After Hirayama, 1997, 1998, Lapparent de Broin, 2000, and Parham, 2005
<==o “Chelonioinea” [Cheloniidae Gray, 1825 sensu Hirayama, 1997; Pancheloniidae Joyce, Parham & Gauthier, 2004] (chelonians, seaturtles; merikilpikonnat) |--o †Toxochelyidae Baur, 1895 emend. Zangerl, 1953 | |?- †Toxochelyidae genera indet. [Bantuchelys (Dollo, 1924, ex parte;)] | |--o †Toxochelyinae Zangerl, 1953 | | `--o †Toxochelys Cope, 1873; U.Cret. NA. | | |-- †T. latiremis Cope, 1873 [taxonomic history] | | `-- †T. moorevillensis Zangerl, 1953 | `--o †“Thinochelyinae” | |?- †Catapleura repanda (Cope, 1868) [Toxochelys atlantica Zangerl, 1953] | |?- †Dollochelys | `--+-- †Porthochelys laticeps Williston, 1901 | `-- †Thinochelys lapisossea Zangerl, 1953 `--o Cheloniidae Gray, 1825 sensu lato |?- †“Thalassochelys” libyca Andrews, 1901 |?- †“Thalassochelys” phosphatica De Stefano, 1903 [is a Bothremyid pleurodire] |?- †“Trachyaspis” cf. T. aegyptiana Lydekker, 1889 |?- †Trachyaspis aegyptiana Lydekker, 1889 [Syllomus Cope, 1896] |?- †“Euclastes” douvillei De Stefano, 1902 |?- †Tasbacka aldabergeni Nessov, 1987 |?- †Itilochelys rasstrigin Danilov, Averianov & Yarkov, 2010, E.Pal. EEu. |--+-- †Ctenochelys stenoporus (Hay, 1905); U. Cret. NA. WEu. [taxonomic history] | `--+-- †Prionochelys nauta Zangerl, 1953 [?P. matuina Zangerl, 1953; P. galeotergum Zangerl, 1953] | `-- †Peritresius ornatus (Leidy, 1856) [Taphrosophys nodosus Cope, 1870] `--+?- †“Catapleura” arcansaw Schmidt, 1944; U. Cret. NA. |--o †Euclastes Cope, 1867 [Osteopygidae sensu Hirayama, 1997] [taxonomic history] | |-- †E. platyops Cope, 1867 [taxonomic history] | |-- †E. wielandi (Hay, 1908) [taxonomic history] | |-- †E. gosseleti (Dollo, 1886) [taxonomic history] | |-- †E. meridionalis (de la Fuente & Casadío, 2000) [taxonomic history] | |-- †E. planimenta (Owen, 1842) [taxonomic history] | |-- †E. roundsi (Weems, 1988) [taxonomic history] | `-- †E. hutchisoni Lynch & Parham, 2003 [taxonomic history] `--+-- †Allopleuron hoffmanni (Gray, 1831); U.Cret. WEu. `--+-- †Procolpochelys melii `--+?- †Platychelone emarginatus `--+?- †Glyptochelone suyckerbuykii (Ubaghs, 1879); U.Cret. WEu. `--+?- †Eochelone brabantica Dollo, 1903; E.Eoc. |--+--o †Puppigerus Cope, 1871 | | |-- †P. camperi (Gray, 1831) | | `-- †P. crassicostata | `--o †Argillochelys Lydekker, 1889 | |?- †A. africana Tong & Hirayama, 2008 | |-- †A. cuneiceps (Owen, 1849) | |-- †A. antiqua | `-- †A. athersuchii `--o Cheloniidae Gray, 1825 sensu stricto (modern seaturtles; nykymerikilpikonnat) |?-o Caretta Stejneger, 1904 (Loggerhead turtles; valekarettikilpikonnat) [taxonomic history] | |-- †C. patriciae Zug, 2001 | `--o C. caretta (Linnaeus, 1758) (Loggerhead turtle; valekarettikilpikonna) [taxonomic history] | |-- C. c. caretta (Linnaeus, 1758) [taxonomic history] | `-- C. c. gigas (Deraniyagala, 1933) [taxonomic history] |--+-- †Syllomus aegypticus | `-- Natator depressus (Garman, 1880) McCulloch, 1908 sensu Zangerl et al., 1988 (Australian seaturtle) [taxonomic history] `--o Chelonini |--o Eretmochelys imbricata (Linnaeus, 1758) Agassiz, 1857 (Hawksbill turtle; karettikilpikonna) | |-- E. i. imbricata (Linnaeus, 1766) Mertens & Müller, 1928 (Atlantic Hawksbill turtle; atlantinkarettikilpikonna) | `-- E. i. bissa (Rüppell, 1835) Smith & Taylor 1950 (Pacific Hawksbill turtle; tyynenmerenkarettikilpikonna) `--+--o Lepidochelys Girard, 1858? (Ridley's turtles; bastardikilpikonnat) [taxonomic history] | |-- L. kempi (Garman, 1880) (Atlantic Ridley; atlantinbastardikilpikonna) [taxonomic history] | `-- L. olivacea(Eschscholtz, 1829) (Pacific Ridley tyynenmerenbastardikilpikonna) [taxonomic history] `--o Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus, 1758) Schweigger, 1812 (Green turtle; liemikilpikonna) [taxonomic history] |-- C. m. mydas (Linnaeus, 1758) [taxonomic history] |-- C. m. agassizi Bocourt, 1868; Stebbins, 1985 [taxonomic history] |?- C. m. japonica (Thunberg 1787) Gray 1831 [taxonomic history] `?- C. m. carrinegra [status unclear] [taxonomic history]
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