Hannele Niemi :


Hannele Niemi
Puh. +358 40 555 8975

Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta
PL 9 (Siltavuorenpenger 5 A)
FI-00014 Helsingin yliopisto

Tutkimus – Opettajankoulutukseen liittyvä tutkimus

Tärkeimpiä julkaisuja:

Jakku-Sihvonen, R. & Niemi, H. 2007. Introduction. In  Education as a societal contributor : reflections by Finnish educationalists. Ritva Jakku-Sihvonen &  Hannele  Niemi (eds.). - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Niemi, H. & Jakku-Sihvonen, R. 2006. In the front of the Bologna process : thirty years of   research-based teacher education in Finland. In Posodobitev pedagoških študijskih programov v mednarodnem kontekstu : Modernization of study programmes in teachers' education in  an international  context. - Ljubljana : Univerza v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fakulteta 2006. pp.. 50-69.

Niemi, H. 2006. Den finska forskningsorienterade lärarutbildningen - riktlinjer för utvecklingen från 1970-talet till Bolognaprocessen. I Læreruddannelsen i Norden. København: Forlaget UP - Unge Pædagoger, 33–50

Niemi, H. & Jakku-Sihvonen, R. 2006. In the front of the Bologna process: thirty years of research-based teacher education in Finland. In Jakku-Sihvonen. R & Niemi, H.(Eds.) Posodobitev pedagoških študijskih programovv mednarodnem kontekstu : Modernization of study  programmes in teachers' education in  an international context. - Ljubljana : Univerza v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fakulteta 2006, 50–69.

Jakku-Sihvonen, R. & Niemi, H.  2006. Introduction to the Finnish education system and teachers' work. In Jakku-Sihvonen & Niemi, H. (Eds.)  Research-based teacher education in Finland - reflections by Finnish teacher educators. Turku: Finnish  Educational Research Association, 7–13.

Niemi; H. 2005. ”Suomalainen opettajankoulutus valmiina jo pitkään eurooppalaiseen korkeakoulualueeseen. Teoksessa, Jauuku-Sihvonen, Ritva (Toim) Uudenlaisia maistereita : kasvatusalan koulutuksen kehittämislinjoja. - Jyväskylä : PS-Kustannus 2005. s. 187-218.

Jakku-Sihvonen, R. &  Niemi, H. 2005. Thirty years research-based teacher education - a Finnish case [Electronic] http://neraoslo2005.uio.no/Abstracts1.pdf, NERA congress: A nordic dimension in education and research - myth or reality?: abstracts, Nordic Educational Research Association, 33rd Congress, March 10–12, 2005. Oslo: University of Oslo, NERA 2005, 141.

Niemi, H. & Jakku-Sihvonen, R. 2005 Megelözve a Bologna folyamatot - 30 év kutatás alapú  tanárképzés Finnországban = In the front of the Bologna process - thirty years of research-based teacher education in Finland. In Pedagógusképzés. Budapest: Óvó- és  Tanítóképzö Föiskolák Egyesülete (OTE), Tanárképzök Szövetsége (TKSZ),  93–112.

Niemi, H. 2000. Teacher education confronting a moving horizon. Kumpulainen, K (Ed.) In search of powerful learning environments for teacher education in the 21st century. Oulu : Oulun yliopisto, Acta Universitatis Ouluensis. Series E. Scientiae rerum socialium 39, s. 16–29.

Niemi, H. 2000. The role of the teacher in the new millennium. International Conference of SIESC (2000). To face the challenges of our time - a new school for a new generation: proceedings. Ljubljana: Salve, 59–69.

Niemi, H. 2000. Teacher education in Finland - current trends and future scenarios. In Campos (Ed.), Teacher education policies in the European Union: proceedings of the Conference on Teacher Education Policies in the European Union and Quality of Lifelong Learning, Loulé (Algarve), 22 and 23 May 2000. Lisbon : Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, European Network on Teacher Education Policies, s. 51–64.

Niemi, H. 2000. ICT in Finnish teacher education - evaluation with special reference to active learning and democracy In Day, C. (Ed,) Educational research in Europe : yearbook 2000, Louvain: Garant, s. 139–153. N

Niemi, H. 1999. ICT in Teacher education. In (eds. Sinko, M. & Lehtinen, E.) The Challenges of ICT. Juva: Atena, 145–173.

Niemi, H. 1998. Promoting active learning in schools and teacher education. Pedagogical University of Tallin. Ed. Airi Liimets. 4 s.

Niemi, H. 1997. Effectiveness of teacher education. - A Theoretical framework and a design of the evaluation project. Papers from the 21st Annual Conference of the Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) held at the Univeristy of Srathclyde, Glasgow, September 1966. 321–338. (selected papers by a review process)


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