
Life and Works










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Getting started with Leibniz (Donald Rutherford)
Leibniztexte in Internet - Excellent guide to textual resources of Leibniz in Internet from Leibniz-Forschungsstelle Münster; includes many texts not linked in this page such as Leibniz's original articles and older commentaries on Leibniz

Manuscripts and digitized print versions

Manuscripts from G. W. Leibniz Bibliothek, Hannover: 738 pieces
If the link above does not work, try Handschriften > Leibniz
A collection of Leibniz's digitized works published in his lifetime - from Leibniz-Forschungsstelle Münster
Leibniz's articles in learned journals - from Leibniz-Forschungsstelle Münster
A collection of Leibniz's texts - from Leibniz-Forschungsstelle Münster
A collection of Leibniz's digitized single works - from Leibniz-Forschungsstelle Münster
A collection of translations of Leibniz's texts - from Leibniz-Forschungsstelle Münster
Leibniz in Post-reformation library - A huge collection of Leibniz's digitized texts from Junius Institute for Digital Reformation Research


Leibniz an Johann Hermann Schmincke, Hannover 27. 2. 1710
Leibniz an Johann Fabricius, Hannover 14. (24.). 9. 1697
Leibniz an Claudio Filippo Grimaldi S. J., Rom 19. 7. 1689
Leibniz' Aufzeichung aus der Unterredung mit Claudio Filippo Grimaldi S. J. (Rom, Sommer, 1689)
Regeln des Bassette-Spiels - Aus den privaten Aufzeichnungen von Leibniz

Collected works

The Academy edition

Leibniz-edition - portal to the Academy edition of Leibniz
Herma Kliege-Biller: Introduction to the use of the Academy-edition - from Leibniz-Forschungsstelle Münster
Herma Kliege-Biller: Einführung in die Benutzung der Akademie-Ausgabe - from Leibniz-Forschungsstelle Münster
Utilities for the Academy-edition
Leibniz Archiv Repository - the currently available Academy Editions of Leibniz's work of Reihe 1, 3, and 7 with additional material
Introduction to the Academy edition and concordance between the Academy-edition and English translations - by Donald Rutherford
The Leibniz-edition's catalogue - With its more than 60,000 records or data rows, the database gives you the option of searching through a large part of Leibniz‘s writings and letters systematically search various types of questions.

Note: some of these are Vorausedition or Transkription, that is, preliminary or provisional versions before publication. In that case they are not to be quoted - the terms of use are stated in the appropriate web-page leading to the work.

Reihe I: Allgemeiner, politischer und historischer Briefwechsel

Reihe I, Bd. 3 (1680-1683) Online version  - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover
Reihe I, Bd. 9 (1693) Online version - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover
Reihe I, Bd. 11 (Januar – Oktober 1695) Online version - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover  
Reihe I, Bd. 12 (November 1695 – Juli 1696) Online version - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover  
Reihe I, Bd. 14 (Mai – Dezember 1697) Online version -  from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover
Reihe I, Bd. 15 (Januar – September 1698) Online version  - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover
Reihe I, Bd. 16 (Oktober 1698 – April 1699) Online version -   from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover
Reihe I, Bd. 17: (Mai – Dezember 1699) Online version - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover
Reihe I, Bd. 18 (Januar – August 1700) Online version - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover
Reihe I, Bd. 19 (September 1700 – Mai 1701) Online version - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover
Reihe I, Bd. 20 (Juni 1701 – März 1702) Online version - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover
Reihe I, Bd 21 (April – Dezember 1702) Online version -  from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover
Reihe I, Bd. 22 (Januar – Dezember 1703) Online version - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover
Reihe I, Bd. 23 (Januar – September 1704) Online version - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover
Reihe I, Bd. 24  (Oktober 1704 – Juli 1705) Online version - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover
Reihe I, Bd. 25 (August 1705 – April 1706) Online version - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover                                        
Reihe I, Bd. 26 (Mai 1706 – Dezember 1706) Online version - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover
Reihe I, Bd. 27 (Januar 1707 – September 1707, in Bearbeitung) - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover

Berichtigungen zu Reihe I, III & VII
Nachträge zu Reihe I
Nachträge zu Reihe III
Material zu Reihe I

