After Begun, 2002, Chaimanee et al., 2003 and Chaimanee et al, 2004
<==o Pongidae Elliot, 1913 (orang-utans; orangutangit)
|--o †Lufengpithecini
| `--o †Lufengpithecus Wu, 1987
| |-- †L. lufengensis (Xu et al., 1978)
| |-- †L. keiyuanensis (Woo, 1957)
| `-- †L. hudienensis Zhang et al., 1987
`--+-- †Ankarapithecus meteai Ozansoy, 1965 [Sivapithecus]
`--+--o †Sivapithecini
| |--o †Sivapithecus Pilgrim, 1910 [Ramapithecus]
| | |?- †S. brevirostris [Ramapithecus brevirostris]
| | |?- †S. punjabicus [Ramapithecus punjabicus]
| | |-- †S. sivalensis Lydekker, 1879
| | |-- †S. indicus Pilgrim, 1910
| | `-- †S. parvada Kelley, 1988
| `--o †Gigantopithecus von Koenigswald, 1935
| |-- †G. giganteus (Pilgrim, 1915) [G. bilaspurensis]
| `-- †G. blacki von Koenigswald, 1935
`--o Pongini Elliot, 1913
|--o †Khoratpithecus Chaimanee, Suteethorn, Jintasakul, Vidthayanon, Marandat & Jaeger, 2004
| |-- †K. chiangmuanensis (Chaimanee, Jolly, Benammi, Tafforeau, Duzer, Moussa & Jaeger, 2003) [cf. Lufengpithecus chiangmuanensis Chaimanee, Jolly, Benammi, Tafforeau, Duzer, Moussa & Jaeger, 2003]
| `-- †K. piriyai Chaimanee, Suteethorn, Jintasakul, Vidthayanon, Marandat & Jaeger, 2004
`--o Pongo Lacépède, 1799 (orang-utan's; orangit)
|-- P. abelii Lesson, 1827 (Sumatra orang-utan; sumatranoranki)
`--o P. pygmaeus (Linnaeus, 1760) [Simia satyrus Linnaeus, 1760; P. satyrus (Linnaeus, 1766) (in partim); P. agris (Schreber, 1799); P. borneo (Lacépède, 1799); P. batangtuensis (Selenka, 1896); P. borneensis Röhrer-Ertl, 1983; P. brookei (Blyth, 1853); P. curtus (Blyth, 1855); P. dadappensis (Selenka, 1896); P. genepaiensis (Selenka, 1896); P. landakkensis (Selenka, 1896); P. morio (Owen, 1837); P. owenii (Blyth, 1853); P. rantaiensis (Selenka, 1896); P. rufus (Lesson, 1840); P. skalauensis (Selenka, 1896); P. sumatranus (Mayer, 1856); P. tuakensis (Selenka, 1896); P. wallichii (Gray, 1871); P. wurmbii (Tiedemann, 1808)] (Borneo orang-utan; borneonoranki)
|-- P. p. pygmaeus (Linnaeus, 1760) (Northwest Bornean orangutan)
|-- P. p. wurmbii (Tiedemann, 1808) (Central Bornean orangutan)
`-- P. p. morio (Owen, 1837) (Northeast Bornean orangutan)
- Alpagut, B., Andrews, P., Fortelius, M., Kappelman, J., Temizsoy, 'I., Celebi, H. & Lindsay, W. 1996: A new specimen of Ankarapithecus meteai from the Sinap Formation of central Anatolia.
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