Mikko's Phylogeny Archive

PanicMain Groups of Jawed Vertebrates

  Sarcopterygii - families  


<==o Sarcopterygii (Flesh-finned bonefishes; lihaseväiset kalat)
   |  `-- †Onychodontidae
   `--+--o COELACANTHINIMORPHA [Actinistia] (latimeriansukuiset varsieväkalat; coelacanths)
      |  |-- Miguashaiidae [paraphyletic?]
      |  `--+-- †Diplocercidae
      |     `--+?- †Euporosteidae
      |        `--+?- †Rhabdodermatidae
      |           `--+?- †Hadronectoridae
      |              `--+-- †Laugiidae
      |                 `--+-- †Whiteiidae
      |                    `--o COELACANTHIFORMES
      |                       |-- †Coelacanthidae
      |                       `--+-- †Mawsoniidae
      |                          `-- Latimeridae [jr. synon. to Coelacanthidae??] (latimeriat)
      `--o Choanata ["Rhipidistia"] (sisäsieraimelliset)
         |--o Dipnomorpha (keuhkokalamaiset; lungfish-like sarcopterygians)
         |  |--o †Porolepiformes
         |  |  |-- †Porolepidae
         |  |  `--o †Holoptychioidea
         |  |     `-- †Holoptychidae
         |  `--o Dipnoiformes (lungfishes; keuhkokalat)
         |     |-- †Powichthyidae
         |     `--+-- †Youngolepidae?
         |        `--o Dipnoi [Dipneusti]
         |           |-- †Diabolepidae?
         |           `--+-- †Uranolophidae [Uranolophina:]
         |              `--o Dipnorynchina
         |                 |?- †Holodontidae
         |                 |-- †Dipnorhynchidae
         |                 `--o Speonesydrionina? [tooth-plated dipnoans]
         |                    |-- †Chirodipteridae
         |                    |-- †Stomiahykidae
         |                    `--+== †Dipteridae
         |                       |-- †Rhynchodipteridae
         |                       `--+-- †Fleurantiidae
         |                          `--+-- †Phaneropleuridae
         |                             |-- †Ctenodontidae
         |                             |-- †Sagenodontidae
         |                             `--+-- †Conchopomidae
         |                                `--+-- †Uronemidae
         |                                   `--o Ceratodiformes [incl. Lepidosireniformes] (Recent lungfishes; nykykeuhkokalat)
         |                                      |--+-- †Asiatoceratodontidae
         |                                      |  `--+-- †Ptychoceratodontidae
         |                                      |     `--+-- †Ceratodontidae
         |                                      |        `-- Neoceratodontidae [Ceratodidae] (australiankeuhkokalat)
         |                                      `--o Lepidosireniformes
         |                                         |-- †Gnathorhizidae
         |                                         `-- Lepidosirenidae [Protopteridae] (siimaeväkeuhkokalat)
         `--o Tetrapodomorpha [Osteolepimorpha] (maaselkärankaismaiset varsieväkalat; terrestrial vertebrate-like sarcopterygians)
            |--o †Rhizodontida
            |  `-- †Rhizodontidae
            `--o Osteolepida [Osteolepiformes]
               |-- †Osteolepididae
               |?- †Thysanolepidae
               `--+-- †Megalichthyidae
                  `--+-- †Canowindridae
                     `--+-- †Tristichopteridae
                        `--o †Elpistostegalia [Panderichthyida]
                           |-- †Elpistostegidae
                           |-- †Panderichthyidae
                           `-- TETRAPODA sensu Goodrich 1930 (maaselkärankaiset; landvertebrates = four-limbed vertebrates(tetrapods))


Ahlberg, P. E., Clack, J. A. & Lukésevics, E. 1996: Rapib braincase evolution between Panderichthyes and the earliest tetrapods. –Nature: vol. 381, 2 May, pp. 61-64. Ahlberg, P. E. & Milner, A. R. 1994: The origin and early diversification of tetrapods. –Nature: vol. 368, 7 April, pp. 507-514. Ahlberg, P. E. & Johanson, Z. 1998: Osteolepiforms and the ancestry of tetrapods. –Nature: Vol. 395, 22 October, pp. 792-794

Carroll, R. L., 1988: Vertebrate paleontology and evolution.
–W. H. Freeman and company, New York, 1988, 698

Carroll, R. L., 1988: Appendix. 594-648
in Carroll, R. L., 1988: Vertebrate paleontology and evolution.
–W. H. Freeman and company, New York, 1988, 698

Carroll, R. L. 1996: Revealing the patterns of macroevolution. –Nature: vol. 381, 2 May, pp. 19-20. Cloutier, R. & Ahlberg, P. E., 1996: Morphology, characters, and the interrelationships of basal sarcopterygians in Stiassny, M. L. J. et al., 1996: Interrelationships of Fishes. --Academic Press, San Diego, 1996, xiv-496 Forey, P. L., Ahlberg, P. E., Luksevics, E.& Zupins, I., 2000: A new coelacanth from the Middle Devonian of Latvia. –Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology: Vol. 20, #2, pp. 243-252 Kemp, A., 1998: Skull structure in post-Paleozoic lungfish. –Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology: Vol. 18, #1, pp. 43-63

Long, J. A., 1995: The Rise of Fishes: 500 million years of evolution.
–Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore & London, pp. 1-223

Johanson, Z. & Ahlberg, P. E., 1998: A complete primitive rhizodont from Australia. –Nature: Vol. 394, 6 August, pp. 569-573 Zhu, M., Yu, X. & Janvier, P., 1999: A Primitive fossil fish sheds light on the origin of bony fishes. –Nature: vol. 397, February 18, pp. 607-610


© Mikko Haaramo,

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