from “Paleobiology Database”
<==o †“Tommotiida” Missarzhevsky, 1970 |?-o †Mitrosagophora Bengtson, 1977 | |-- †Bercutia cristata Missarzhevsky & Mambetov, 1981 | |-- †Geresia rugosa Missarzhevsky & Mambetov, 1981 | |-- †Kelanella | |-- †Lugoviella ojmuranica | |-- †Paterimitra pyramidalis Laurie, 1986 | |-- †Porcauricula | |-- †Sonella rostriformis | `--o †Tommotia [Camenella] [Tommotiidae Missarzhevsky, 1970] | |-- †T. plana | |-- †Camenella admiranda | |-- †Camenella baltica | |-- †Camenella garbowskae | |-- †Camenella kozlowskii | |-- †Camenella parilobata | `-- †Camenella reticulosa |?- †Coleolida |?-o †Hyolithelminthes Fischer, 1962 | |-- †Beklemishevites | |-- †Byronia | |-- †Ivanovites | |-- †Koksuja | |-- †Phosphannulus | |-- †Sokolovites | |-- †Thorslundella | `-- †Torellelloides |?-o †Paiutiida Tynan, 1983 | |-- †Huaiyuanella | `-- †Paiutitubulites |?-o †Sabelliditida Sokolov, 1965 | |-- †Acanthocassis | |-- †Acidocharacus | |-- †Anhuiella | |-- †Calyptrina | |-- †Paleolina | |-- †Parasabellidites | |-- †Saarina | |-- †Sabellidites | `-- †Sokoloviina |?-o †Volborthellida | |-- †Ellisella | |-- †Volborthella | `-- †Vologdinella |--o †Lapworthellidae Missarzhevsky, in Rozanov & Missarzhevsky, 1966 | `--o †Lapworthella Cobbold, 1921 [Stenothecopsis] | |-- †L. ablorta | |-- †L. annulata | |-- †L. cornu | |-- †L. dentata | |-- †L. fasciculata | |-- †L. gezhongwuensis | |-- †L. hubeiensis [=? L. hubeinensis] | |-- †L. nigra | |-- †L. puttapensis | |-- †L. rostriptutea | |-- †L. schodakensis | |-- †L. sinensis | |-- †L. subrectangulata | `?- †Stenothecopsis heraultensis |-- †Sunnaginia imbricata Rozanov et al., 1969 [Sunnaginiidae Landing, 1984] |--o †Tannuolinidae Fonin & Smirnova, 1967 | |--o †Micrina Laurie, 1986 | | |-- †M. etheridgei (Tate, 1892) | | |-- †M. pusilla | | |-- †M. ridicula | | `-- †M. xiaofanensis | |-- †Mirabella Barskova, 1988 | `--o †Tannuolina Fonin & Smirnova, 1967 | |-- †T. pavlovi | `-- †T. zhangwentangi |-- †Jaycea |-- †Kulparina rostrata |--o †Eccentrotheca Landing, Nowlan & Fletcher, 1980 | `-- †E. helenia Skovsted, Brock, Topper, Paterson & Holmer, 2011 `-- Brachiopoda (Lampshells; lonkerojalkaiset)
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