After Parker, 1982
<==o Ctenostomata |--o Carnosa | |--o Alcyonidioidea [Alcyonellea; Halcyonellea; Halcyonelloidea] | | |-- Benedeniporidae | | |-- Hislopiidae | | |-- Alcyonidiidae | | |-- Clavoporidae | | |-- Flustrellidridae | | `-- Pherusellidae | `--o PALUDICELLOIDEA | |-- Paludicellidae | |-- Arachnidiidae | |-- Nolellidae | |-- Victorellidae | |-- Immergentiidae | `-- Monobryozoontidae `--o STOLONIFERA |--o WALKERIOIDEA | |-- Walkeriidae | |-- Mimosellidae | |-- Triticellidae | `-- Hypophorellidae |--o PENETRANTRIOIDEA | `-- Penetrantriidae `--o VESICULARIOIDEA |-- Vesiculariidae |-- Buskiidae |-- Terebriporidae `-- Spathiporidae
- Clarkson, E. N. K., 1998: Invertebrate paleontology and evolution.
–Blackwell Science, 1998, xvi-452 - Parker, S. P. (ed.), 1982: Synopsis and classification of living organisms. Vols. 1 & 2
–McGrew-Hill Book Company