After Platnick, 2000-2004 [“AMNH - The World Spider Catalog”]

<==o Eumenophorinae Pocock, 1897
   |--o Anoploscelus Pocock, 1897 [removed from synonymy of Phoneyusa Karsch, 1884]
   |  |-- A. celeripes Pocock, 1897
   |  `-- A. lesserti Laurent, 1946
   |--o Batesiella Pocok, 1903 [removed from synonymy of Encyocrates Simon, 1892]
   |  `-- B. crinita Pocock, 1903
   |--o Citharischius Pocock, 1900 [Monocentropella Strand, 1907]
   |  |-- C. crawshayi Pocock, 1900 [Citharischius crawshagi Bonnet, 1956]
   |  `-- C. stridulantissimus (Strand, 1907) [Monocentropella stridulantissima Strand, 1907]
   |--o Encyocrates Simon, 1892
   |  `-- E. raffrayi Simon, 1892
   |--o Eumenophorus Pocock, 1897
   |  |-- E. clementsi Pocock, 1897 [Eumenophorus clementsii Pocock, 1897]
   |  `-- E. murphyorum Smith, 1990 [Eumenophorus murphyi Smith, 1990]
   |--o Hysterocrates Simon, 1892
   |  |--o H. affinis Strand, 1907
   |  |  `-- H. a. angusticeps Strand, 1907
   |  |-- H. apostolicus Pocock, 1900
   |  |-- H. crassipes Pocock, 1897
   |  |-- H. didymus Pocock, 1900
   |  |-- H. ederi Charpentier, 1995
   |  |-- H. gigas Pocock, 1897
   |  |-- H. greeffi (Karsch, 1884) [Selenocosmia greeffi Karsch, 1884; Phoneyusa greeffi Karsch, 1886; Hysterocrates maximus Strand, 1907]
   |  |-- H. greshoffi (Simon, 1891) [Phoneyusa gresshoffi Simon, 1891]
   |  |-- H. haasi Strand, 1906
   |  |-- H. hercules Pocock, 1899
   |  |-- H. laticeps Pocock, 1897 [Hysterocrates camerunensis Strand, 1907]
   |  |-- H. maximus Strand, 1906
   |  |-- H. ochraceus Strand, 1907 [Hysterocrates ochraceus congonus Strand, 1920]
   |  |--o H. robustus Pocock, 1899
   |  |  `-- H. r. sulcifer Strand, 1908 [Hysterocrates robustus sulcifera Strand, 1908]
   |  |-- H. scepticus Pocock, 1900
   |  |-- H. sjostedti (Thorell, 1899) [Lycotharses sjöstedtii Thorell, 1899; Hysterocrates sjöstedti Strand, 1906]
   |  |-- H. spellenbergi Strand, 1906
   |  |-- H. vosseleri Strand, 1906
   |  `-- H. weileri Strand, 1906
   |--o Loxomphalia Simon, 1889
   |  `-- L. rubida Simon, 1889
   |--o Loxoptygus Simon, 1903 [removed from synonymy of Phoneyusa Karsch, 1884; Loxoptygella Strand, 1906]
   |  |-- L. coturnatus Simon, 1903
   |  |-- L. ectypus (Simon, 1889) [Harpaxotheria ectypa Simon, 1889]
   |  `-- L. erlangeri (Strand, 1906) [Loxoptygella erlangeri Strand, 1906]
   |--o Monocentropus Pocock, 1897
   |  |-- M. balfouri Pocock, 1897
   |  |-- M. lambertoni Fage, 1922
   |  `-- M. longimanus Pocock, 1903
   |--o Myostola Simon, 1903 [removed from the synonymy of Phoneyusa Karsch, 1884]
   |  `-- M. occidentalis (Lucas, 1858) [Mygale occidentalis Lucas, 1858; Phoneyusa occidentalis Pocock, 1899]
   |--o Phoneyusa Karsch, 1884 [Loxophobema Simon, 1907; Umangia Strand, 1920; Pelinobius Karsch, 1885]
   |  |-- P. antilope (Simon, 1889) [Harpaxotheria antilope Simon, 1889]
   |  |-- P. belandana Karsch, 1884
   |  |-- P. bettoni Pocock, 1898
   |  |--o P. bidentata Pocock, 1899 [Hysterocrates severini Strand, 1920; Phoneyusa umangiana Strand, 1920; Umangia umangiana Strand, 1920]
   |  |  `-- P. b. ituriensis Laurent, 1946
   |  |-- P. bouvieri Berland, 1917
   |  |-- P. buettneri Karsch, 1886 [Phoneyusa büttneri Karsch, 1886]
   |  |-- P. celerierae Smith, 1990 [Phoneyusa celerieri Schmidt, 1990]
   |  |-- P. chevalieri Simon, 1906
   |  |-- P. cultridens Berland, 1917
   |  |-- P. efuliensis Smith, 1990
   |  |-- P. elephantiasis Berland, 1917
   |  |-- P. gabonica (Simon, 1889) [Pelinobius gabonicus Simon, 1889]
   |  |-- P. giltayi Laurent, 1946
   |  |-- P. gracilipes (Simon, 1889) [Harpaxotheria gracilipes Simon, 1889]
   |  |-- P. gregori Pocock, 1897 [Phoneyusa gregorii Pocock, 1897]
   |  |-- P. lesserti Dresco, 1973
   |  |-- P. manicata Simon, 1907
   |  |-- P. minima (Strand, 1907) [Hysterocrates minimus Strand, 1907]
   |  |-- P. mutica (Karsch, 1885) [Pelinobius muticus Karsch, 1885]
   |  |-- P. nigroventris (Marx, 1893) [Selenocosmia nigroventris Marx, 1893]
   |  |-- P. principium Simon, 1907
   |  |-- P. rufa Berland, 1914
   |  |-- P. rutilata (Simon, 1907) [Loxophobema rutilata Simon, 1907]
   |  `-- P. westi Smith, 1990
   `--o Polyspinosa Schmidt, 1999 [Polyspina Schmidt, 1994]
      `-- P. schulzei (Schmidt, 1994) [Polyspina schulzei, 1993]



Special thanks to:

Jos Dols, for downloading and editing this information for Archive.