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Fire and ice: Hot QCD meets cold and dense matter

Saariselkä, Finland, 3-7 April 2018

The workshop Fire and ice: Hot QCD meets cold and dense matter is a one-off by-invitation-only event, aiming to bring together two communities of theorists: heavy ion physicists working on the hot quark gluon plasma produced in heavy ion collisions, and neutron star experts interested in various aspects of cold and dense QCD matter.

The event will be organized at Santa's Hotel Tunturi in Saariselkä, Finland, on 3-7 April 2018, with the first talk commencing in the morning of the 3rd and the last one ending before noon on the 7th. Local expenses (lodging, meals, coffees) will be covered by the organizers, but the participants are expected to organize their travels on their own. The easiest way to reach Saariselkä is to take a flight to the nearby Ivalo airport and then continue with an airport bus or a taxi to the hotel.

The program of the workshop is planned in such a way that each day contains a lengthy mid-day break for outdoor activities, including in particular cross-country and downhill skiing. More information about skiing in Saariselkä - the northernmost skiing resort in Europe - can be found from here.

The event is funded by the University of Helsinki, the European Research Council, and the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation, while the local organizing committee consists of Aleksi Vuorinen (chair and contact person), Niko Jokela, Keijo Kajantie, Aleksi Kurkela, and Kari Rummukainen.