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K. Väkeväinen, M. Rajatora, T. Ahlgren, E. Rauhala and J. Räisänen, Exfoliation process of InP caused by 1 H and 4 He ion implantation and its correlation with ion range parameters,
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E. Vainonen, T. Ahlgren, J. Likonen, P. Haussalo and J. Keinonen, Hydrogen migration in diamondlike carbon (DLC) films,
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T. Ahlgren, J. Likonen, J. Slotte, J. Räisänen, M. Rajatora and J. Keinonen, Concentration dependent and independent Si diffusion in ion implanted GaAs,
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R. Salonen, A. Seppälä, T. Ahlgren, E. Rauhala and J. Räisänen, Characteristics of PIXE channeling and its application to ZnSe thin films,
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J. Slotte, R. Salonen, T. Ahlgren, E. Rauhala, J. Keinonen, J. Räisänen, P. Uusimaa, A. Salokatve, M. Pessa and A. Laakso, Diffusion of Au in ZnSe and its dependence on crystal quality,
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J. Slotte, A. Laakso, T. Ahlgren, E. Rauhala, R. Salonen, J. Räisänen, A. Simon, I. Uzonyi, A. Kiss and E. Somorjai, Influence of surface topography on depth profiles obtained by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry,
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L. Khriachtchev, E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, T. Sajavaara, T. Ahlgren and J. Keinonen, Stability of Si-C films prepared by a pulsed arc discharge method: Thermal treatment and heavy-ion irradiation,
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E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, T. Ahlgren, J. Likonen, S. Lehto, J. Keinonen, W. Li and J. Haapamaa, Identification of vacancy charge states in diffusion of arsenic in germanium,
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E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, T. Ahlgren, J. Likonen, S. Lehto, T. Sajavaara, W. Rydman, J. Keinonen, and C. H. Wu, Deuterium diffusion in silicon doped diamondlike carbon films,
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P. Laukkanen, S. Lehkonen, P. Uusimaa, M. Pessa, A. Seppälä, T. Ahlgren and E. Rauhala, Emission studies of InGaN layers and LEDs grown by plasma-assisted MBE,
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E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, E. Aro, T. Ahlgren, L. Khriachtchev, J. Marles, S. Haukka and M. Tuominen, Atomic layer chemical vapour deposition of hafnium and zirconium silicate thin films,
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K. Heinola, T. Ahlgren, W. Rydman, J. Likonen, L. Khriachtchev, J. Keinonen and C. H. Wu, Effect of Hydrogen on Flaking of Carbon Films on Mo and W,
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T. Ahlgren, K. Heinola, E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, J. Likonen and J. Keinonen, Quantification of deuterium irradiation induced defect concentrations in tungsten,
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T. Kurki-Suonio, V. Hynönen, T. Ahlgren, K. Nordlund, K. Sugiyama, R. Dux and the ASDEX Upgrade Team, Fusion tritons and plasma-facing components in a fusion reactor,
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T. Ahlgren, K. Heinola, N. Juslin and A. Kuronen, Bond-order potential for point and extended defect simulations in tungsten,
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T. Nikitin, K. Aitola, S. Novikov, M. Räsänen, R. Velagapudi, J. Sainio, J. Lahtinen, K. Mizohata, T. Ahlgren, and L. Khriachtchev, Optical and structural properties of silicon-rich silicon oxide films: Comparison of ion implantation and molecular beam deposition methods,
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M. Rieth, J. L. Boutard, S. L. Dudarev, T. Ahlgren, S. Antusch, et al., Review on the EFDA Programme on Divertor Materials Technology and Science,
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Yi-Nan Liu, T. Ahlgren, L. Bukonte, K. Nordlund, Xiaolin Shu, Yi Yu, Xiao-Chun Li, and Guang-Hong Lu, Mechanism of vacancy formation induced by hydrogen in tungsten,
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K. Nordlund, C. Björkas, T. Ahlgren, A. Lasa and A. E. Sand, Multiscale modelling of plasma-wall interactions in fusion reactor conditions,
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K. Heinola, J. Likonen, T. Ahlgren, S. Brezinsek, G. De Temmerman, I. Jepu, G.F. Matthews, R.A. Pitts, A. Widdowson and JET Contributors, Long-term fuel retention and release in JET ITER-Like Wall at ITER-relevant baking temperatures,
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X. Litaudon, S. Abduallev, M. Abhangi, P. Abreu, M. Afzal, K.M. Aggarwal,
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K. Heinola, T. Ahlgren, S. Brezinsek, T. Vuoriheimo, S. Wiesen, JET Contributors, Modelling of the effect of ELMs on fuel retention at the bulk W divertor of JET,
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Tommy Ahlgren, Pasi Jalkanen, Kenichiro Mizohata, Vladimir Tuboltsev, Jyrki Raisanen, Kalle Heinola and Pertti Tikkanen, Hydrogen isotope exchange in tungsten during annealing in hydrogen atmosphere,
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J. Heikinheimo, K. Mizohata, J. Räisänen, T. Ahlgren, N. Catarino, E. Alves, and F. Tuomisto, Direct observation of mono-vacancy and self-interstitial recovery in tungsten,
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Tommy Ahlgren and Kalle Heinola, Improvements to the Sink Strength Theory Used in Multi-Scale Rate Equation Simulations of Defects in Solids,
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A. Liski, T. Vuoriheimo, P. Jalkanen, K. Mizohata, E. Lu, J. Likonen, J. Heino, K. Heinola, Y. Zayachuk, A. Widdowson, K.-K. Tseng 5, C.-W. Tsai, J.-W. Yeh, F. Tuomisto and T. Ahlgren, Irradiation Damage Independent Deuterium Retention in WMoTaNbV,
Materials 15 (2022) 7296.
T. Vuoriheimo, A. Liski, P. Jalkanen, T. Ahlgren, K. Mizohata, K. Heinola, Y. Zayachuk, K.-K. Tseng 5, C.-W. Tsai, J.-W. Yeh, F. Tuomisto, Hydrogen isotope exchange experiments in high entropy alloy WMoTaNbV,
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