Publications of Jouko Väänänen
Model theory
- Remarks on generalized quantifiers and second-order
logics. In Set theory and hierarchy theory, Prace Naukowe
Instytutu Matematyki Politechniki Wroclawskiej, Wroclaw,
vol. 14 (1977), pages 117-123.
- Remarks on free quantifier variables, In J. Hintikka,
I. Niiniluoto and E. Saarinen, editors, Essays on mathematical
and philosophical logic pages 267-272, Reidel, 1978.
- On the axiomatisability of the notion of
an automorphism of a finite order, with
Dionysis Anapolitanos. Zeitschrift für Mathematischen
Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 26(5):433-437, 1980.
- A quantifier for isomorphism, Zeitschrift
für Mathematischen Logik und Grundlagen der
Mathematik 26 (1980), pages 123-130.
- Decidability of some logics with free
quantifiers variables, with Dionysis Anapolitanos.
Zeitschrift für Mathematischen Logik und
Grundlagen der Mathematik 27:17-22, 1981.
- On orderings of the family of all logics,
with Michał Krynicki. Archiv für Mathematischen
Logik 22:141-158, 1982.
- Vector spaces and binary quantifiers, with
Michał Krynicki and Alistair Lachlan. Notre Dame Journal
of Formal Logic 25(1):72-78, 1984.
- A hierarchy theorem for Lindström quantifiers,
In M. Furberg et al, editors, Logic and abstraction,
pages 317-323, Acta Philosophica Gotheburgensia 1, 1986.
- Henkin and function quantifiers, with Michał
Krynicki. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 43:273-292, 1989.
- On Scott and Karp trees of uncountable models,
with Tapani Hyttinen. Journal of Symbolic Logic 55(3):897-908, 1990.
- The Härtig-quantifier. A survey, with Heinrich
Herre, Michał Krynicki and Alexandr Pinus. 1153-1183,
Journal of Symbolic Logic 56(4), 1991.
- Partially ordered connectives, with Gabriel
Sandu. Zeitschrift für
Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik,
38:361-372, 1992.
A Note on Extensions of Infinitary Logic, with Saharon Shelah,
Archive for Mathematcial Logic, 44:1, 63-69, 2005. In arxiv.
Barwise: Abstract model theory and generalized quantifiers, Bulletin of
Symbolic Logic, vol. 10:1, 2004, 37-53.
- Abstract Model Theory as a Framework for Universal Logic, with Marta
García-Matos, Logica Universalis (J.-Y. Beziau, ed.), Birkhäuser, 2005,
- Recursive Logic Frames, with Saharon Shelah,
Math. Logic Quart. 52, No. 2 (2006).
Balder ten Cate, Johan van Benthem and Jouko Väänänen.
theorems for fragments of first-order logic. Proceedings of LICS 2007,
pp 280-292. Journal version: Logical Methods in Computer Science 5(3) (2009) 1 - 27.
How complicated can structures be?
Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde.
June 2008, 117-121.
The Craig interpolation theorem in abstract model theory. Synthese 164 (2008), no. 3, 401--420.
- On second order characterizability, with Tapani Hyttinen and Kaisa Kangas. Logic Journal of the IGPL
(2013) 21 (5): 767-787.
- Models and Games,
Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics (No. 132)
Cambridge University Press, 2011, pp. 380.
- Lindström's Theorem, in: Universal Logic: An Anthology
(Beziau, Jean-Yves (Ed.)), Springer, 2012, 231 - 236.
Kennedy, S. Shelah, and J. Väänänen,
Regular Ultrapowers at Regular Cardinals, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 56:3, 2015, 417 - 428. ArXiv: arXiv:1307.6396 [math.LO].
- An Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé Game for Lomega1omega, with Tong Wang. Mathematical Logic Quarterly 59,
No 4-5, 357-370 (2013).
- Breaking the atom with Samson. In: Computation, Logic, Games, and Quantum Foundations. The Many Facets of Samson
Essays Dedicated to Samson Abramsky on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday.
Editors: Bob Coecke, Luke Ong, Prakash Panangaden, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 7860, 2013, pp. 327-335.
- On the symbiosis between model-theoretic and set-theoretic
properties of large cardinals, with Joan Bagaria.
Journal of Symbolic Logic 81(2), 584-604 (2016).
- An overview of Saharon Shelah's contributions to
mathematical logic, in particular to model theory, Theoria, 87(2), 349-360, 2021.
- Logicality and model classes, with Juliette Kennedy. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 27(4), 385-414, 2021, Link. Available in arXiv.
- Chain logic and Shelah's infinitary logic,
with M. Džamonja, Israel Journal of Mathematics vol. 245, pages 93-134, 2021.
Available online, also in
- Tractability Frontier of Data Complexity in Team Semantics, with Arnaud Durand, Nicolas de Rugy-Altherre, and Juha Kontinen,
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 23 (1), 1-21, 2022. Full version of #125.
Available in ArXiv.
- Positive logics, with S. Shelah.
Archive for Mathematical Logic 62, 207-223, (2023). Available in arXiv.
- When cardinals determine the power set: inner models
and Härtig quantifier logic, with P. Welch, Mathematical Logic Quarterly 69 (2023), no. 4, 460-471. Available also in
- The strategic balance of games in
logic. In: Samson Abramsky on Logic and Structure in Computer Science and Beyond (edited by Alessandra Palmigiano and Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh),
Volume 25 in the series "Outstanding Contributions to Logic", Springer, 2023, 755-770.
- On highly equivalent non-isomorphic countable models of arithmetic and set theory, with Tapani Hyttinen. To appear.
- Bounded Symbiosis and Upwards Reflection,
with Lorenzo Galeotti and Yurii Khomskii, to appear in Archiv for Mathematical Logic. Available in arXiv.
- On some infinitary logics, with Boban Velickovic. To appear. Available in arXiv.
- Cartagena logic, with Siiri Kivimäki and Andres Villaveces, to appear. Available in
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