Jinpeng Lu

University Researcher
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Helsinki, Finland
Office: Exactum C329
Email: jinpeng.lu@helsinki.fi

About me:

I am currently a researcher at the University of Helsinki working with Prof. Matti Lassas. I received my Ph.D. from the Pennsylvania State University in 2019 under the supervision of Prof. Dmitri Burago. My research interests are at the interface of Geometry and Analysis. I am interested in analysis on manifolds and metric spaces, geometric inverse problems. I am also interested in graph theory and inverse problems for graphs, especially their connections with manifolds.

Publications and Preprints:

[9] (with M. de Hoop, M. Lassas, L. Oksanen) Quantitative unique continuation for the elasticity system with application to the kinematic inverse rupture problem, to appear in Communications in PDE, arXiv:2203.13690.
[8] (with E. Blåsten, P. Exner, H. Isozaki, M. Lassas) Inverse problems for locally perturbed lattices -- Discrete Hamiltonian and quantum graph, arXiv:2202.00944.
[7] (with C. Fefferman, S. Ivanov, M. Lassas, H. Narayanan) Reconstruction and interpolation of manifolds II: Inverse problems for Riemannian manifolds with partial distance data, to appear in Amer. J. Math, arXiv:2111.14528.
[6] (with E. Blåsten, H. Isozaki, M. Lassas) Inverse problems for discrete heat equations and random walks for a class of graphs, to appear in SIAM J. Discrete Math, arXiv:2107.00494.
[5] (with E. Blåsten, H. Isozaki, M. Lassas) Gel'fand's inverse problem for the graph Laplacian, to appear in J. Spectral Theory, arXiv:2101.10026.
[4] (with D. Burago, S. Ivanov, M. Lassas) Quantitative stability of Gel'fand's inverse boundary problem, to appear in Anal. PDE, arXiv:2012.04435v3.
[3] (with D. Burago, S. Ivanov, Y. Kurylev) Approximations of the connection Laplacian spectra, to appear in Math. Z. doi
[2] Graph approximations to the Laplacian spectra, to appear in Journal of Topology and Analysis. doi
[1] (with D. Burago, T. Ozuch) How large isotopy is needed to connect homotopic diffeomorphisms, Journal of Topology and Analysis 12 (2020), 1213-1222. doi


Inverse Problems Seminar (University of Helsinki)
Geometry Lunch Seminar (Penn State)