Transkriptionen des Leibniz-Briefwechsels für die Leibniz-Akademie-Ausgabe

Überprüfte Briefe

1708, 1709, 1710, 1711, 1712, 1713, 1714, 1715, 1716

Nicht überprüfte Briefe

1710, 1711, 1712, 1713, 1714

Reihe II: Philosophischer Briefwechsel

Reihe II, Bd. 1 (1663 - 1685) - from Leibniz-Forschungsstelle Münster
Reihe II, Bd. 2 (1686 - 1694) Inhaltsverzeichnis, Vorwort, Einleitung, Briefwechsel, Verzeichnisse - from Leibniz-Forschungsstelle Münster
Reihe II, Bd. 3 (1695 - 1700) - from Leibniz-Forschungsstelle Münster
Reihe II, Bd. 4 (1701-1707) - Vorausedition from Leibniz-Forschungsstelle Münster

Reihe III: Mathematischer, naturwissenschaftlicher und technischer Briefwechsel

Reihe III, Bd. 5 (1691-1693) Online version - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover
Reihe III, Bd. 6 (1694 – Juni 1696) Online version - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover

Reihe III, Bd. 7 (Juli 1696 – 1698) Online version - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover
Reihe III, Bd. 8 (1699-1701) Online version - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover
Reihe III, Bd. 9 (1702-1705) Online version - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover
Reihe III, Bd. 10 Juli 1705 voraussichtlich 1707 (in Bearbeitung) - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover

Reihe IV: Politische Schriften

Reihe IV, Bd 1 (1667-1676) - from Leibniz-edition Potsdam  
Reihe IV, Bd. 2 (1677-1687) - from Leibniz-edition Potsdam
Reihe IV, Bd. 3 (1677-1689) - from Leibniz-edition Potsdam
Reihe IV, Bd. 4 (1680-1692) - from Leibniz-edition Potsdam
Reihe IV, Bd. 5 (1692-1694) - from Leibniz-edition Potsdam
Reihe IV, Bd. 6 (1695-1697) - from Leibniz-edition Potsdam
Reihe IV, Bd. 7 (1697-1699) - from Leibniz-edition Potsdam
Reihe IV, Bd. 8A, 8B (1699-1700) - from Leibniz-edition Potsdam
Reihe IV, Bd. 9 (1701-1702) Internetausgabe: Inhaltsverzeichnis, Vorwort und EinleitungText und Verzeichnisse - from Leibniz-edition Potsdam
Reihe IV, Bd, 10 (1702-1704) (Vorausedition) InhaltsverzeichnisText  

Reihe V: Leibniz´ Arbeit als Historiker und als Sprachforscher 

Reihe VI: Philosophische Schriften

Reihe VI, 4, 1677 – Juni 1690, Teil A, B, C, D - from Leibniz-edition Münster
Reihe VI, 5, 1690-1703 (Vorausedition) - from Leibniz-edition Münster
Reihe VI, 6 Nouveaux essais (1704) - from Leibniz-edition Münster
Reihe VI, Varia (Vorausedition) - from Leibniz-edition Münster

Reihe VII: Mathematische Schriften

Reihe VII, Bd. 3 (1672-1676) Online version - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover
Reihe VII, Bd. 4: (1672-1673) Online version - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover
Reihe VII, Bd 5: (1691-1693) Online version - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover
Reihe VII, Bd 6 (1672-1676) Online version - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover
Reihe VII, Bd. 7 (Juli 1696 – Dezember 1698) Online version - from Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover
Reihe VII, Bd. 8 (1672-1676) Varia mathematica Vorausedition

Berichtigungen zu Reihe VII

Transkriptionen und Vorauseditionen mathematischer Schriften für die Leibniz-Akademie-Ausgabe: Mathesis Philiumm

Reihe VIII: Naturwissenschaftlich-medizinisch-technischen Schriften

Reihe VIII, Bd.1 - from Leibniz-editionsstelle, Berlin
Reihe VIII, Bd. 2 - from Leibniz-editionsstelle, Berlin
Reihe VIII, Bd, 3 - Naturwissenschaftliche Schriften: Mechanik 1 (Akustik, Elastizität, Festigkeit, Schwerpunkt, Statik, Stoß, in Bearbeitung) - from Leibniz-editionsstelle, Berlin
Reihe VIII, Bd. 4 - Naturwissenschaftliche Schriften Mechanik 2 - Vorausedition from Leibniz-editionsstelle, Berlin

