You fail. What do you do?

1 = The child tells a strategy that doesn’t change the failure-context 2 = The child talks about changing the failure-context 3 = Can’t classify the answer


·        I’ll erase it 2


Mann-Whitney test: Answers that adapt to the failure versus answers that change the failure context


The child that talks about changing the given failure situation:

Partial correlations controlling for age, sex and kindergarten


The child that talks about changing the given failure-situation:

Discriminant analysis


The model with variables “tandency to tell context-changing strategies” and teacher’s evaluation of child’s social skills classifies 78.8% of original grouped cases correctly.




Almost four out of five of the children’s answers could be predicted by knowing child’s general tendency to answer in different situations and the teachers evaluation of child’s social skills. Children’s way of talking about the situations and acting in the situations are related.


Children’s talk about their action tells not only about their development or understanding but show us how the world is changing. Narration not only reflects, it changes the reflection.


In children’s narration child shows his/her perception of how the world is shaping. Learning must be seen in a new light. When things change they can’t be learnt before they are created. You can’t learn new things before you change them.