After Spencer & Benton, 2000, Spencer & Sues, 2000, Reisz & Scott, 2002, de Beaga, 2003, Modesto, Damiani, Neveling & Yates, 2003, and Cisneros, Damiani, Schultz, de Rosa, Schwanke, Neto & Aurélio, 2004
<==o †Procolophonoidea Romer, 1956 |?- †Xenodiphyodon petraios Sues & Olsen, 1993 |--o Owenettidae Broom, 1939 | |-- †Barasaurus besairei Piveteau, 1955 | |-- †Ruhuhuaria reiszi Tsuji, Sobral & Müller, 2013 | `--+-- †Owenetta rubidgei Broom, 1939 [Colubrifer campi Carroll, 1982] | `--+-- †Saurodektes rogersorum (Modesto, Damiani, Neveling & Yates, 2003) Modesto, Damiani, Neveling & Yates, 2004 [Saurodectes rogersorum Modesto, Damiani, Neveling & Yates, 2003; non †Saurodectes Rasnitsyn & Zherikhin, 2000, a extinct louse (Insecta: Phthiriaptera)] | `--+-- †Candelaria barbouri Price, 1946 | `-- †“Owenetta” kitchingorum Reisz & Scott, 2002 `--o †Procolophonidae Cope, 1889 sensu Säilä, 2009 [non Seeley, 1888; non Lydekker, 1890] [incl. †Sclerosauridae] |-- †Coletta seca Gow, 2000 |?- †Kinelia broomi Bulatov, 2002 |-- †Pintosaurus magnidentis Piñeiro, Rojas & Ubilla, 2004 `--+-- †Sauropareion anoplus Modesto, Sues & Damiani, 2001 `--+-- †Gomphiosauridion baileyae Sues & Olsen, 1993 |--o †Theledectinae Cisneros, 2008 | |-- †Theledectes perforatus (Gow, 1977) Modesto & Damiani, 2003 [Thelegnathus, in partim] | `--o †Eumetabolodon Li, 1983 [Eumetabolodan Cisneros, 2008 (lapsus calami)] | |?- †E. bathycephalus Li, 1983 | `-- †E. dongshengensis Li, 1983 |?-o Spondylolestinae Ivakhnenko, 1979 [paraphyletic? assemblage of basal procolophonoids] | |-- †Neoprocolophon asiaticus Young, 1957 | |-- †Phaanthosaurus ignatjevi Tchudinov & Vjuschkov, 1956 | |-- †Procolophonoides baini (Broom, 1905) Ivakhnenko, 1982 [Procolophon baini Broom, 1905; Procolophon trigoniceps Owen; Colbert & Kitching, 1975] | `?- †Spondylolestes rubidgei Broom, 1937 `--+--o †Contritosaurus Ivakhnenko, 1974 [paraphyletic Spondylolestinae] | |-- †C. convector Ivakhnenko, 1974 | `-- †C. simus Ivakhnenko, 1974 `--+--o †Tichvinskia Tchudinov & Vjuschkov, 1956 | |-- †T. vjatkensis Tchudinov & Vjuschkov, 1956 | `-- †T. jugensis Tchudinov & Vjuschkov, 1956 `--+--+-- †Koiloskiosaurus coburgensis v. Huene, 1913 [Koiliskiosaurus; Koiloskiosaurus koburgensis (lapsus calami?)] | `--+?-o †“Sclerosauridae” [treated as pareiasauroids by Lee (1995)] | | |?- †Basileosaurus freyi Wiedersheim, 1879 | | `-- †Sclerosaurus armatus v. Meyer, 1859 [Aristodesmus] | `--+?- †Thelegnathus browni Broom, 1905 (nomen dubium sensu Modesto & Damiani, 2003) | |?- †Thelerpeton oppressus (Gow, 1977) Modesto & Damiani, 2003 [Thelegnathus, in partim] | |?- †Thelephon contritus (Gow, 1977) Modesto & Damiani, 2003 [Thelegnathus, in partim] | |?- †Teratophon spinigenis (Gow, 1977) Modesto & Damiani, 2003 [Thelegnathus, in partim] | `--o †Leptopleuroninae Ivakhnenko, 1979 | |?- †Paoteodon huanghoensis Chow & Sin, 1960 (nomen dubium?) | |?