Texts from Reihe VIII with scans of original manuscripts etc. - from Leibniz-Arbeitstelle Berlin
Transcriptions of some texts related to Reihe VIII by Justin Smith


Foucher De Careil

Gerhardt (Hrsg.): Philosophische Schriften und Briefe

Band I, Band II, Band III, Band IV, Band V, Band VI, Band VII

Gerhardt (Hrsg.): Mathematische Schriften

Band I, Band II, Band III, Band IV, Band V, Band VI, Band VII


A collection of older editions of Leibniz's works - from Leibniz-Arbeitsstelle Münster

Opera philosophica quae exstant latina, gallica, germanica omnia (Hrsg. Erdmann, 1840)
Opuscules et fragments inédits de Leibniz : extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque royale de Hanovre / par Louis Couturat,... - F. Alcan (Paris) - 1903 - from Gallica
Oeuvres philosophiques de Leibniz. T. 1 / avec une introd. et des notes par Paul Janet,... - F. Alcan (Paris) - 1900 - from Gallica
Oeuvres philosophiques de Leibniz. T. 2
/ avec une introd. et des notes par Paul Janet,... - F. Alcan (Paris) - 1900 - from Gallica

Otium hanoveranum: sive, Miscellanea, ex ore & schedis illustris viri ... Godofr. Guilielmi... By Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Paul Pellisson-Fontanier
Novissima sinica historiam nostri temporis illustratura, in quibus de christianismo publica nunc primum autoritate propagato missa in Europam relatio exhibetur... edente G. G. L. [Leibnitio]... 2a editio... - [s.n.] - 1699
Leibnitz's Animadversiones ad Cartesii principia philosophiæ, mitgetheilt von G.E. Guhrauer

Digitized original books from Strasbourg:

Disputatio arithmetica de complexionibus

Disputatio metaphysica de principio individui
Disputatio Inauguralis De Casibus Perplexis In Jure
Nova Methodus Discendae Docendaeque Iurisprudentiae
G. G. De Origine Francorum Disquisitio, Unpartheyisches Urtheil von dem Nutzen, welchen die Evangelisch-Lutherischen au... (with Molanus)
Des Hn. Gottfried Wilh. von Leibnitz, Ehemaligen Käyserl. Reichs- Hof- und Chur... [First edition of Monadology (1720)]
Ars combinatoria (1690)
Fas Est Et Ab Hoste Doceri
Des Freyherrn von Leibnitz Kleinere philosophische Schriften

Digitized original books from Leibniz-Bibliothek, Hannover:

Einige Schrifften den Characterem der Chur- und Fürstlichen Gesandten betreffendt
Nova Methodus Discendæ Docendæque Iurisprudentiæ
Entretien De Philarete Et D'Eugene Sur la question du temps agitée à Nimwegue
Illvstris Viri Godofr. Gvilielmi Leibnitii Collectanea Etymologica
Specimen Demonstrationum Politicarum Pro Eligendo Rege Polonorum
Summi Polyhistoris Godefridi Guilielmi Leibnitii Protogaea


Monadology - translated by Latta and Rutherford
Monadology in French
[La] monadologie / Leibniz ; avec une notice sur Leibniz... de D. Nolen,... - from Bibliothèque nationale de France
[La] monadologie / Leibniz ; publ. d'après les ms. et accompagnée d'éclaircissements par Emile Boutroux. Suivi d'une Note sur les principes de la mécanique dans Descartes et dans Leibniz / par Henri Poincaré,... - from Bibliothèque nationale de France
Leibniz : la monadologie / avec étude et notes [de] Clodius Piat,... - from Bibliothèque nationale de France


Theodicy (trans. Huggard)
University of Notre Dame: Leibniz texts - information of the forthcoming English translation of Theodicy - includes some related texts; see also the blog.
New Essays

New Essays on Human Understanding (1714) - modernized translation by Jonathan Bennett
Leibniz : "nouveaux essais sur l'entendement humain"
/ [éd.] par J.-H. Vérin (Book I) - from Bibliothèque nationale de France
Other single texts

