<==o Dermochelyoidea (Gray, 1825) Baur, 1888 sensu Hirayama, 1997, 1998 (leatherback turtles and relatives; merinahkakilpikonnansukuiset merikilpikonnat) |?- †Cimochelys benstedi (Mantell, 1841) Zangerl, 1960 [Emys benstedi Mantell, 1841; Chelone (Cimochelys) benstedi (Mantell, 1841) Owen, 1841; Chelone benstedi (Mantell, 1841) Owen, 1841] |?- †"Protostega" eaglefordensis Zangerl, 1953; L. Cret. NA. |?-o †Thalassemyidae | |-- †Desmemys | |-- †Padiochelys [?Chelonemys] | |-- †Thalassemys moseri | |-- †Tropidemys | `-- †Yaxartermys `--o "Dermochelyoinea" [Dermochelyoidea sensu Hirayama 1998] |--o Dermochelyidae Gray, 1825 (leatherback turtles; merinahkakilpikonnat) | |-- †Corsochelys haliniches Zangerl, 1960; U. Cret. NA. | |?- †Egyptemys eocaenus (Andrews, 1901) | |?- †Miochelys fermini | |?- †Cosmochelys dolloi Andrews, 1919 | `--+-- †Dermochelyidae gen. et sp. indet. [U. Cret. Japan (Hirayama, 1997)] | `--+--o †Cardiochelys | | |-- †C. rupeliensis | | `-- †C. eocaemus | `--+-- †Protosphargis veronensis | `--+--o †Eosphargis | | |-- †E. gigas | | `-- †E. breineri | `--+?- †"Thalassochelys" testei Bergounioux, 1956 | `--+--o †Psephophorus | | |-- †P. rupeliensis | | |-- †P. scaldii | | |-- †P. polygonus | | `-- †P. pseudostracion | |-- †Mesodermochelys | `-- Dermochelys coriacea Blainville, 1816 (leatherback turtle; merinahkakilpikonna) `--o Protostegidae Cope, 1872 sensu Hirayama 1998 |-- †Santanachelys gaffneyi Hirayama, 1998; L. Cret. ESA. `--+-- †Notochelone costata (Owen, 1882); L. Cret. Aust. `--+--o †Desmatochelyidae Williston, 1894 sensu Elliott, Irby & Hutchinson, 1997 and Moody, 1997 | |?- †Glyptops | |--o †Desmatochelys Williston, 1894; Cret. NA. SA. EAs. | | |-- †D. sp. [L. Cret. NSA.] (Smith, 1989) | | `-- †D. lowi Williston, 1894; U. Cret. NA. EAs. | `--o †Rhinochelys Seeley, 1869 [taxonomic history] | |-- †R. pulchriceps (Owen, 1851) [taxonomic history] | |-- †R. elegans Lydekker, 1889 | |-- †R. cantabridgiensis Lydekker, 1889 | `-- †R. amaberti Moret, 1935 `--o †Protostegidae Cope, 1872 sensu Moody, 1997 and Hooks, 1998 `--+-- †Chelosphargis advena (Hay, 1906) Zangerl, 1953 [Protostega advena Hay, 1906]; U. Cret. NA. EAs. NZ. [Chelospharginae Zangerl, 1953] `--o †Protosteginae Zangerl, 1953 |-- †Calcarichelys gemma Zangerl, 1953; U. Cret. NA. [Calcarichthyini Hook, 1998] `--o †Protostegini Hook, 1998 |?- †"Protostega" anglica Lydekker, 1889 [?Chelone jessoni Lydekker, 1889] Cret. WEu. |-- †Microstega copei (Wieland, 1909) Hook, 1998 [Archelon copei Wieland, 1909 (in partim); "Protostega" copei (Wieland, 1909) Hirayama, 1998] U. Cret. NA. [Microstegina Hook, 1998] `--+?- †Atlantochelys mortoni Agassiz, 1849 [?Pneumatoarthrus peloreus Cope, 1870]; U. Cret. NA. `--o †Protostegina Hook, 1998 |-- †Protostega gigas Cope, 1872; U. Cret. NA. EAs. [taxonomic history] `-- †Archelon ischyros Wieland, 1896 [Archelon marshi Wieland, 1900]; U. Cret. NA.
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