This is a long story, starting in early fifties and still continuing.
Sorry, that I have not yet found the energy to write it down, except for a couple of fragments.

In 1996 I was offered the opportunity to arrange a complementary education course for Finnish physics teachers. It became known with the abbreviation DFCL related to the nature and level of the course as related to the Finnish terminology of examination system (Didactical Physics Cum Laude). The duration of the course was about two years and there were three rounds of it:
* dfcl1 in 1996-97 with about 150 participants,
* dfcl2 in 1998-99 with about 100 participants and
* dfcl3 with some 50 participants.

In the beginning of the first course an e-mail list dfcl-list was founded for information to and discussion with the participants. This list is still in function although the present intensity of the discussions is just a fraction of that during the course.

Among the latest subjects of discussion was the problem of a stone in water, where actually is its apparent position. As a conclusion of that discussion I made a small calculation: Kivi vedessä. (A stone in water.)

Supervised theses


* For doctors examination

Aino Vahvaselkä: Direct Analysis of Nuclear Distributional Moments on the Basis of Neutron Diffraction Data. 9/78

Mikko Kara: Symmetrized Multipole Analysis of Rigid body Distributions. 10/1981

A number of other theses on crystallographic subjects together with other researchers of the X-ray laboratory group of the Department of Physics.

Hyvönen Tapio: Fysiikan tietoteoreettiset perusteet fenomenologian ja kielipelien näkökulmasta. 1995

Lavonen, Jari: Fysiikan opetuksen kokeellisuus ja mittausautomaatio. 1996

Beatrice Bressan: Educational, cultural and R&D benefit to society resulting from an international scientific centre: CERN. 9/ 2004

Irma Hannula: Need and possibilities of astronomy teaching in the Finnish comprehensive school



* For licentiate examination

Lavonen Jari: Tietotekniikan hyödyntäminen kokeellisen lähestymistavan yhteydessä. 1989

Hämäläinen, Ari: Opetuskäyttöön tarkoitetulle tietokoneavusteiselle mittausjärjestelmälle asetettavat vaatimukset hahmottavan lähestymistavan kannalta. 9.6.1994

Selin, Seppo: Teknillisen oppilaitoksen fysiikan laboratoriotyöt hahmottavan lähestymistavan näkökulmasta. 15.5.1997

Ketolainen Pasi: Lähestymistavan vaikutus pyörimislikkkeen käsitteiden oppimisessa. 29.5.1998

Raija Maria Lautala os. Salonen: Hahmottavan lähestymistavan toimivuus peruskoulun ja lukion aaltoliikeopin opetuksessa. 12/2000

Veera Kallunki: From electrostatics to the circuits of the pile: Experimentality and models in concept formation. 29.05.2001

Ilpo Uotinen: Ilmatyynypöydän käyttö lukion fysiikan opetuksessa. 12/2001

Ilkka Korventausta: Oppimistyylit ja luonnontieteellinen maailmankuva.  11/2002