After Gon, 2002
<==o Proetida Fortey & Owens, 1975 `--o Proetina [Proetacea] |--o †Protetoidea | |-- †Proetidae | `-- †Phillipsiidae |--o †Aulacopleuroidea | |-- †Aulacopleuridae | |-- †Brachymetopidae | `-- †Rorringtoniidae `--o †Bathyuroidea [Bathyuracea; incl. Holotrachelacea] |-- †Bathyuridae Walcott, 1886 |-- †Dimeropygidae |-- †Tornquistiidae [per Chatterton, et al. 1998] |-- †Celmidae |-- †Lecanopygidae [Illaenuridae] [also treated as a Leiostegioid ] |-- †Glaphuridae |-- †Holotrachelidae [Holotrachelacea] `-- †Telephinidae
- Adrain, J. M. & Westrop, S. R., 2005: Lower Ordovician trilobites from the Baumann Fiord Formation, Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada.
–Canadian Journal of Earth Sciencies: Vol. 42, pp. 1523-1546 - Gon III, S. M., 2002: Systematic listing of Trilobite families.