Randomness and order in the exact sciences

Quantum physics in the large and small

Wednesday 4 September 2013
House of the Estates
Säätytalo, Helsinki, Finland

Lars Bergström
Stockholm University
Professor of physics and Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Secretary of the Nobel Committee for Physics. Broad interests in particle and astroparticle physics.

Title: The mystery of the Dark Matter of the Universe.
Abstract: More than 80 % of the mass in the Universe seems to be missing. The need for this invisible, or dark, matter was first noted by Zwicky already in 1933, and has recently been more convincingly shown by data from the Planck satellite. But what is it? I will show how we hope to successively narrow down the possibilities by a combination of various novel experiments, guided by theory. Some interesting recent hints of dark matter signals will also be reviewed.
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