After Maylan & Ganko, 1997, Lapparent de Broin, 2000, Lapparent de Broin & Molnar, 2001, and Bona & de la Fuente, 2005, with Recent species from Uetz, Etzold & Chenna, 1995-2005 [“The Reptile Database”]

<==o Chelidae Gray, 1825 [Chelyidae] (käärmekaulakilpikonnat)
   |?- †Birlimarr gaffneyi Megirian & Murray 1999
   |?- †Parahydraspis paranaensis Wieland, 1923
   |?-o †Prochelidella Lapparent de Broin & de la Fuente, 2001; E.Cret. SSAm.
   |  |-- †P. argentinae Lapparent de Broin & de la Fuente, 2001
   |  |-- †P. portezuelae de la Fuente, 2003
   |  `-- †P. cerrobarcinae de la Fuente, Umazano, Sterli & Carballido, 2011
   |?- †Salamanchelys paleocena Bona, 2006
   |?- †Bonapartemys bajobarrealis Lapparent de Broin and de la Fuente 2001
   |?- †Lomalatachelys neuquina Lapparent de Broin and de la Fuente 2001
   |?- †Palaeophrynops patagonicus Lapparent de Broin and de la Fuente 2001
   |?- †Linderochelys rinconensis de la Fuente et al. 2007
   |?- Elusor macrurus Cann & Legler, 1994 [Elusor macrurus Cann & Legler; Cogger, 2000; Elusor macrurus Cann & Legler; Uetz, Etzold & Chenna, 1995-2005] (Mary River Turtle)
   |?-o Emydura [taxonomic history]
   |  |-- E. australis (Gray 1841) (Australian Big-headed Side-necked Turtle) [taxonomic history]
   |  |-- E. krefftii (Gray, 1871) (Krefft's River Turtle) [taxonomic history]
   |  |--o E. macquarrii (Gray, 1830) (Murray River Turtle) [taxonomic history]
   |  |  |-- E. m. macquarrii (Gray, 1830) (Murray River Turtle)
   |  |  |-- E. m. signata Ahl, 1932 (Brisbane Short-necked Turtle)
   |  |  |-- E. m. binjing Cann, 1998
   |  |  |-- E. m. dharra Cann, 1998 (Macleay River Short-necked Turtle)
   |  |  |-- E. m. gunnabarra Cann, 1998 (Hunter River Short-necked Turtle)
   |  |  |-- E. m. dharuk Cann, 1998
   |  |  |-- E. m. emmotti McCord, Cann & Joseph-Ouni, 2003 (Emmott's Short-necked Turtle )
   |  |  `-- E. m. nigra Cann, McCord & Joseph-Ouni, 2003 (Fraser Island Short-necked Turtle)
   |  |-- E. subglobosa (Krefft, 1876) (Red-bellied Short-necked Turtle; Diamond-head Turtle) [taxonomic history]
   |  |-- E. tanybaraga Cann, 1997 (Northern Yellow-faced Turtle)
   |  `-- E. victoriae (Gray, 1842) (Victoria Short-necked Turtle) [taxonomic history]
   |?- Pseudemydura umbrina Siebenrock, 1901 [Emydura inspectata Glauert, 1954; Pseudemydura umbrina Siebenrock; Cogger, 2000] R. Aust. (Western Swamp Turtle)
   |?-o Rheodytes Legler & Cann, 1980
   |  |-- †R. devisi Thomson, 2000
   |  `-- R. leukops Legler & Cann, 1980 (Fitzroy River Turtle; Bum Breathing turtle)
   |--o Elseya Gray, 1967; R. Aust. [taxonomic history]
   |  |-- †E. nadibajagu Thomson & Mackness, 1999
   |  |-- †E. uberima (De Vis, 1897) [Pelocomastes uberima De Vis, 1897]
   |  |-- E. dentata (Gray 1863) (Northern Australian Snapping Turtle 1) [taxonomic history]
   |  |?- E. georgesi Cann, 1997 (Bellinger River Turtle)
   |  |-- E. irwini Cann, 1997 (Irwin's Turtle) [taxonomic history]
   |  |-- E. latisternum Gray, 1867 (Northern Australian Snapping Turtle 2) [taxonomic history]
   |  |-- E. lavarackorum (White & Archer, 1994) (Lavarack's Turtle) [taxonomic history]
   |  |-- E. novaeguineae (Meyer, 1874) (New Guinea Snapping Turtle) [taxonomic history]
   |  `-- E. purvisi Wells & Wellington, 1985 (Manning River Turtle) [taxonomic history]
   `--+--o Platemys platycephala (Schneider, 1792) ((Western) Twist-neck Turtle)
      |  |-- P. p. platycephala (Schneider, 1792) 
      |  `-- P. p. melanonota
      `--+--o Acanthochelys R. SA.
         |  |-- A. macrocephala (Rhodin, Mittermeier & McMorris, 1984) (Big-headed Pantanal Swamp Turtle) [taxonomic history]
         |  |-- A. pallidipectoris (Freiberg, 1945) (Chaco Side-necked Turtle) [taxonomic history]
         |  |-- A. radiolata (Mikan, 1820) (Brazilian Radiolated Swamp Turtle) [taxonomic history]
         |  `-- A. spixii (Duméril & Bibron, 1835) (Black Spine-necked Swamp Turtle) [taxonomic history]
