After Raxworthy, Forstner & Nussbaum, 2002, with Recent species from Uetz, Etzold & Chenna, 1995-2000 [“The TIGR Reptile Database ” (former EMBL Reptile Database)]
<==o Bradypodium ()? [25] |-- B. adolfifriderici |-- B. caffrum |-- B. carpenteri |-- B. damaranum |-- B. dracomontanum |-- B. excubitor |-- B. fischeri |-- B. gutturale |-- B. karrooicum |-- B. melanocephalum |-- B. mlanjense |-- B. nemorale |-- B. occidentale |-- B. oxyrhinum |-- B. pumilum |-- B. setaroi |-- B. spinosum |-- B. taeniabronchum |-- B. tavetanum |-- B. tenue |-- B. thamnobates |-- B. transvaalense |-- B. uthmoelleri |-- B. ventrale `-- B. xenorhinum
- Raxworthy, C. J., Forstner, M. R. J. & Nussbaum, R. A., 2002: Chameleon radiation by oceanic dispersal.
–Nature: Vol. 415, pp. 784-787 - Uetz, P., Etzold, T. & Chenna, R. (eds.), 1995-2000: The Reptile Database [former “EMBL Reptile Database”].