After Barnosky, 1981, and McKenna & Bell, 1997, with some fossil species from “The Paleobiology Database

<==o †Proscalopidae Reed, K., 1961
   |-- †Cryptoryctes kayi Reed, C., 1954
   `--+--o †Oligoscalops Reed, K., 1961
      |  |?- †O. sp. sensu Barnosky, 1981
      |  |-- †O. galbreathi (Reed, C., 1956) [Oligoscalops whitmanensis Reed, 1961]
      |  `?- †O. secundus (Matthew, 1909) [Proscalops secundus Matthew, 1909]
      `--+?- †“Proscalops” sp. sensu Barnosky, 1981
         |?- †“Proscalops” intermedius Barnosky, 1982
         |?- †“Proscalops” secundus Matthew, 1909
         |--+-- †“Proscalops” tertius Reed, K., 1961
         |  `-- †“Proscalops” evelynae (MacDonald, 1963) [Domninoides evelynae MacDonald, 1963, Arctoryctes terrenus MacDonald, 1963]
         `--+-- †Proscalops miocaenus Matthew, 1901 [type]
            `--o †Mesoscalops Reed, K., 1960
               |-- †M. scopelotemos Reed, K., 1960
               |-- †M. montanensis Barnosky, 1981
               `-- †M. sp. sensu Barnosky, 1981