         |--o Phrynops [taxonomic history]
         |  |?- P. williamsi Rhodin & Mittermaier in Rhodin & Miyata, 1983 (William's Toadhead Turtle, William's South-American Side-necked Turtle)
         |  |--o (Phrynops)
         |  |  |-- P. (P.) geoffroanus (Schweigger, 1812) (Geoffroy's Toadhead Turtle, Geoffroy's Side-necked Turtle) [taxonomic history]
         |  |  |-- P. (P.) tuberosa (Peters, 1870) (Cotinga River Toadhead Turtle) [taxonomic history]
         |  |  |-- P. (P.) hilarii (Duméril & Bibron, 1835) (Hilaire's Toadhead Turtle, Hilaire's Side-necked Turtle) [taxonomic history]
         |  |  |-- P. (P.) hogei Mertens, 1967 (Hoge's Toadhead Turtle, Hoge's Side-necked Turtle) [taxonomic history]
         |  |  `-- P. (P.) rufipes (Spix, 1824) (William's Toadhead Turtle, Red-footed Amazon Side-necked Turtle) [taxonomic history]
         |  `--o (Batrachemys)
         |     |-- P. (B.) dahli Zangerl & Medem, 1958 (Dahl's Toadhead Turtle) [taxonomic history]
         |     |-- P. (B.) nasuta (Schweigger, 1812) (Guianan Toadhead Turtle, Common Toadheaded Turtle) [taxonomic history]
         |     |-- P. (B.) tuberculata (Luederwaldt, 1926) (Tuberculate Toadhead Turtle) [taxonomic history]
         |     |-- P. (B.) vanderhaegei Bour, 1973 (Vanderhaege's Toadhead Turtle) [taxonomic history]
         |     |-- P. (B.) gibba (Schweigger, 1812) (Gibba (Toadhead) Turtle) [taxonomic history]
         |     |-- P. (B.) heliostemma (McCord, Joseph-Ouni & Lamar, 2001) (Amazon Toadhead Turtle) [taxonomic history]
         |     |-- P. (B.) raniceps (Gray, 1855) (Black-lined Toadhead Turtle) [taxonomic history]
         |     |-- P. (B.) wermuthi Mertens 1969 (Western Toad-headed Turtle) [taxonomic history]
         |     `-- P. (B.) zuliae Pritchard & Trebbau, 1984 (Zulia Toadhead Turtle) [taxonomic history]
         `--+-- Chelus fimbriatus (Schneider, 1783) Mertens (& Müller?), 1934; R. SA. [taxonomic history] (matamata)
            `--+--o Chelodina Fitzinger, 1826; Mioc.-R. Aust. [taxonomic history]
               |  |-- †C. alanrixi Lapparent de Broin & Molnar, 2001
               |  |-- C. canni Mccord & Thomson, 2002
               |  |-- C. expansa Gray, 1857
               |  |-- C. kuchlingi Cann, 1997
               |  |-- C. longicollis (Shaw, 1794) (Common Snake-necked Turtle; pitkäkaulakilpikonna) [taxonomic history]
               |  |-- C. mccordi Rhodin, 1994 (McCord's Snakeneck Turtle) [taxonomic history]
               |  |-- C. novaeguineae Boulenger, 1888 (New Guinea Snake-necked Turtle) [taxonomic history]
               |  |-- C. oblonga Gray, in Gray, 1841 (Narrow-breasted Snake-necked Turtle) [taxonomic history]
               |  |-- C. parkeri Rhodin & Mittermeier, 1976 (Parker's Snake-necked Turtle) [taxonomic history]
               |  |-- C. pritchardi Rhodin, 1994 (Pritchard's Snakeneck Turtle)
               |  |-- C. reimanni Philippen & Grossmann, 1990 ()
               |  |-- C. rugosa Ogilby, 1890 (North Australian Snake-necked Turtle) [taxonomic history]
               |  |-- C. siebenrocki Werner, 1901 (Siebenrock's Snake-necked Turtle)
               |  `-- C. steindachneri Siebenrock, 1914 (Dinner-plate Turtle) [taxonomic history]
               `--o Hydromedusinae Baur, 1893
                  |--o †Yaminuechelys de la Fuente, Lapparent de Broin & Manera de Bianco, 2001
                  |  |-- †Y. gasparinii de la Fuente, Lapparent de Broin & Manera de Bianco, 2001
                  |  `-- †Y. maior (Staesche, 1929) sensu Bona & de la Fuente, 2005 [?Najadochelys maior Staesche, 1929; Osteopygis sculptus Staesche, 1929]
                  `--o Hydromedusa Cope, 1869
                     |?- †H. casamayorensis de la Fuente & Bona, 2002
                     |-- H. maximiliani (Mikan, 1820) (Maximilian's Snake-headed Turtle) [taxonomic history]
                     `-- H. tectifera Cope, 1869 (South American Snake-headed Turtle) [taxonomic history]

