Mikko's Phylogeny Archive
  Mikko's Phylogeny Archive Non-Avian Archosaur Groups
  "Meercrocodiler" - sea crocodiles  

After Clark, 1994

<==o †"Unnamed group" (sea crocodiles; merikrokotiilit)
   |?- †Eutretauranosuchus [is a goniopholidid? (Tykoski, T. B. Rowe, Ketcham & M. W. Colbert, 2002)]
   `--+?- †Dyrosauridae
      `--+-- †Pholidosauridae
         `--o THALATTOSUCHIA (sea crocodiles; merikrokotiilit)
            |-- †Pelagosuchus
            `--+-- †Teleosauridae
               `-- †Metriorhynchidae


Brochu, C. A. 1997: A review of "Leidyosuchus" (Crocodyliformes, Eusuchia) from the Cretaceous through Eocene of North America.
–Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology: vol. 17, #4, pp. 679-697

Carroll, R. L., 1988: Vertebrate paleontology and evolution.
–W. H. Freeman and company, New York, 1988, 698

Carroll, R. L., 1988: Appendix. 594-648.
in Carroll, R. L. 1988: Vertebrate paleontology and evolution.
–W. H. Freeman and company, New York, 1988, 698

Clark, J. M. 1994: Patterns of evolution in Mesozoic Crocodyliformes. 84-97
in Fraser, N. C. & Sues, H-D. 1994: In the Shadow of the Dinosaurs.
--Cambridge University Press, New York. 1994

Storrs, G. W. & Efimov, M. B., 2000: Mesozoic crocodyliforms of north-central Eurasia. 402-419
in Benton, M. J., Shishkin, M. A., Unvin, D. M. & Kurochkin, E. N., (eds.) 2000: The Age of Dinosaurs in Russia and Mongolia.
--Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000 xxxix-696


© Mikko Haaramo, / Last updated 2003-01-28 / http://www.mv.helsinki.fi/home/mhaaramo