After Carroll, 1988 and Williams, 1999-2002
<==o †Hybodontidae Owen, 1846 [paraphyletic?] |?- †Lambdodus Miss. Eu. NA. |?- †“Lissodus” grewincki (Dalinkevicius, 1935) |?- †“Lissodus” multicuspidatus (Duffin & Thies, 1997) |?- †Monocladodus Penn. NA. |-- †Acrodonchus M.-U. Trias. Eu. |--o †Acronemus [sr. synon to Acrodus??] | `-- †A. tuberculatus |?- †Arctacanthus uncinatus Nielsen, 1932 [Hamatus] M. Perm. NA. Gr. |?-o †Carcharopsis [Dicrenodus] U. Dev. Miss. | |-- †C. prototypus Agassiz, 1843 | `-- †C. wortheni (Newberry & Worthen, 1866) |-- †Carinacanthus U. Trias. NA. |-- †Coelosteus Miss. NA. |-- †Dicrenodus [Carchariopsis Pristicladodus] Miss.-Penn. Eu. Miss. NA. |-- †Doratodus tricuspidatus (Schmid, 1861) M.-U. Trias. Eu. |-- †Echinodus paradoxus Davis, 1848, Penn. Eu. |?-o †Egertonodus Maisey, 1987 [Hybodus; Xystrodus; Leiacanthus] | |-- †E. basanus (Egerton, 1845) [Hybodus basanus Egerton, 1845] | `-- †E. fraasi (Brown, 1900) [Hybodus fraasi Brown, 1900] |-- †Eoorodus typus (Branson, 1914) U. Dev. NA. |-- †Hybocladodus plicatus St. John & Worthen, 1875, Miss. NA. |-- †Hybodonchus M.-U. Trias. Eu. |--o †Hybodus Agassiz, 1837 [Leiacanthus; Meristodon; Orthybodus; Parhybodus; ?Selachidea; Xystrodus] ?U. Perm. M. Trias.-U. Cret. Eu. L. Trias. Spits. L.-U. Trias. Gr. L. Trias.-U. Cret. NA. U. Trias. EAs. U. Trias.-Paleoc. Af. Jur.-Cret. Aus. | |?- †H. allegheniensis | |?- †H. brevicostatus | |-- †H. bugarensis Pla, Márquez-Aliaga & Botella, 2013 | |?- †H. butleri Thurmond, 1971 | |-- †H. delabechei Woodward, 1889 (non Charlesworth, 1839) | |?-+-- †H. grossiconus Agassiz, 1843 | | |-- †H. sp. 1. [Underwood, 2002] | | |-- †H. sp. 2. [Underwood, 2002] | | |-- †H. sp. [Schaeffer & Patterson, 1984] | | `-- †H. ensis Woodward, 1916 | |-- †H. hauffiensis Fraas, 1895 sensu Coates & Gess, 2007 [H. hauffanus; H. hauffianus] | |?- †H. medius Agassiz, 1843 | |?- †H. montanensis Case, 1978 | |?- †H. nevadensis Wemple, 1946 | |?- †H. obtusus Agassiz, 1843 | |?- †H. ornatissimus | |?- †H. parvidens | |-- †H. plicatilis Agassiz, 1843 [H. plicatilus Agassiz, 1843 (lapsus calami?)] | |-- †H. reticulatus Agassiz, 1837 [type] | |?- †H. shastensis Wemple, 1946 | |?- †H. sp. | `?- †H. vestitus |?-o †Lambdodus [Dicrontodus, Dicrentrodus] | |-- †L. costatus (St. John & Worthen, 1875) | `-- †L. hammulus |?- †Limnoselache |-- †Mesodmodus Miss. NA. |?-o †“Meristodon” | |-- †“M.” paradoxus | |-- †“M.” storeri | `-- †“M.” sublaevis |-- †Nemacanthus [Desmacanthus, Nematacanthus] ? L. Trias. Gr. M. Trias.-U. Jur. Eu. U. Trias. Spits. NA. |-- †Orthacodus U. Jur.-L. Cret. Eu. |?- †Petrodus patelliformis McCoy, 1848a [Octinaspis, Ostinaspis] Miss.-Penn. Eu. Penn. NA. [based on dermal denticles] |-- †Priohybodus arambourgi d'Erasmo, 1960, U. Jur.-L. Cret. Af. |-- †Pristacanthus U. Jur. Eu. |-- †Prohybodus L. Cret. NAf. |-- †Protacrodus U. Dev. Eu. |-- †Scoliorhiza U. Trias. NA. |-- †Styracodus striatulus (McCoy, 1848) [Centrodus] Penn. Eu. |?- †Tribodus limae Brito & Ferreira, 1989, L. Cret. SA |?- †Trichorhipis praecursor Zangerl, 1973, Penn. NA. `-- †Xystrodus U. Perm. Eu.
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