After Mould, 1995-1997, McEachran, Miyake & Dunn, 1996 and Williams, G. S., 1999-2000

<==o Rajiformes Berg, 1940 [Rajoidei] (true rays; aitorauskut)
   |--o Rhinobatoidea [Rhinobatiformes] (kitararauskut; guitarfishes) [paraphyletic sensu McEachran, Miyake & Dunn, 1996 and Shirai, 1996]
   |  |?-o †Pseudohypolophus Cappetta & Case, 1975
   |  |  `-- †P. mcnultyi (Thurmond, 1971) [Hypolophus mcnultyi Thurmond, 1971]
   |  |?-o Rhinidae [Rhynchobatidae] sensu Mould, 1995 ()? [6]
   |  |  |-- Rhina ancylostoma Bloch & Schneider, 1801
   |  |  `--o Rhynchobatus Müller & Henle, 1837, Cret. Af. Eoc. Mioc. Eu. R. Oc.
   |  |     |-- R. djiddensis (Forskal, 1775)
   |  |     |-- R. laevis (Bloch & Schneider, 1801)
   |  |     |-- R. luebberti Ehrenbaum, 1914
   |  |     |-- R. yentinensis Wang, 1933
   |  |     |-- R. australiae Whitley, 1939
   |  |     |-- R. sp.1 [Compagno]
   |  |     `-- R. sp.2 [Compagno]
   |  `-- Rhinobatidae Müller & Henle, 1838 sensu lato (Capetta, 1987, Carroll, 1988 and Nelson, 1994) [incl. Platyrhinidae sensu Mould, 1995] (kitararauskut; guitarfishes)
   `--o Rajoidea [Rajidae sensu Nelson, 1994; Rajiformes sensu Mould, 1995] (rauskut; true rays)
      |?- †Dynatobatis ?Plioc. SA. 
      |?- †Acanthobatis Mioc. Eu. 
      |?- †Cyclobatis U. Cret. SWAs. 
      |?- †Oncobatis Plioc. NA. 
      |?- †Pararaja expansa U. Cret. SWAs.
      |?- †Platyspondylus L.-U. Cret. NAf.
      |-- Rajidae (rauskut)
      `--+-- Anacanthobatidae
         `--o Arhynchobatidae
            |-- Arhynchobatinae
            `--+-- Riorajinae
               `-- Pavorajinae
