After Larson, 1996 [“The Tree of Life”], with Recent species from Frost, 2000-2002 [“AMNH Amphibian species of the World”]

<==o Sirenidae Gray, 1825 [taxonomic history] (sirens; mutaliskot)
   |?- †Habrosaurus dilatus [Adelphesiren]
   |--o Pseudobranchus Gray, 1825
   |  |?- †P .robustus
   |  |?- †P. vetustus
   |  |-- P. axanthus ()?
   |  `-- P. striatus (dwarf siren; kääpiömutalisko; juovamutalisko)
   `--o Siren Österdam, 1766 [non Linnaeus, 1767]
      |?- †S. dunni
      |?- †S. hesterna
      |?- †S. miotexana
      |-- S. lacertina (greater siren; isomutalisko)
      `-- S. intermedia (intermediate siren; pikkumutalisko)
