<==o TETRAPODOMORPHA [Osteolepimorpha] (maaselkärankaismaiset varsieväkalat; landvertebrate-like sarcopterygians) |-- †Kenichthys `--+-- †RHIZODONTIDA `--o †"OSTEOLEPIFORMES" |-- †Osteolepididae |?- †Thysanolepidae `--+-- †Megalichthyidae `--+-- †Medoevia `--+-- †Canowindridae `--+-- †Gyroptychius `--+-- †Tristichopteridae `--o †ELPISTOSTEGALIA [Panderichthyida] `-- TETRAPODA sensu Goodrich 1930 [landvertebrates = four-limbed vertebrates]Reference(s):
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