The module 3 of the FDPE core course on macroeconomics.
Master's and PhD field course
Will start on January 17, and continue on Tuesdays 16-18, Place: sh 2
ovat finanssipolitiikan kertoimet
Master's course on Macroeconomics.
Masters' (and PhD - see the course website) course on econometrics of
macroeconomics. Shares some material
of the "Structural Macroeconometrics" course below. See syllabus.
I will accept PhD students to the course too. They will obtain tuned
exercises and exam. See the course website!
Syksy 2013
FDPE Macroeconomic Theory: Part II, spring 2012 — Section 2: Monetary Theory
The forthcoming FDPE course will be pretty similar to the 2011
version. The current link directs you to the Trondheim version of the
Department of
Economics at NTNU (Trondheim, Norway), Ph.D.
course: Macroeconomics
and monetary policy
May 2011
Syksy 2011
FDPE Macroeconomic Theory: Part II, spring 2011 — Section 2: Monetary Theory
The forthcoming FDPE course will be pretty similar to the 2010
version. See the course
web site!
FDPE Macroeconomic Theory: Part II, spring 2010 — Monetary Theory
Course syllabus.
It has a formal website that also contains section 1 (Markus' part).
information regarding the section 2 that introduces monetary policy to
macro models can be found from my site.
Monetary Policy in Dynamic Macro Models
- Read the syllabus.
- Logistics
from University of Turku website. Thursday 27 November at 3-7 pm,
Friday 28 November 9-12 am, Department of Economics, lecture room
(sali) 209.
- Lecture notes
(I will polish them on Thursday morning)
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Politiikan ja talouden tutkimuksen laitos teemasta "Korkojen
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