
Hi there!

Jack Rueter's

What's going on

"Koltansaamen elvytys kieliteknologia-avusteisen kielenoppimisohjelmien avulla sekä mallin ja ohjeiden laatiminen menetelmän siirtämiseksi toisiin uhanalaisiin kieliin"
Spell checker development for the Skolt Sami language.

OXTs available for Win and Mac.

As part of a multi-year funding scheme, the Kone Foundation (Koneen Säätiö) in Helsinki has published its own Language Programme. One of the projects receiving funding through this program is AKU (Avointa kieliteknologiaa uralilaisille vähemmistökielille 'Open-source Language Technology for Uralic Minority Languages'). We are creating morphological analyzers for Uralic minority languages, open-source. Our transducers (HFST on Giellatekno) like others on the Tromsø Giellatekno server provide a basis for Voikko spell checkers, morphology-savvy web dictionaries, such as (sánit, sanat, valks, muter, kyv, vada), icall projects, rule-based machine translation, etc. Read more here.

Dissertation: "Adnominal Person in the Morphological System of Erzya"
Portfolio (in English)

Information on Erzya language Corpora
IMDI Documentation of the Erzya language Corpora (under construction)

A small English-Erzya wordlist.
Some reference literature for studies in Erzya, Moksha, or comparative Mordvinic.

Jack Rueter
Last modified: Tue Jan 13 15:15:02 EET 2009