Discourse on Metaphysics - from
Discourse on Metaphysics (1686) (modernized translation by Jonathan Bennett)
Discours de métaphysique / par G. W. Leibniz ; introd. et notes par H. Lestienne,... ; préf. de A. Penjon,... - from Bibliothèque nationale de France

De ipsa natura

Nature itself
(1698) (modernized translation by Jonathan Bennett)
De ipsa natura - from Wikisource

Meditationes de cognitatione, veritate et ideis

Meditations on knowledge, truth, and ideas (1684) (modernized translation by Jonathan Bennett)
Meditationes de cognitione, veritate et idels, Edited and commentary by Georg Christoph Stellwagen, 1740

Modernized translations by Jonathan Bennett. Note! These are abridged translations for teaching purposes.

Contingency (1686)
The ultimate origin of things (1697)
New Essays on Human Understanding (1704): book I, book II, book III, book IV

Translations and transcriptions by Justin E. H. Smith

A Method for Instituting a New, Invincible Militia (includes the original latin transcription)
De animalibus (1672-6) - transcription by Justin Smith
De Methodo botanica - transcription by Justin Smith, his translation in English (Letter to A. C. Gackenholtz, Doctor of Medicine. On Botanical Method)
Corpus hominis et uniuscujusque animalis Machina est quædam (1680-82) - transcription by Justin Smith, his translation in English The Human Body is a Sort of Machine
De causis et curatione febrium (1704-5) - transcription by Justin Smith
Über die polygamie (1675) (On polygamy)
Arithmetic Quadrature of the Circle (autumn 1674 - September 1676) 
On the necessity of choosing the best (De necessitate eligendi optimum) 1677?
The Origin of contingent truths (Origo veritatum contingentium)

On reason and divination
Double Infinity in Pascal and Monad (1696)
Distinction of mind and body (Distinctio mentis et corporis)
On man, beatitude, God and Christ (De homine, beatitudine, deo, christo)
Draft preface to the Theodicy (Préface de la Théodicée)
On the ultimate origination of things (23 Nov. 1697)
Letter on the Difficulties Sparked by Reason With Regard to the Compatibility of the Attributes of God with Evil (early 1707 - May 1708 (?))
A note about the light that some call Aurora Borealis (1710)
Some Remarks Made While Leafing Through the Letter "A" of Bayle's Dictionary (May 1714?)
Revolution (1715)
The physical origin of circumcision
The axiom: nothing is in the intellect that was not in the senses
Review of Joseph Raphson's "Demonstration of God" (1712)
The True Method (first half of 1677 (?)) 
Algebra and Arithmetic (1679 (?))
On Horneius' Disputationum theologicarum (after 6 April 1693)
The Beginning of the Institutions of Perpetual Right (1695)
My Arithmetic Machine (April 1695)
Tactile Binary Clock (1716 (?))

Translations by George MacDonald Ross:

Comments on Foucher
Comments on Sturm
Notes on Analysis
Notes on the ontological argument

Translations by Jeffrey K. MacDonough:

How the Soul Acts on the Body,” a translation of a G. W. Leibniz's Anima Quomodo Agat in Corpus (1677; A VI.iv.B.257)
On Existence,” a translation of G. W. Leibniz's De Existentia (1676; A VI.iii.87)
Texts Related to Leibniz’s Comments on his Discussion with Fardella,” a translation of three texts grouped by the Akademie Editors together with Leibniz’s famous notes on his discussion with Michel Angelo Fardella in 1690.
"An Untitled Derivation of the Law of Refraction, December 1681" a translation of a note made by Leibniz, and dated "December 1681. Figure
A Unitary Principle of Optics, Catoptrics, and Dioptrics,” a translation with notes of G. W. Leibniz’s “Unicum Opticae, Catoptricae, et Dioptricae Principium,” originally published in June 1682. Figure
"A Conjecture Why It Seems That Anaxagoras Could Have Said That Snow Is Black, for Jacob Thomasius in a Letter Sent 16 February 1666,” a translation of G. W. Leibniz’s “Conjectura cur Anaxagoras nivem nigram dicere potuisse videatur, petenti Jac. Thomasio in scheda missa d. 16 Febr. 1666 (A II, 1, 4-5)

