

My Research
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Radun, I., Radun, J., Kaistinen, J., Olivier, J., Parkkari, I., Kecklund, G., & Theorell, T. (2019). Suicide by crashing into a heavy vehicle: Professional drivers' views. Traffic Injury Prevention, 20, 826-831.

Radun, I., Parkkari, I., Radun, J., Kaistinen, J., Olivier, J., Kecklund, G.,Tervo, T., & Theorell, T. (2019). Suicide by crashing into a heavy vehicle: Focus on professional drivers using in-depth crash data. Traffic Injury Prevention, 20, 575-580.

Radun, I., Radun, J., Kaistinen, J., Olivier, J., Kecklund, G., & Theorell, T. (2019). Endangering yourself to save another: A real life ethical dilemma. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 64, 318-322.

Radun, I., Nilsonne, G., Radun, J., Helgesson, G., & Kecklund, G. (2019). Company employees as experimental participants in traffic safety research: prevalence and implications. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 60, 81-92.

Esmaeilikia, M., Radun, I., Grzebieta, R., & Olivier, J. (2019). Bicycle helmets and risky behaviour: A systematic review. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 60, 299-310.

Radun, I., Watling, H., Radun, J., Kaistinen, J., & Olivier, J. (2018). Women judging: is a young male drunk driver perceived as more negligent than a young female drunk driver? Traffic Injury Prevention, 19, 675-679.

Radun, I., & Lajunen, T. (2018). Bicycle helmets and the experimenter effect. Psychological Science, 29, 1020-1022.

Radun, I., Olivier, J. (2018). Bicycle helmet law does not deter cyclists in Finland. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 58, 1087-1090.

Radun, I., Radun, J., Esmaeilikia, M., & Lajunen, T. (2018). Risk compensation and bicycle helmets: A false conclusion and uncritical citations. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 58, 548-555.

Olivier, J. & Radun, I. (2017). Bicycle helmet effectiveness is not overstated. Traffic Injury Prevention, 18, 755-770

Radun, I. Radun, J., Wahde, M., Watling, C. N., & Kecklund, G. (2015). Self-reported circumstances and consequences of driving while sleepy. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 32, 91-100.

Watling, C. N., Armstrong, K. A., & Radun, I. (2015). Examining signs of driving sleepiness, usage of sleepiness countermeasures and the associations with sleepy driving behaviours and individual factors. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 85, 22-29.

Radun, I., Kaistinen J., Lajunen T. (2015). Public-private partnership in traffic safety research and injury prevention [Letter to the Editor]. International Journal of Epidemiology, 44, 364-365.

Summala, H., Rajalin, S. Radun, I. (2014). Risky driving and recorded driving offences: A 24-year follow-up study. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 73, 27-33 .

Radun, I., Ohisalo, J., Rajalin, S., Radun, J., Wahde, M. G. (2014). Alcohol ignition interlocks in all new vehicles: A broader perspective. Traffic Injury Prevention, 15, 335-342.

Radun, I. (2013). Electronic billboards and driver distraction [Letter to the Editor]. Traffic Injury Prevention, 14, 554-555.

Radun, I., Ohisalo, J., Radun, J., Wahde, M., Kecklund, G. (2013). Driver fatigue and the law from the perspective of police officers and prosecutors. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 18, 159-167.

Radun, I., Ohisalo, J., Radun, J., Rajalin, S. (2012). Law defining the critical level of driver fatigue in terms of hours without sleep: Criminal justice professionals' opinions and fatal accident data. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 40, 172178.

Radun, I., Ohisalo, J., Radun, J., Kecklund, G. (2011). Night work, fatigued driving and traffic law: the case of police officers? Industrial Health, 49, 389-392. Full text (HTML-format)

Radun, I., Radun, J. (2009). Convicted of fatigued driving: Who, why and how? Accident Analysis and Prevention, 41, 878-884.

Radun, I., Ohisalo, J., Radun, J., Summala, H., Tolvanen, M. (2009). Fell asleep and caused a fatal head-on crash? A case study of multidisciplinary in-depth analysis vs. the court. Traffic Injury Prevention, 10, 76-83.

Radun, I., Summala, H., Radun, J. (2009). Drinking and driving "safely": who uses a breathalyzer and when. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 12, 155-158.

Radun, I., Radun, J., Summala, H., Sallinen, M. (2007). Fatal road accidents among Finnish military conscripts: Fatigue-impaired driving. Military Medicine, 172, 1204-1210.

Radun, I., Summala, H. (2007). Breath analyser market is set to grow: a road safety perspective [Letter to the Editor]. European Journal of Public Health, 17, 537.  

