Research interests

Fig 1. Color is useful for many everyday tasks. In (a), color helps detect the red fruit among the foliage. The original photograph is from the McGill database (Olmos, A., Kingdom, F. A. A. (2004), A biologically inspired algorithm for the recovery of shading and reflectance images, Perception, 33, 1463 - 1473.) In (b), color is more helpful than shape in identifying fruits. (c) illustrates how color, texture, and material (e.g. glossiness) can be cues to object identity (guess which fruits the patches belong to!)
We effortlessly perceive objects as having certain properties, such as shape and color, largely regardless of the conditions under which we view them. Nevertheless, the light signals entering our eyes confound information about object color, pose, shape, etc., due to the projection of a 3D world with its reflecting surfaces and illuminants onto a 2D retina with four photoreceptor types. What computations allow the brain to extract invariant information from the sensory signal? My research focuses on understanding the computational and neural mechanisms underlying perceptual constancy by employing methods from psychophysics, computational modeling, and fMRI.
Fig 2. The problem of color constancy. The light signal that is reflected to the eye from an object, such as a clover (shown right), is a product of the reflectance properties of the surface (left) and the illumination spectrum (middle). There is no unique signal related to a unique object -- the brain has to solve this ill-posed problem in order to estimate object color.
I use color perception as a model system to probe this question for three primary reasons: first, a lot is known about the physiology underlying basic color perception phenomena, such as chromatic adaptation and opponent color processing; second, color stimuli are easy to control through display calibration, and third, surface color is an important source of information about object properties, such as edibility. I have recently started investigating constancy phenomena for more complex stimuli, such as 3D shapes and faces, and I find it an interesting question in its own right whether the same or analogous phenomena exist at different levels of the information processing hierarchy. Click on the links below to jump to each project description.

The role of memory in color perception/Bayesian model

Prior knowledge affects the way we interpret incoming sensory signals, both based on long-term learning (memory colors), and short-term learning (statistical priors). In my own research, I have discovered that prior knowledge about object identity affects the way we perceive their colors (see e.g Olkkonen, Hansen, & Gegenfurtner, 2008 ). More recently, I found that prior knowledge acquired on the shorter term also affects color appearance in delayed color matches ( Olkkonen, McCarthy, & Allred, 2014).

The effect of long-term or short-term memory processes on color appearance are not explained by current models of color perception or memory, but fit well in a probabilistic inference framework based on a Bayesian ideal observer. A Bayesian observer estimates the external cause of an incoming sensory signal by combining the sensory evidence with prior information about the world. Together with Toni Saarela and Sarah Allred, we have implemented a Bayesian model observer that produces similar interactions between perceptual constancy and short-term memory for lightness that we observed recently in human observers for both lightness and hue (Olkkonen & Allred, 2014; Olkkonen, Saarela, & Allred, 2016. We'd eventually like to implement this model in full-color scenes and test the model with a new, independent data set.

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Integration of color and gloss cues in material discrimination and identification

Based on probability theory, it should be beneficial for human observers to combine information from multiple sources or "cues" when making perceptual estimates, for instance, how far an object is, or what its identity is. There is an extensive literature on cue integration in visual and multisensiry perception, which shows that human observers are often optimal or near-optimal in integrating information over multiple cues when making perceptual estimates. This means that the visual system is aware of the uncertainty of each individual cue, and weights it accordingly. This weighting leads to decreased variance in the perceptual estimate, but sometimes also to biases. For instance, in the ventriloquist effect, sound localization is biased by the visual cue (the puppet) because vision is more reliable than audition (see e.g. Alais & Burr, 2004).

Although cue integration has been studied in many visual domains, we know much less about how different surface cues are integrated -- for instance, color and gloss. Yet, all surfaces and objects have more than one material property; they are either matte or glossy, rough or smooth, achromatic or colored, flexible or stiff. To understand how cues from surface material are used for object discrimination and identification, it is important to vary more than one material property in such tasks. I am currently running a study together with my colleague Toni Saarela where we study the integration of color and gloss cues in material discrimination and identification. In the first study, presented at the 2017 Vision Sciences Society meeting (Saarela & Olkkonen, 2017 ), we showed that observers near-optimally combined cues from color and gloss when making material discriminations in a psychophysical discrimination task. In a second, ongoing study, we asked whether observers combine information over color and gloss when making judgments about ripeness. For this, we designed a fruit space where green and matte surfaces indicate raw fruit, and red and glossy surfaces indicate ripe fruit. We measured behavioral integration with a psychophysics experiment, and neural integration with an fMRI adaptation paradigm. I presented preliminary results at the Fall Vision Meeting in Washington DC, in September 2019.

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The functional benefits of neural adaptation

In another line of research, also related to invariant perception, I am investigating the functional benefits of sensory adaptation in mid-level vision. One common benefit assigned to adaptation is to help maintain sensitivity under environmental changes, achieved by shifting the response range of neuronal mechanisms in response to adaptation. This is clearly the case at the photoreceptor level, where the cells change their sensitivity according to the prevailing light levels. This allows us to see from starlight to bright sunlight although individual photoreceptors have a response range of about 100:1. Neurons after the photoreceptor level adapt also: some contrast-sensitive neurons at the retina and in early visual cortex shift their tuning curves on the contrast axis in response to contrast adaptation. This is beneficial presumably to maintain maximum sensitivity to changes in contrast regardless of the absolute contrast level.

On a more functional level, it has been suggested that adaptation serves to improve discriminability of stimuli, or to decorrelate neural signals (see e.g. Barlow & Foldiak, 1989). At the level of individual neurons, this would manifest as the sharpening of neuronal tuning curves (increased selectivity), and at the level of populations, the sharpening of population tuning curves (selectivity for the whole population). There is some evidence for the sharpening hypothesis from electrophysiology and fMRI for simple stimulus features (e.g. orientation), but little behavioral evidence for other stimuli than color (which is a salient exception), and no fMRI evidence for more complex stimuli.

Nevertheless, the sharpening hypothesis is an attractive one, and despite the lack of evidence, it is still favored by some researchers. As there are such clear benefits for color discrimination from color adaptation, and some evidence for faces, we wanted to found out whether we see such benefits for object shape both from behavioral discrimination thresholds and from fMRI pattern discriminability. In order to study the effect of adaptation on shape representations, we used a new toolbox developed by Toni Saarela for generating parametric 3D radial frequency patterns. The Toolbox runs in Octave/Matlab and is available under an open source license at gitHub. See our recently published paper for the results!

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The effects of expectation on fMRI adaptation for faces

Recent fMRI studies have suggested that fMRI adaptation in face-selective cortex is at least partly due to the formation and maintenance of top-down expectations, rather than to bottom-up effects such as synaptic depression (fatigue) (see e.g. Summerfield et al, 2008). This suggestion was based on the discovery that repetition suppression (fMRI adaptation) was modulated by how frequent the repetitions were: when repetitions were more frequent, and thus more probable, repetition suppression was stronger than when repetitions were infrequent. This result has been replicated for faces, but not for objects, casting doubt on the generality of the finding. We studied whether stimulus expectations (e.g. about the range of stimulus differences, or their probability) affect fMRI adaptation for faces in a parametric face space. The initial findings were presented at SfN 2014 (see abstract), and published later in Journal of Vision.

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