Translations by Shane Duarte

On Freedom, Fate, and the Grace of God
On the Freedom of the Rational Creature
On Necessity and Contingency
God Wills Nothing without a Reason


Mantissa codicis juris gentium diplomatici, continens statuta magnorum ordinum regiorum,... / Godefridi Guilielni Leibnitii - from Bibliothèque nationale de France


Leibniz -Arnauld-correspondence - by Jonathan Bennett (modernized and abridged)
Correspondence with Des Bosses - translated by George McDonald Ross
Correspondence with Des Bosses - origina manuscripts from Gallica
Correspondence with De Volder (Drafts for teaching purposes) - translated by Paul Lodge
Correspondence with Sophie (Introduction and two letters) - translated by George MacDonald Ross
Leibniz-Clarke-correspondence by Soshichi Uchii : Part 1, Part 2
Leibniz-Clarke-correspondence by Jonathan Bennett (modernized and abridged)
Leibniz-Clarke-correspondence - a digitzed edition from Strasbourg
Leibniz-Bayle-exchange - by Jonathan Bennett (modernized and abridged)
Briefwechsel zwischen Leibniz und Christian Wolf (ed. H.W. Schmidt, 1860)
Leibniz-Bouvet-correspondence - translation by Daniel Cook & Alan Berkowitz
A collection of Leibniz's correspondence - from Leibniz-Arbeitsstelle Münster

Single letters

Translated by Lloyd Strickland:

Extract from a letter to one of my friends (3 April 1696)
Leibniz to Landgrave Ernst von Hessen-Rheinfels (April 1681)
Leibniz to Landgrave Ernst von Hesse-Rheinfels (1/11 January 1684)
Letter to Landgrave Ernst von Hessen-Rheinfels 29 Dec. 1684
Leibniz to Landgrave Ernst von Hessen-Rheinfels (16/26 November 1685)
Letter to Landgrave Ernst von Hesse-Rheinfels (1/11 February 1686)
Letter to Antonio Alberti? (1689)
Letter to Electress Sophie 5. 7. 169218. 11. 1702, 4. 3. 1713 
Letter to Madame de Brinon 19./29. 11. 1697, 15 May 1699
Letter to Spanheim 20. 2. 1699
Leibniz to/from Wilhelm Ernst Tentzel (Selections, 1696-97)
Letter to Philip Naudé 29. 12. 1707
Letter to des Maizeaux 8. 7. 1711
Letter to Herzog Johann Friedrich 1678?
Leibniz to Duke Johann Friedrich (autumn 1679)
Leibniz to (and from) Lorenz Hertel (July 1694 - Jan. 1695)
Letter to Malebranche 2./12. 10. 1698, 13 December 1698, 13/23 March 1699, 1712
Letter to Molanus 2. 2. 1698, 2./12. 10. 1698, June 1700
Leibniz to Johann Wilhelm Petersen (after 15 Oct. 1706)
Letter to Marquis de l'Hospital 1695, 1696
Letter to Desmaizeaux (21. 8. 1716)
Letter to Schulenburg 1698
Letter to Pierre de Falaiseau (1705)
Letter to Bourguet 22. 3. 1714, August 1715, 7. 2. 1716, 20. 4. 1716
Letter to Hartsoeker (July/August 1710), (7. 12. 1711)
Letter to Foucher (March 1693)
Letter to Foucher (5/15 July 1695)
Leibniz to Pierre Desmaizeaux (1711)
Letter to Remond July 1714, 4. 11. 1715, 19. 10. 1716
Letter to Lady Masham December 1703
Letter to Johann Georg Liebknecht (30 January 1711)
Letter to Father Bouvet (1697)
Letter to Fardella (1697)
Letter to Christian Philipp 11./21. 3. 1681
Letter to André Morell 10./20. 12. 1696, 31. 5. 1697, 1. 10. 1697
Letter to Thomas Burnett 27. 2. 1702
Letter from Carlo Maurizio Vota to Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 17. 4. 1703
Letter to Falaiseau 8. 6. 1705
Leibniz to Charles le Gobien 17. 8. 1705
Letter to Philippe Naudé 29. 12. 1707
Letter to John Toland  1. 3. 1710
Leibniz to Charles Hugony (30 November 1710)
Letter to Bierling 24. 10. 1709, 14. 1. 1712, Jan.-Apr. 1713
Leibniz to Christian Goldbach (17 April 1712)
Leibniz to Christian Goldbach (after 5 January 1713)
Samuel Urlsperger to Leibniz (4 Jan. 1713)
Letter to Michael Gottlieb Hansch (15 March 1713)
Leibniz to John Arnold (5 June 1716)
Leibniz to Caroline 29. 3. 1715
Leibniz to Pierre Daniel Huit (18/28 10. 1678)
Leibniz to Jean de Fontaney (28 July 1704)
César Caze to Leibniz (16 January 1705)  
Leibniz to Nicholaas Witsen (2 March 1704)
Leibniz to Jean-Jaques Boisot (10 May 1697)

