Gunilla Holm


Department of Education

Faculty of Behavioural Sciences

P.O. Box 9 (Brobergsterrassen 20 R)

00014 University of Helsinki


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In English








Tel. +358 9 191 20548

Fax +358 9 191 20561





·         Helena Helve  and Gunilla Holm, Eds., Contemporary Youth Research: Local Expressions and Global Connections. Hampshire, UK: Ashgate. 2005 (380 pp.)


·         Susan Edgerton, Gunilla Holm, Toby Daspit and Paul Farber, Eds., Imagining Higher Education: The Academy in Popular Culture. New York: Routledge. 2004 (392 pp.)


·         Paul Farber, Eugene Provenzo, Jr., and Gunilla Holm, Eds., Schooling in the Light of Popular Culture.  Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994


Book chapters:


·         G. Holm, “Visual Research Methods: Where Are We and Where Are We Going?” in S. Hesse-Biber and P. Leavy (Eds.), Handbook of Emergent Methods. Guilford. Forthcoming 2008.


·         Tetyana Koshmanova and Gunilla Holm, “Post-Soviet Reconstruction: Teacher Education for Social Cohesion,” in Zvi Bekerman, Ed., Addressing Ethnic Conflict through Peace Education. Palgrave.  2007.


·         G. Holm, ”Opening the borders for educational mobility: The role of teachers.” A. Bezsonyuk (Ed.) The Collection of Proceedings, pp. 166-173. Krements, Ukraine: Krements Taras Ahevchenko Regional Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute. 2007.


·         G. Holm,  ”Perspektiv på undersökningen”. In V. Brunell: Klimat och resultat i den finlandssvenska grundskolan – en fördjupad analys av PISA 2003. Helsinki: Svenska Kulturfonden. 2007,  pp. 7-16.


·         Holm, G. “The importance of social class within life-long multicultural education.” Lobanov (Ed.) Lifelong Learning: Continuous Education for Sustainable Development, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2006.


·         G. Holm & Bill Cobern, "Urban Girls' Need to Be Heard," in B. J. McMahon & D. E. Armstrong: Inclusion in Urban Educational Environments: Addressing Issues of Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice. JAI Press. 2006 , pp. 175-187.


·         G. Holm, T. Daspit, & A. Kelaher Young, “The Sky is Always Falling:[Un]Changing Views on Youth in the U.S.,” in Carmen Leccardi and Elisabetta Ruspini, Eds., A New Youth? Young People, Generations, and Family Life. Hampshire, UK: Ashgate. 2006.


·         Holm, G. “The importance of social class within life-long multicultural education.” In Lobanov (Ed.). Continuous Education for Sustainable Development, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2006.


·         G. Holm, “Multicultural and Global Teacher Education: A Choice or a Necessity?” in Tetyana S. Koshmanova, Ed., Pedagogy for Democratic Citizenship, Lviv, Ukraine: Ivan Franko National University of L’viv Publishing House. 2005, pp. 13-27.


·         G. Holm, “Academic Service-Learning: A Path to Civic Engagement in Tetyana S. Koshmanova, Ed., Pedagogy for Democratic Citizenship, Lviv, Ukraine: Ivan Franko National University of L’viv Publishing House. 2005, pp. 174-190.


·         G. Holm, and H. Helve, “Introduction,” in Helena Helve and Gunilla Holm, Eds., Contemporary Youth Research: Local Expressions and Global Connections. Hampshire, UK: Ashgate., 2005, pp. ix-xv.


·         G. Holm and P. Farber, “Cultural Competence: College Students Learn Through Academic Service-Learning,” in Gunilla Holm and Helena Helve, Eds., Contemporary Youth Research: Local Expressions and Global Connections. Hampshire, UK: Ashgate. 2005, pp.121-132.


·         G. Holm, “Multicultural education as life-long learning for educators,” in N. A. Lobanov (ed.) Community Education. St. Petersburgh: UNESCO International Center of Learning Systems. 2005, pp. 245-256.


·         P. Farber and G. Holm, “Our Best Foot Forward: Image management and Self-Presentation in University Promotional Films,” in Susan Edgerton, Gunilla Holm, Toby Daspit and Paul Farber, Eds., Imagining Higher Education: The Academy in Popular Culture. New York: Routledge. 2004, pp. 164-184.


·         G. Holm, “Teenage Motherhood: Public Posing and Private Thoughts,” in Nick Paley and Jan Jipson, Eds., Daredevil Research. New York: Peter Lang, 1997, pp.61-81


·         G. Holm, “Learning in Style: The Portrayal of Schooling in Seventeen Magazine,” in Paul Farber, Eugene Provenzo, Jr., and Gunilla Holm, Eds., Schooling in the Light of Popular Culture.  Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994, pp.59-79


·         P. Farber and G. Holm, “A Brotherhood of Heroes: The Charismatic Educator in Recent American Movies,” in Paul Farber, Eugene Provenzo, Jr., and Gunilla Holm, Eds., Schooling in the Light of Popular Culture.  Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994, pp.153-172.