- †Scoloparia glyphanodon Sues & Baird, 1998 | |-- †Libognathus sheddi Small, 1997 | `--o †Leptopleuronini | |-- †Hypsognathus fenneri Gilmore, 1928 | `-- †Leptopleuron lacertinum Owen, 1851 [Telerpeton elginense Mantell, 1852] `--o †Procolophoninae Lydekker, 1890 (non Seeley, 1888 emend. Romer, 1956) Ivakhnenko, 1979 |--o †Anomoiodon von Huene, 1939 | |-- †A. liliensterni von Huene, 1939 | |-- †A. huenei | `-- †A. krejcii |-- †Burtensia burtensis (Otschev, 1958) Ivakhnenko 1975 |-- †Insulophon morachovskayae Novikov, 1992 [jr. synon. of Orenburgia bruma?] |--o †Kapes Ivakhnenko, 1975 [?Macrophon, ?Orenburgia Ivakhnenko, 1975, Samaria Novikov, 1991, Lestanshoria Novikov, 1991] | |-- †K. amaenus Ivakhnenko, 1975 | |-- †K. majmesculae (Otschev, 1968) [Tichvinskia majmesculae Otschev, 1968, Orenburgia majmesculae (Otschev, 1968)] | `-- †K. serotinus Novikov, 1991 |-- †Lestanshoria massiva Novikov, 1991 [jr. synon. of Orenburgia?] |-- †Macrophon komiensis Ivakhnenko, 1975 |-- †Microthelodon parvus (Broom, 1936) Romer, 1966 [Thelegnathus parvus Broom, 1905] |-- †Myocephalus crassidens Broom, 1936 |--o †Orenburgia Ivakhnenko, 1975 | |-- †O. enigmatica (Tchudinov & Vjuschkov, 1956) [Tichvinskia enigmatica Tchudinov & Vjuschkov, 1956] | `-- †O. bruma Ivakhnenko, 1983 |--o †Procolophon Owen, 1876 | |-- †P. trigoniceps Owen, 1876 [P. minor Owen, 1876; P. griersoni Seeley, 1878; P. cuneiceps Seeley, 1878; P. laticeps Seeley, 1878; P. platyrhinus Seeley, 1905; P. sphenorhinus Seeley, 1905] | |-- †P. pricei Lavina, 1983 | `-- †P. brasiliensis Cisneros & Schultz, 2002 |-- †Samaria concinna (Ivakhnenko, 1975) [Orenburgia concinna Ivakhnenko, 1975, Samaria Novikov, 1991] |-- †Soturnia caliodon Cisneros & Schultz, 2003 `-- †Timanophon raridentatus Novikov, 1991
Procolophonoidea incertae sedis:
†Acadiella psalidodon Sues & Baird, 1998 †Colognathus obsurus Case, 1928 †Estheriophagus chatangensis Novojilov, 1948 †Haligonia bolodon Sues & Baird, 1998 †Myognathus †Santaisaurus yuani Koh, 1940 †Suchonosaurus minimus Tverdokhlebova & Ivakhnenko, 1994 [a non-procolophonoid? (Cisneros, 2008)] †Vitalia grata Ivakhnenko, 1973 [a non-procolophonoid?]
After Cisneros, 2008 (fig. 4)<==o †Procolophonidae |-- †Coletta seca |-- †Pintosaurus magnidentis |-- †Sauropareion anoplus `--+-- †Phaanthosaurus spp. `--+--o †Theledectinae | |-- †Theledectes perforatus | `-- †“Eumetabolodon” dongshengensis `--+-- †Tichvinskia vjatkensis `--+--o †Procolophoninae | |--+-- †Timanophon raridentatus | | `--+-- †Kapes spp. | | `-- †Thelephon contritus | `--+-- †Eumetabolodon bathycephalus | `--+-- †Procolophon trigoniceps | |-- †Thelerpeton oppressus | `-- †Teratophon spinigenis `--o †Leptopleuroninae |-- †Pentaedrusaurus ordosianus `--+-- †Neoprocolophon asiaticus `--+--+-- †Sclerosaurus armatus | `-- †Scoloparia glyphanodon `--+-- †Leptopleuron lacertinum `--+-- †Hypsognathus fenneri `-- †Soturnia caliodon Reference(s):
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