After Carroll, 1988, and Nelson, 1994
<==o Galeomorphii |--o Heterodontiformes (sarvihait) | `-- Heterodontidae (sarvihait) `--+--o Orectolobiformes (partahait) | |-- Parascyllidae (pantapartahait) | |-- Brachaeluridae (sokkohait) | |-- Orectolobidae (partahait) | |-- Hemiscyllidae (bambuhait) | |-- Ginglymostomatidae (hoivarihait) | |-- Stegostomatidae (raitahait) | `-- Rhinocodontidae (valashait) `--+--o Carcharhiniformes (ihmishait) | |-- Scyliorhinidae (punahait) | |-- Proscylliidae (pikkupunahait) | |-- Pseudotriakidae (valepunahait) | |-- Leptochariidae> (viiksikoirahait) | |--o Triakidae (koirahait) | | |-- Triakinae ()? | | `-- Galeorhininae ()? | |-- Hemigaleidae (kärppähait) | `--o Carcharhinidae (ihmishait; requiem sharks) | |-- Galeocerdinae (tiikerihait; tiger sharks) | |-- Scoliodontinae (vasarahait; hammer sharks) | `-- Carcharhininae (ihmishait; requiem sharks) `--o Lamniformes (sinihait) |-- †Orthacodontidae |-- †Cretoxyrhinidae |-- Odontaspidae (wobbegons; hietahait) |-- Alopiidae (fox sharks; kettuhait) |-- Mitsukurinidae (goblin sharks; hiisihait) |-- Pseudocarchariidae (krokotiilihait) |-- Megachasmidae (suurisuuhait) |-- Cetorhinidae (basking sharks; jättiläishait) `-- Lamnidae (blue sharks; sinihait)
- Carroll, R. L., 1988: Vertebrate paleontology and evolution.
–W. H. Freeman and company, New York, 1988, 698. - Carroll, R. L., 1988: Appendix. 594-648.
in Carroll, R. L., 1988: Vertebrate paleontology and evolution.
–W. H. Freeman and company, New York, 1988, 698. - Long, J. A., 1995: The Rise of Fishes: 500 million years of evolution.
–Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore & London, pp. 1-223 - Nelson, J. S., 1994: Fishes of the world.
–John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1994, xx-600