The family of KK's mother's father Vihtori Vaara (Nyman), 1881-1962

The parents of Vihtori Vaara (Nyman) (this link contains pics of Vihtori, more of them can be found in this link), 24.4.1881 (Mäntsälä, Numminen, Takala) - 17.11.1962, here:

are Erik Nyman, 19.5.1841 (Pornainen, Kupsenkylä, Peisa) - 15.12.1926 and Maria Frisk, 30.9.1835 (Pornainen, Kirveskoski, Ruskeepää) - 5.8.1922. They were married on 25.5.1862.

The picture above was taken by the photographer A. Karell in Porvoo , date is before 1922 but when? Exactly the same table appears in a picture of Väinö Weckmann (Kalliokoski) taken in 1902.

During the hunger year 1866 they moved with 6 children to Helsinki to find some living. They were working in the construction of the present Uspensky Cathedral ("Venäjän kirkko"); Erik was a carpenter (his salary was 1 mk 40 penni/day), Maria carried mortar upstairs (her salary was 1 mk/day). They were housed by the Russian merchant Perkavoi, the rent was 9 mk/month.
In the autumn of the same year they worked in the construction of the Helsinki-St.Peterburg railway near the station of Lappila; Erik's salary was 1 mk 20 p/day.

The parents of Erik Nyman were farm worker (torpare, dräng,renki) Elias Johansson, 22.1.1822 (Pornainen, Kupsenkylä, Kalsola) and Gretha Mattsdotter, 28.8.1810 (Pornainen, Kirveskoski, Seppä) - 10.8.1845 (she died in giving birth, "barnsbörd", the baby lived 7.8.1845 - 5.9.1845 and died in "Messl" - measles?)

The grandparents of Erik Nyman were bondeson Johan Johansson (Pornainen, Kopsby, Kalsola), bondedotter Helena Andersdotter, 25.5.1798 (Pornainen, Halckis, Alhobacka) - , married on 12.10.1819 and Matts Johansson, Caisa Henricdotter, c. 1789

The parents of Maria Frisk were farm worker (dräng) Johan Henrik Mattson Frisk, 29.8.1808 (Pornainen, Iso-Laukkoski)- and Gretha Lisa Fredriksdotter, 2.7.1809 (Pornainen, Kupsenkylä, Filppula)- . They were married on 24.10.1830.

Maria Friskin isänisä oli Matts Frisk, jonka urasta kertoo Marian pojan Stefanuksen pojanpoika tässä.

Useimmat talot, joissa Nymanin pariskunta lapsineen asuivat, löytyvät Pornaisten, Halkian ja Askolan kartoista. Ja Askolan kirjastosta löytyi kaksi aivan fantastista kuvaa Yrjän talosta, tässä on kuva talon pihapiiristä ja tässä on kuva päärakennuksesta ja asukkaista, Astrid s. 1903, Irja s. 1913, Aino s. 1908, Fanny, August, Erik k. 1926, vuosiluvuista päätellen kuva on otettu noin 1925. Aivan kuin katsoisi ulkomuseoon: pärekatto, maalaamattomat hirret, reki, jne.

Vihtori Vaara's brothers and sisters

Reminiscences by Vihtori Vaara and others

Vihtori Vaaran muistelmat Nyman-Friskin suvun elämästä Pornaisissa/Askolassa ovat kokonaisuudessaan tässä, kiitos Marjatta Lehtolan ja Pertti Aaltosen.

Martti Virannan muistelmat isästään Martista ja hänen sisaristaan sisältävät merkittäviä tietoja Askolasta sisällissodan ajalta.

Marjatta Lehtola-Tyrväisen muistelmat Äitini tarinaa kuvaavat August Nurmen sukuhaaran elämää Askolassa

Augustin tytär sotaleski Aino Vuopio kirjoitti lyhyen Erik Nymanin elämäkerran. Filessä on myös näytteitä Askolan murteesta.

Seuraavassa on joukko Vihtori Vaaran muistelmien luonnoksia, lopullinen tulos on yllä linkatuissa muistelmissa. Luonnokset on talletettu Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuraan syksyllä 2015.

Here are reminiscenses of Vihtori's family. Note the somewhat dramatic start: on 2 March 1913 Vihtori gets a postcard from Aakusti telling that their father is seriously ill. On 8 March 1913 Vihtori is at his fathers bed. Clearly his father recovered, died only in 1926.

A particularly interesting story is a description of how Vihtori with his brother Aakusti drove by horse carriage from Askola to Helsinki to sell various farm products at the market in Helsinki.

Stories of Vihtori's brothers and sisters

Stories from the time of Vihtori's studies in Sortavala seminary

Vihtori bought a summer house on the Carelian isthmus in 1929 (and paid 29000 marks), which he fortunately sold in 1936 before Russia took the land.

The wedding of Vihtori's sister Amanda Nyman Alanne in 1887 was disturbed by a fight

A description of Vihtori's studies in Helsinki around 1910 and of a visit to Koivisto in 1943.

Various comments on life in Askola.

Two tragic reminiscences from the life of Saimi Vaara: her father hanged himself in 1911 and Vihtori thought that her youngest brother Altti took more that his fair share of the estate and Saimi herself suffered a cerebral infarction on 23 March 1962. What is most tragic with the latter is contained in the sentence "Sairaalaan pääsymahdollisuutta ei ollut", it took two days before she got to the hospital. Today she had immediately been rushed to first aid and had quite likely been treated skilfully and recovered substantially. In reality she remained bedridden for the rest of her life, until 8.4.1969.

Sirkku Kajantie, os Vaara, writes about life of the Vaara family, especially during the civil war in 1918. Note: Antinkatu = Lönnrotinkatu after 1928.