After Baez & Pugener, 1998, Henrici & Báez, 2001, “The Tree of Life”, and Báez & Harrison, 2005, with Recent species from Frost, 2000-2002 [AMNH Amphibian species of the World]

<==o Pipidae Gray, 1825 [taxonomic history] (kielettömät sammakot)
   |--o Pipinomorpha Báez & Pugener, 2003
   |  |-- †Eoxenopoides reuningi
   |  `--+-- †Vulcanobatrachus mandelai Trueb, Ross & Smith, 2005; U.Cret. SAf.
   |     `--o Pipinae Gray, 1825
   |        |--o Pipa Laurenti, 1768 (kennokonnat) [Pipini Gray, 1825]
   |        |  |-- P. arrabali
   |        |  |-- P. aspera
   |        |  |-- P. carvalhoi
   |        |  |-- P. myersi
   |        |  |-- P. parva
   |        |  |-- P. pipa (kennokonna)
   |        |  `-- P. snethlageae
   |        `--o Hymenochirini Bolkay, 1919 sensu lato
   |           |--+-- †Pachybatrachus
   |           |  `-- †Singidella latecostata Báez & Harrison, 2005 [Pipinae genera et species indet. (Báez, 2000)]
   |           `--o Hymenochirini Bolkay, 1919 sensu Henrici & Báez, 2001
   |              |-- Pseudhymenochirus merlini Chabanaud, 1920
   |              `--o Hymenochirus Boulenger, 1896 (pikkukynsisammakot)
   |                 |-- H. boettgeri
   |                 |-- H. boulengeri
   |                 |-- H. curtipes
   |                 `-- H. feae
   `--o Xenopodinomorpha Fitzinger, 1843 sensu  Báez & Pugener, 2003 [Dactylethrinae Hogg, 1838]
      |-- †Saltenia
      `--+-- †Shelania pascuali Casamiquela, 1960; Pal. SA. [†“Xenopus” pascuali]
         `--+--+-- †“Xenopus” romeri Pal. SA.
            |  |-- †“Shelanialaurenti Baez & Pugener, 1998
            |  `-- †Llankibatrachus
            `--o Xenopodini Fitzinger, 1843 [Xenopodinae Fitzinger, 1843] (isokynsisammakot)
               |--o Silurana Gray, 1864
               |  |-- S. tropicalis
               |  `-- S. epitropicalis
               `--o Xenopus Wagler, 1827 (kynsisammakot)
                  |?- †X. arabiensis U. Olig. SWAs.
                  |?- †X. stromeri L. Mioc. SWAf.
                  |?- X. amieti
                  |?- X. andrei
                  |?- X. boiei Wagler, 1827
                  |?- X. borealis
                  |?- X. boumbaensis
                  |?- X. clivii
                  |?- X. gilli
                  |?- X. largeni
                  |?- X. pygmaeus
                  |?- X. ruwenzoriensis
                  |--o X. longipes -group
                  |  `-- X. longipes
                  |--o X. vestitus-wittei -group
                  |  |-- X. vestitus
                  |  `-- X. wittei
                  |--o X. fraseri -group
                  |  `-- X. fraseri
                  |--o X. Mülleri -group
                  |  `-- X. Mülleri
                  `--o X. laevis -group
                     `-- X. laevis (kynsisammakko)
