After Olson, 1985, Feduccia, 1980, 1996 and Ericson, 1996

Alternative phylogeny modified to accommodate Hughes, 2000.
<==o "The Land-bird Assemblage"
   |?- Cariamae Fürbringer, 1888 (Seriemas, phorusrhacids and relatives; käärmekurkimaiset nykylinnut) [possibly paraphyletic? (Olson, 1985)]
   `--+?- †Foro panarium [Foratidae]
      `--+?-o Opisthocomidae [Opisthocomiformes] (haisulinnut)
         |  |?- †Hoatzi sp.
         |  |-- †Hoazinoides magdalenae Miller, A.H., 1953
         |  `-- Opisthocomus hoazin (töyhtökana, haisulintu)
         |?-+?- Musophagidae [Musophagiformes] (turakot)
         |  `?- Accipitridae [Accipitriformes] (haukat)
         `--+?- Falconidae [Falconiformes] (jalohaukat)
            `--+?- Cuculiformes (käkilinnut)
               `--+?-o Pandionidae (sääkset, kalasääsket)
                  |  |?- †Pandionidae genera et species indet. aff. Pandion [Fayum, Egypt] [Rasmussen, Olson & Simons, 1987]
                  |  `--o Pandion Savigny, 1809 (sääkset, kalasääsket)
                  |     |-- †P. lovensis Becker, 1985
                  |     |-- †P. homalopteron Warter, 1976
                  |     `--+-- †P. sp. [Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina] [Olson & Rasmussen, 2001]
                  |        `-- P. haliaetus (Linneus, 1758) (sääksi, kalasääski)
                  |?-o Sagittariidae (sihteerilinnut)
                  |  |--o †Pelargopappus
                  |  |  |-- †P. schlosseri
                  |  |  `-- †P. magnus
                  |  `-- Sagittarius serpentarius (J.F. Miller, 1779) Hermann, 1783 (secretary bird; sihteeri)
                  `-- Anomalogonatae Garrod, 1874


This tree is collective tree based on works of Feduccia (1980, 1997) and Olson (1985). As such this is a deductive phylogeny, not a true analysis. In their opinion, most orders at the base of primitive landbird radiation are actually paraphyletic, and monophyletic groups are only recognizably at family-level, if at all.

Hughes (2000) has presented a recent phylogenetic analysis of Cuculidae (cockoos). In this work she uses a monophyletic Musophagiformes [Musophagidae + Ophistocomidae] as outgroup.
