Mikko's Phylogeny Archive
  Mikko's Phylogeny Archive Main Groups of Protostomes

After Parker, 1982

   |--o ANOPLA
   |  |--o PALAEONEMERTEA [Palaeonemertini]
   |  |  |-- Carinomidae
   |  |  |-- Cephalothricidae
   |  |  |-- Hubrechtidae
   |  |  `-- Tubulanidae
   |  `--o HETERONEMERTEA [Heteronemertini]
   |     |-- Baseodiscidae
   |     |-- Lineidae
   |     |-- Poliopsiidae
   |     |-- Pussylineidae
   |     `-- Valenciniidae
   `--o ENOPLA
      |  `-- Malacobdellidae*
      `--o HOPLONEMERTEA [Hoplonemertini]
         |--o MONOSTILIFERA
         |  |-- Amphiporidae
         |  |-- Carcinonemertidae
         |  |-- Cratenemertidae
         |  |-- Emplectonematidae
         |  |-- Ototyphlonemertidae
         |  |-- Prosorhochmidae
         |  `-- Tetrastemmatidae
         `--o POLYSTILIFERA
            |--o REPTANTIA
            |  |--o ARCHIREPTANTIA
            |  |  `-- Siboganemertidae*
            |  `--o EUREPTANTIA
            |     |--o INAEQUIFURCATA
            |     |  |-- Drepanogigantidae
            |     |  |-- Drepanophorellidae
            |     |  |-- Drepanophoringiidae
            |     |  |-- Paradrepanophoridae
            |     |  `-- Uniporidae
            |     `--o AEQUIFURCATA
            |        |-- Brinkmanniidae
            |        |-- Coellidae
            |        |-- Drepanobandidae
            |        `-- Drepanophoridae
            `--o PELAGICA
               |--o ARCHIPELAGICA
               |  |-- Armaueriidae
               |  |-- Balaenanemertidae
               |  |-- Buergeriellidae
               |  |-- Nectonemertidae
               |  `-- Pelagonemertidae
               `--o EUPELAGICA
                  |-- Chuniellidae
                  |-- Dinonemertidae
                  |-- Pachynemertidae
                  |-- Phallonemertidae
                  |-- Planktonemertidae
                  `-- Protopelagonemertidae


Parker, S. P. (ed.), 1982: Synopsis and classification of living organisms. Vols. 1 & 2
–McGrew-Hill Book Company


© Mikko Haaramo, / Last updated 2003-02-13 / http://www.mv.helsinki.fi/home/mhaaramo