After Wilkinson & Nussbaum, 1999, with Recent species from Frost, 2000- [“AMNH Amphibian species of the World”]
<==o Typhlonectinae Taylor, 1968 [Typhlonectidae] (vesimatosammakot) |--o Chthonerpeton Peters, 1880 | |-- C. arii | |-- C. braestrupi | |-- C. exile | |-- C. indistinctum | |-- C. onorei | |-- C. perissodus | `-- C. viviparum `--+-- Nectocaecilia petersii (Boulenger, 1882) Taylor, 1968 `--+--o Typhlonectes Peters, 1880 | |-- T. compressicauda (sysimatosammakko) | |-- T. cunhai | `-- T. natans `--+-- Potomotyphlus kaupii Taylor, 1968 `-- Atretochoana eiselti Nussbaum & Wilkinson, 1995
- Bockstanz, L., 1997: Herpetology: Amphibian Diversity: Gymnophiona.
–iNet: University of Texas: - Frost, D. R., 2000-: Amphibian species of the World: An Online Reference.
–iNet: American Museum of Natural History, Department of Herpetology: - Jenkins, F. A. Jr., & Walsh, D. M., 1993: An Early Jurassic caecelian with limbs.
–Nature: Vol. 365, 16 September, pp. 246-250 - Wilkinson, M. & Nussbaum, R. A., 1999: Evolutionary relationships of the lungless caecilian Atretochoana eiselti (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Typhlonectidae).
–Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society: vol. 126, #2, pp. 191-223