Radun, I., Radun, J. (2006). Seasonal variation of falling asleep while driving: an examination of fatal road accidents. Chronobiology International, 23, 1053-1064. Abstract (HTML-format)

Radun, I., Summala, H. (2004). Sleep related fatal vehicle accidents: Characteristics of decisions made by multidisciplinary investigation teams. Sleep, 27, 224-227. Abstract (HTML-format)

Radun, I., Summala, H. (2004). Females do not have more injury road accidents on Friday the 13th. BMC Public Health 4, 54. Full text (HTML-format)



Anund, A., Kecklund, G., Fors, C., Ihlström, J., Ingre, M., Radun, I., & Söderström, B. (2014). Bussförares arbetstider kopplat till trötthet [Bus drivers' working hours and the relationship to fatigue] VTI rapport 830.

Radun, I., Ohisalo,J., Radun, J. (2010). Väsymys tieliikenteessä ja laki. Lainsoveltajien näkökulma. Liikenneturva (Central organization for traffic safety in Finland), 110/2010. Full text (PDF-format)

Radun, I., Radun, J., Ohisalo,J. (2009). Väsymys tieliikenteessä ja laki. Keitä rangaistaan ja milloin? Liikenneturva (Central organization for traffic safety in Finland), 107/2009. Full text (PDF-format)

Radun, I., Radun, J. (2008). Väsyneenä ajaminen. Mikä on tilanne Suomessa? Liikenneturva (Central organization for traffic safety in Finland), 123/2008. Full text (PDF-format)

Kilpeläinen, M., Radun, I., Summala, H. (2005). Väsyneiden kuljettajien ajokyvyn testaaminen. Pilottitutkimuksia maantiellä ja laboratoriossa.  Helsinki 2005. Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriö. Full text (PDF-format)

Radun, I., Kilpeläinen, M.(2005). Effects of 8-h and 12-h shift systems: a review. STUK (Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority) Internal report.

Summala, H., Karola, J., Radun, I., Couyoumdjian, A. (2003). Kohtaamisonnettomuudet päätieverkolla - kehitys ja syyt. Tiehallinnon selvityksiä 43/2003. Full text (PDF-format)



Lajunen, T., Kaistinen, J., & Radun, I. (2014). Pyöräilykypärä on halpa ja hyvä keino suojata päätä. Helsingin Sanomat. 2014, 7.6.2014, 1 p.

Radun, I., Radun J. Väsyneenä ajaminen on kielletty lailla. Kuljetusyrittäjä Suomen kuorma-autoliiton jäsenlehti. 5-6, p. 38-39.

Radun, I., Radun J. Laki kieltää väsyneenä ajamisen: Väsymys on suuri riski liikenneturvallisuudelle. Taksi-lehti. 3, p. 24-25

Radun, I. Älä aja väsyneenä. Toyota Plus 01/06. Full issue (PDF-format).



2014 – Poster presentation: "Driving while fatigued in slippery road conditions - a neglected issue." Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Tallinn, Estonia, 16-20 September.

2014 – Oral presentation: "Estimating the prevalence of driving while fatigued: you find what you search for." International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France, 8-13 July.

2013 – Oral presentation: "Recent trends in traffic safety research: A crical view." International Conference on Driver Behaviour and Training, Helsinki, Finland, 19-21 August.

2012 – Oral presentation: "Alcohol ignition interlocks in all new vehicles? Disagreement between general public and criminal justice professionals." the 5th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Groningen,the Netherlands, 29-31 August.

2012 - Oral presentation: "Development of driver fatigue and sleepiness as accident-causing factors in the Finnish multidisciplinary in-depth road accident investigation method." the First Annual Scientific Seminar of the NTSA (the Nordic Traffic Safety Academy), Lund, Sweden, 9-10 May.

2010 – Oral presentation: "Fatigued driving and the law." the 3rd NORBIT and the 5th Japanese-Nordic Conference, Turku, Finland, 22-24 August.

2006 – Oral presentation: "Fatal road accidents among Finnish conscripts: Fatigue-impaired driving." the First Scientific NORBIT Conference, Trondheim, Norway, 4-5 December.

2006 – Oral presentation: "The role of fatigue and sleepiness in road accidents." the First joint Nordic Baltic Doctoral Network Meeting in Psychology, Nelijärve, Estonia, 25-27 September.

2004 – Poster presentation: “Seasonal variation in the role of sleepiness in fatal crashes” 17th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Prague, 5-9 October.

2004 – Oral presentation: “Females don’t have more injury road accidents on Friday the 13.” 3rd International Conference on Traffic & Transport Psychology, Nottingham, UK.

2004 – Poster presentation: “Sleep related fatal vehicle accidents: Characteristics of decisions made by multidisciplinary investigation teams3rd International Conference on Traffic & Transport Psychology, Nottingham, UK.

1999 – Oral presentation: “Perception of Ambiguous Figures.” The Ramiro Bujas Days, Zagreb, Croatia.

1999 – Oral presentation: “Subliminal perception of ambiguous figures.” The Days of Psychology, Zadar, Croatia.

1999 – Oral presentation: “Perception of Ambiguous Figures.” The  Congress of the European Federation of Psychology Students Associations” Portugal.


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This site was last updated 24 December 2019