After McKenna & Bell, 1997 and Delpero et al., 2001

Alternative phylogeny of Strepsirrhini after Marivaux et al., 2001

<==o Strepsirrhini É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1812 [Prosimii Illiger, 1811] (half-monkies, lemurs; puoliapinat)
   |?- †Azibius trerki
   |?- †Panobius afridi Russell & Gingerich, 1987
   |?- †Lushius qinlinensis Chow, 1961
   |?- †Shizarodon dhofarensis Gheerbrandt, et tal., 1993
   `--o Adapiformes Hoffstetter, 1977 [paraphyletic]
      |--o †Nothactidae Trouessant, 1879
      |  |-- †Cercamoniinae Gingerich, 1975
      |  |-- †Nothactinae Trouessart, 1879 [Pelycodinae]
      |  `?-o †Pondaunginae Ciochon & Holroyd, 1994 sensu Gunnell, Ciochon, Gingerich & Holroyd, 2002 [Amphipithecidae after Ducrocq et al., 2000]
      |     |-- †Siamopithecus eocaenus [Siamopithicini Gunnell, Ciochon, Gingerich & Holroyd, 2002]
      |     `--o †Pondaungini Ciochon & Holroyd, 1994
      |        |-- †Amphipithecus mogaungensis Colbert, 1937 [incl. A. bahinensis]
      |        `--o †Pondaungia Pilgrim, 1927
      |           |-- †P. cotteri Pilgrim, 1927 [incl. P. minuta Jaeger et al., 1998]
      |           `-- †P. savagei Gunnell, Ciochon, Gingerich & Holroyd, 2002
      `--+?- †Sivaladapidae
         |?- †Omanodon minor Gheerbrandt et al., 1993
         |-- †Adapidae
         `--o Lemuriformes Gregory, 1915
            |--+?- †Anchomomys gaillardi Stehlin, 1916 [has been treated as cercamoniine nothactid]
            |  `-- †Djebelemur martinezi Hartenberger & Marandat, 1992
            `--+-- †Plesiopithecus teras Simons, 1992 [Plesiopithecoidea Simons & Rasmussen, 1994: Plesiopithecidae Simons & Rasmussen, 1994]
               `--+-- †Karanisia clarki
                  |--o Lorisoidea Grey, 1821 [Lorisiformes Gregory, 1915]
                  |  |-- Galagidae Gray, 1825 non Mivart, 1864 (galagos; galagot)
                  |  `-- Lorisidae Grey, 1821 non Flower & Lydekker, 1891 [Loriidae] (lorises, lorit)
                  `--+--o Daubentonia É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1795 (sormieläimet, ai-ait) [Daubentoniidae Gray, 1863]
                     |  |-- D. madagascariensis É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1795 (aiai, sormieläin)
                     |  `-- †D. robusta Lamberton, 1934 (isoaiai)
                     `--+-- Cheirogaleidae Gray, 1872 (pikkumakit)
                        `--o Lemuroidea [paraphyletic, if Indroidea exclueded]
                           |-- Megaladapidae Forsyth-Major, 1894 (kärppämakit)
                           `--+-- Lemuridae Gray, 1821 (true lemurs; makit)
                              `-- Indrioidea [Archaeolemuridae, Palaeopropithecidae & Indridae] (indrinsukuiset makit; Indri-like lemurs)
