Academic work experience

08/2014– Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki
– Practicum for social science history majors (autumn 2014, autumn 2015);
– Matka suomalaiseen yhteiskuntaan (Journey to the Finnish society) (spring 2015, spring 2016);
– Sukupolvet, liikkuvuus ja eriarvoisuus (Generations, migration and inequality) (autumn 2017);
– Suomalaisen hyvinvointivaltion tietovalta, väestö ja seksuaalisuus (Expert power, population and sexuality in the Finnish welfare state) (spring 2019).

09/2017–09/2018 Lund University / Social Policy Reforms Database
Assistant professor Moira Nelson is conducting a project for assembling a database on reforms within four major types of social insurance: pensions, unemployment, work injury and sickness. The database will include data on major reforms and the dates of their passage. A key objective of the project is to illuminate the democratic politics of social policy change. My role is to collect all data on Finland.

03–04/2017 University of Southern Denmark (SDU)
Visiting researcher
My research visit was co-hosted by the Department of History and the multidisciplinary Danish Centre for Welfare State Research, with professor Klaus Petersen as my contact person. In addition to furthering my doctoral research, I participated in seminars and other activities of both hosting departments, as well as held a guest lecture for a course in the history of medicine. I enjoyed my stay and my lovely colleagues very much! My next stay is planned for six months during the academic year 2019–2020, during which I will be collaborating with associate professor Heidi Vad Jønsson.

04/2017 Lund University
Visiting researcher
In connection with my stay at SDU, I also visited Lund University for a week. My visit was hosted by the Department of Sociology, with professor Åsa Lundqvist as my contact person. During my visit, I participated in an all-day workshop on child welfare with researchers from Lund University and the University of Huddersfield (UK), as well as the department’s own research seminar. This research visit was likewise fruitful, and I plan to visit Lund again during my next stay in Denmark.

08–11/2016 University of Helsinki, Swedish School of Social Sciences (SSKH)
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health commissioned a preliminary report on the strengths, opportunities and challenges of the Nordic welfare model. The research was a joint effort by SSKH, the Rehabilitation Foundation and Oxford Research Ltd. My own remit was a chapter on health policy, which I co-authored with Hans Hämäläinen.

05–11/2015– University of Helsinki, Centre for Nordic Studies (CENS)
Conference organiser
Together with a group of colleagues, we organised the conference ‘Conceptualizing Public Health’ (19.–20.11.2015) at the University of Helsinki. It subsequently led to the book Conceptualising Public Health: Historical and Contemporary Struggles Over Key Concepts, which I co-edited with Johannes Kananen and Merle Wessel.

07/2013–01/2014 University of Helsinki, NordWel CoE
Copy editor
I copy edited the anthology Reshaping Welfare Institutions in China and the Nordic Countries (2014), edited by Pauli Kettunen, Stein Kuhnle and Ren Yuan.