·         G. Holm and P. Farber, “Education, Rock-and-Roll and the Lyrics of Discontent,” in Paul Farber, Eugene Provenzo, Jr., and Gunilla Holm, Eds., Schooling in the Light of Popular Culture.  Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994, pp. 41-57


·         P. Farber and G. Holm, ”Adolescent Freedom and the Cinematic High School,” in Paul Farber, Eugene Provenzo, Jr., and Gunilla Holm, Eds., Schooling in the Light of Popular Culture.  Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994, pp.21-39


·         L. Nations Johnson and G. Holm, “Education 1st!: Using Television to Promote the Schools,” in Paul Farber, Eugene Provenzo, Jr., and Gunilla Holm, Eds., Schooling in the Light of Popular Culture.  Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994, pp.247-265


·         G. Holm and P. Farber, “Public Funding of Private Schools Through School Choice,” in K. N. Reddy (Ed.) Public and Private Education: An International Perspective.  Hyderabad:Samrat Press, 1994, pp.181-198


·         G. Holm, “Educational Vouchers and Tax Tuition Credits as Educational Policies,” Frank Magill (Ed.) Survey   of Social Science: Sociology.  Salem Press.  1994








·         G. Holm, “Educational opportunities for culturally diverse students: The role of teachers, schools, and policies,” Visnyk of Lviv University (Pedagogical Series). Forthcoming.


·         G. Holm, “Evaluation in the Nordic Countries,” in Journal of Multi Disciplinary Evaluation, 2006, no 4.


·         G. Holm and P.Farber, “Teaching in the Dark: The Geopolitical Knowledge and Global Awareness of the Next Generation of American Teachers,” International Studies in Sociology of Education, 2002, vol.12, no.2, pp.129-144.


·         A. Young, R. Fails Nelson, L. Nations Johnson, and G. Holm, “Dementoring”: A Non-hierarchical Model for Mentoring Women in the Academy,” Initiatives, 2000, vol. 59, no.4. 


·         G. Holm and P. Farber, “Immigrant Education in Sweden: Lessons from America,” International Journal of Educational Reform, 1999, vol.8, no.1, pp.60-73


·         G. Holm, “Public Texts/Private Conversations: Readings of Teen Magazine From the Girls’ Point of View,” YOUNG, Nordic Journal of Youth Research, 1997, Vol.5, no.3, pp.23-29


·         C. Broesamle and G. Holm, “Critical Pedagogy Through Community Service Projects,” Educational Transitions, Fall 1997, vol.2, no.1, pp.35-38


·         G. Holm, “Handled But Not Heard: The Managed Lives of Teenage Mothers,” International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 1995, vol.8, 3, 253-254


·         G. Holm, “Cultural Awareness in College Through Biographies,” College Teaching, 1995, vol.43, 2, 72-73


·         G. Holm, J. Kaufman, and P. Farber, “Dis\Empowering Pursuits: The Promise of Literacy and the Patterns of School Practice,” Studies in Philosophy and Education.  1995, vol.14, 63-74 


·         G. Holm and J. Dynak, “A Window of Opportunity: University Students Mentoring High School Students,” People and Education, 1994,vol.2, 4, 431-441


·         G. Holm and L. Nations Johnson,  “Shaping Cultural Partnerships: The Readiness of Preservice Teachers to Teach in Culturally Diverse Classrooms,” Association of Teacher Educators 1994 Yearbook, pp. 85-101. New York: Harcourt Brace & Co


·         J. Kaufman, G. Holm, and P. Farber, “The Ideal of Literacy and the Paradox of Disempowerment,” People and Education, 1993, vol.1, 3, 256-265


·         L. Nations Johnson, M. Hauser, and G. Holm, “Comparing Classroom Environments: Issues of Cultural Congruence.”  Journal of Ethno-Development, 1993, vol.2, 2, 10-19


·         G. Lundberg and G. Holm, “Challenges and Promises of Integrating Knowledge Engineering and Qualitative Methods.”  Computers and Geosciences, 1990, vol.16, 6, 847-856


·         P. Farber, P. Wilson and G. Holm, “From Innocence to Inquiry: A Social Reproduction Framework for the Reform of Teacher Education.” Journal of Teacher Education, 1989, vol.40, 1, 45-50


·         G. Holm, “From Policy to Practice: Finnish Educational Policy and the Portrayal of Men and Women in Guidance Books.” Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 1988, vol.32, 3, 113-122     



Essay Book Reviews:


·         G. Holm, “Just Girls: Hidden Literacies and Life in Junior High,” Journal of Curriculum Studies, 1998, vol.30, no.3, pp.370-374


·         G. Holm, “Reading Texts. An Introduction to Strategies of Interpretation.  Reading Texts.  Teaching Suggestions,” (Two books) Journal of Curriculum Studies, 1998, vol.30, no.2, pp.233-235


·         G. Holm, “School Talk: Gender and Adolescent Culture,” Educational Studies, 1996-97, vol.27, no.4, pp.368-372


·         G. Holm, “Beyond Multicultural Education. International Perspective,” Educational Studies, 1994, vol.25, 3, 248-252


·         G. Holm,  Lives on the Edge,” Journal of Curriculum Studies, 1994, vol.26, 3, 248-252


·         G. Holm, “Educating Men and Women Together,” Educational Studies, 1990, vol.21, 2, 240-245


·         G. Holm, “Qualitative Approaches to Evaluation in Education,” Educational Policy, 1990, vol.4, 4, 368-370   


·         G. Holm, “Freire for the Classroom,” Educational Studies, 1989, vol.20, 2, 149-154     





·         J. Kaufman and G. Holm, “Schooling, Literacy, and the Disempowerment of Teachers and Students,”  Proceedings of the International Network of Philosophers of Education Conference, Varna, Bulgaria, 1992, pp. 23-32.


·         P. Farber and G. Holm, “Values in Conflict: Schooling in Light of Popular Culture,” El Reto Del Diseno Curricular Ante Los Cambios En El Mundo Actual. University of Monterrey, Mexico. Memorias, Proceedings from the III International Congress on Educational Sciences, 1991, pp. 1-33.