After Parker, 1982 and “The Tree of Life”
The “Tree of Life”-page this tree is based upon has been replaced with a polytomic one, without resolution.”
<==o Formicidae (ants; muurahaiset) |-- Formiciinae (metsämuurahaiset) `--+--+--+-- Aneuretinae | | |-- Dolichoderinae | | `-- Formicinae | `--+-- Myrmicinae (viholaismuurahaiset) | `--+-- Pseudomyrmecinae | `--+-- Nothomyrmeciinae | `-- Myrmeciinae `--+-- Ponerinae (pistimuurahaiset) |-- Leptanillinae |-- Apomyrminae `--+-- Leptanilloidinae `--+-- Cerapachyinae `--+-- Ecitoninae `--+-- Aenictinae |-- Aenictogitoninae `-- Dorylinae (valtajamuurahaiset)
- Lahti, S., Malmström, K. K., Koli, L., Leikola, A., Syrjämäki, J. & Lahti, J., 1980: Zoo, Suuri Eläinkirja 6: Selkärangattomat.
–Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö, Porvoo-Helsinki-Juva, 1980.
Original work [in French]: Beaut, Du Monde Animal XI & XII Invertébrés.
–Rizzoli Editore, Milano, 1968 - Tree of Life Web Project. 2002. Formicidae. Ants. Version 01 January 2002 (temporary).
– in The Tree of Life Web Project, - Parker, S. P. (ed.), 1982: Synopsis and classification of living organisms. Vols. 1 & 2
–McGrew-Hill Book Company