After Shu et al., 2003, and Janvier, 2015
<==o Vertebrata Lamarck, 1801 (vertebrates; selkärankaiset) |?- †Myllokunmingia fengjiaoa Shu, Zhang & Han, 1999 [=? Haikouichthys ercaicunensis sensu Zhang & Hou, 2004] |?- †Haikouichthys ercaicunensis Luo, Hu & Shu, 1999 sensu Shu et al., 2003 |--o Cyclostomata Duméril, 1806 (“round mouths”; ympyräsuiset) | |?- †Conodonta Eichenberg, 1930 sensu Sweet & Donoghue, 2001 [Conodontia, Euconodonta, Conodontophorida] (conodonts; konodontit) | `--+--o Hyperotreti | | `-- Myxini (hagfishes; limaajat, limanahkiaiset) | `-- Hyperoartii Müller, 1844 [Hyperoartia] (lampreys; nahkiaiskalat) `--o “Gnathostomatomorpha” [paraphyletic Osteodermata] |-- †Pteraspidomorphi Goodrich, 1909 [Diplorhina] (“kaksisieraimiset”) `--+-- †Anaspida Traquair, 1899 `--+?= †Thelodonti Jaekel, 1911 [Thelodontomorphi Jaekel, 1911] [paraphyletic??] |?- †Furcacaudiformes Wilson & Caldwell, 1998 (“fork-tailed thelodonts”) `--+-- †Galeaspida Liu, 1965 [non Tarlo, 1967] `--+--o †Pituriaspida | |-- †Pituriaspis doylei | `-- †Neeyambaspis enigmatica |-- †Osteostraci Lankester, 1868 [Cephalaspidiformes] `--+?- †Eleochera glossa Sansom & Smith, 2005 `-- Gnathostomata Gegenbaur, 1874 (jawed vertebrates; leualliset selkärankaiset)
After Janvier, 1981, 1997, and Shu et al., 2003<==o Vertebrata |?- †Myllokunmingia fengjiaoa Shu, Zhang & Han, 1999 [=? Haikouichthys ercaicunensis sensu Zhang & Hou, 2004] |?- †Haikouichthys ercaicunensis Luo, Hu & Shu, 1999 sensu Shu et al., 2003 |-- Hyperoartii Müller, 1844 [Hyperoartia] (lampreys; nahkiaiskalat) `--+?- †Conodonta Eichenberg, 1930 sensu Sweet & Donoghue, 2001 [Conodontia, Euconodonta, Conodontophorida] (conodonts; konodontit) `--+-- †Pteraspidomorphi Goodrich, 1909 [Diplorhina] (“kaksisieraimiset”) `--+-- †Anaspida Traquair, 1899 `--+?= †Thelodonti Jaekel, 1911 [Thelodontomorphi Jaekel, 1911] [paraphyletic??] `--+-- †Galeaspida Liu, 1965 [non Tarlo, 1967] `--+--o †Pituriaspida | |-- †Pituriaspis doylei | `-- †Neeyambaspis enigmatica |-- †Osteostraci Lankester, 1868 [Cephalaspidiformes] `--o “Gnathostomatomorpha” |?- †Eleochera glossa Sansom & Smith, 2005 |-- †Furcacaudiformes Wilson & Caldwell, 1998 (“fork-tailed thelodonts”) `-- Gnathostomata Gegenbaur, 1874 (jawed vertebrates; leualliset selkärankaiset) |
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