After Ferreira, G. S., Bronzati, M., Langer, M. C. & Sterli, J., 2018

<==o Chelidae
   |-- Emydura
   `--+--+-- Myuchelys
      |  `-- Elseya
      `--+-- Pseudemydura
         `--o Chelini
            |--+-- Acanthochelys
            |  `--+-- Platemys
            |     `--+-- Mesoclemmys
            |        `-- Phrynops
            `--o Chelina
               |-- Chelus
               `--+-- Chelodina
                  `--+-- Hydromedusa
                     `--+-- †Prochelidella
                        `--+-- †Bonapartemys
                           `-- †Yaminuechelys


  • Ferreira, G. S., Bronzati, M., Langer, M. C. & Sterli, J., 2018: Phylogeny, biogeography and diversification patterns of side-necked turtles (Testudines: Pleurodira).
    –Royal Society Open Science: Vol. 5, #3, 171773, pp. (1-17) [doi: 10.1098/rsos.171773]

After Georges, Birrell, Saint, McCord & Donnellan, 1999

<==o Chelidae
   |--o Hydromedusinae Baur, 1893
   |  |-- †Yaminuechelys
   |  `-- Hydromedusa
   `--+--o Chelidinae
      |  |-- Chelus
      |  `--+-- Phrynops
      |     `--+--+- Rhinemys
      |        |  `-- Mesoclemmys
      |        `--+-- Platemys
      |           `-- Acanthochelys
      `--o Chelodininae
         |-- Chelodina
         `--+-- Pseudemydura
            `--+-- Myuchelys
               `--+-- Elusor
                  `--+-- Rheodytes
                     `--+-- Emydura
                        `-- Elseya


  • Georges, A., Birrell, J., Saint, K. M., McCord, W. & Donnellan, S. C., 1999: A phylogeny for side-necked turtles (Chelonia: Pleurodira) based on mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequence variation.
    –Biological Journal of the Linnean Society: Vol. 67, #2, pp. (213-246) [doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8312.1999.tb01862.x]
