `-- Sirenidae
      `--+-- †Valdotriton
         |-- Ambystomatidae
         `--+--+-- Rhyacotritonidae
            |  `-- Dicamptodontidae
            `--+-- Salamandridae
               `-- Plethodontidae


  • Gao, K.-Q. & Shubin, N. H., 2012: Late Jurassic salamandroid from western Liaoning, China.
    –Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: Vol. 109, #15, pp. 5767-5772 [doi: 10.1073/pnas.1009828109]

After Winkler, Murry & Jacobs, 1990, Larson, 1996 [“The Tree of Life”] and Shishkin, 2000

<==o Salamandroidea
   |?- †Apricosiren
   |?- †Calverpeton
   |?- †Comonecturoides
   |?- †Hylaeobatrachus
   |-- †Iridotriton
   `--+-- †Valdotriton
      `--+--+-- Plethodontidae
         |  `-- Amphiumidae
         `--+-- Rhyacotritonidae
            |-- Proteidae
            `--o Salamandroidea
               |-- Salamandridae
               `--o Ambystomatoidea
                  |-- Dicamptodontidae
                  `-- Ambystomatidae


After Trueb, 1993

<==o Salamandroidea
   |--+-- Proteidae
   |  `-- Amphiumidae
   `--+--+-- Sirenidae
      |  `-- Plethodontidae
      `--+-- Salamandridae
         |?- Dicamptodontidae
         |?- Rhyacotritonidae
         `-- Ambystomatidae
