After Bulman, 1955, Parker, 1982, and Cameron, 2000-2004
<==o Enteropneusta Gegenbaur, 1870 [Enteropneusti Gegenbaur, 1870] (acorn worms; terhomadot) |?- Tornaria setoensis Miyashita, 1925 [larva] |?- Tornaria delsmanii Stiasny-Wijnhoff & Stiasny, 1927 [larva] |?- Tornaria ijimai Stiasny, 1928 [larva] |?- Tornaria yongei Trewavas, 1931 [larva] |?- Tornaria cairnsiensis Trewavas, 1931 [larva] |?- Tornaria colmani Trewavas, 1931 [larva] |?- Tornaria russelli Trewavas, 1931 [larva] |-- Torquarator bullocki Holland, Clague, Gordon, Gebruk, Pawson & Vecchione, 2005 [Torquaratoridae Holland, Clague, Gordon, Gebruk, Pawson & Vecchione, 2005] |--+-- †Spartobranchus tenius Caron, Conway Morris & Cameron, 2013; M.Camb. WNAm. | `-- Harrimanidae [incl. Protoglossidae] |-- Saxipedium coronatum Woodwick & Sensenbaugh, 1985 [Saxipendiidae] |-- Ptychoderidae `--o Spengalidae |--o Spengelia | |-- S. alba Willey, 1899 | |-- S. amboinensis Spengel, 1907 | |-- S. discors Spengel, 1907 | |-- S. maldivensis Punnett, 1903 | |-- S. porosa Willey, 1898 | `-- S. sibogae Spengel, 1907 |--o Glandiceps Spengel, 1893 | |-- G. abyssicola Spengel, 1893 | |-- G. bengalensis Rao, 1955 | |-- G. coromandelicus Spengel, 1907 | |-- G. eximius Spengel, 1907 | |-- G. hacksi Marion, 1885 | |-- G. malayanus Spengel, 1907 | `-- G. talaboti Marion, 1876 |--o Schizocardium | |-- S. peruvianum Spengel, 1893 | `-- S. braziliense Spengel, 1893 `-- Willeya bisulcata Punnett, 1906
- Anonymous, 2004: Australian Faunal Directory. (Updated: 2004-06-22)
–iNet: Australian Covernment: Department of the Environment and Heritage:; [visited: 2004-06-22] - Bulman, O. M. B., 1955: Part V - Grapholithina, with sections on Enteropneusta and Pterobranchia. xviii-V101.
in Moore, R. C. (ed.), 1955: Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology.
–University of Kansas Press and The Geological Society of America, Lawrence, Kansas, 1955. - Cameron, C. B., 2000: A comprehensive list of extant Hemichordata with links to images. (Updated: 2004-11)
–iNet:; [visited: 2005-02-23] - Caron, J.-B., Morris, S. C. & Cameron, C. B., 2013: Tubicolous enteropneusts from the Cambrian period.
–Nature: Advance online publication [doi: 10.1038/nature12017] - Holland, N. D., Clague, D. A., Gordon, D. P., Gebruk, A., Pawson, D. L. & Vecchione, M., 2005: 'Lophenteropneust' hypothesis refuted by collection and photos of new deep-sea hemichordates.
–Nature: Vol. 434, pp. 374-376 - Parker, S. P. (ed.), 1982: Synopsis and classification of living organisms. Vols. 1 & 2
–McGrew-Hill Book Company