George Smalridge, Bishop of Bristol to Sophie, Electress of Hanover, on Leibniz's Theodicy (4 March 1715)

Translated by George MacDonald Ross:

Leibniz to Arnauld, 9th October 1687 (GP.II.118–120)
Leibniz to Bierling, 7th July 1711 (GP.VII.497)
Leibniz to Caroline, November 1715
Leibniz to Sophie Charlotte 7. 5. 1704

Translated by Donald Rutherford:

To the Electress Sophie, 4 November 1696
To the Electress Sophie, 12 June 1700
To Giambattista Tolomei, 17 December 1705
To Rudolf Christian Wagner, 4 June 1710
To Friedrich Bierling, 1711-1712
To Nicolas Remond, July 1714
To Pierre Dangicourt, 11 September 1716


Leibniz -Translations - lots of unpublished translation to English of various texts in this suberb page by Lloyd Strickland
Clinton Tolley's list of Leibniz's texts available in Googlebooks - very useful, contains links to Gerhardt, Couturat etc.
Manuscripts and digitized texts/books by Leibniz from G. W. Leibniz Bibliothek, Hannover

Collection of letters and memorials of Leibniz relating to Russia and Peter the Great - from Boris Yeltsin presidential library
Leibniz's works and some collections of texts from Internet Archive
Leibniztexte in Internet (From Leibniz-Forschungsstelle Münster) - a very useful collection of original texts by Leibniz and older Leibniz-research

Early Modern Texts - Jonathan Bennett's translations for students (principles of translation here)

Donald Rutherford's translations : Leibniz's philosophical dream, On genorosity, Reflections on the soul of the beasts and Monadology (originally translated by Robert Latta), A Conjecture Why It Seems That Anaxagoras Could Have Said That Snow Is Black (1666)

Texts in French from Association des Bibliophiles Universels : contains Drôle de pensee, Monadologie, Théodicée (parts) and diverses letters and papers


Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientiarum, ex scriptis Societati Regiae Scientiarum exhibitis edita - from the annals of Berlin Academy

Method of Mathematics (A preface to general science)
Novissima sinica - with commentary from Studien von Seitfragen
Various smaller texts -from Bibliotheca Augustana (some seemingly unavailable anywhere else)
Google book search of all-text books by Leibniz
Google book search of all books on Leibniz (most can be previewed)
Excerpts of letters translated to Finnish - from Niin & Näin 1/96
Leibniz on universal characteristics - citations; compiled by Ralph Dumain
Bernardino Oriel y Miguel's translations and commentaries of Leibniz's mostly mathematic texts - in spanish
The Philosophical Works of Leibnitz. Comprising the Monadology, New System of Nature, Principles of Nature and of Grace, Letters to Clarke, Refutation of Spinoza, and his other important philosophical opuscules, together with the Abridgment of the Theodicy and extracts from the New Essays on Human Understanding. Translated from the original latin and french with notes by Instructor in Mental and Moral Philosophy, Yale University. New Haven. Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, publishers, 1890.
Plan for a forthcoming edition: Leibniz in Spanish - Norms of the edition - from Sociedad Espanola Leibniz
Various texts in French and Latin - from Toulouse
Various Leibniz-texts translated to Italian - from Solidatas Leibnitina (see right sidebar)

Blog post by Stephen Wolfram: Dropping in on Leibniz (including great photos of Leibniz's manuscripts!)