Mikko's Phylogeny Archive

PanicNon-Avian Archosaur Groups

  Model page - esimerkki sivu  
   |--o †Sphenosuchia
   |  `-- †Sphenosuchidae [incl. Trialestia: Trialestidae]
   `--o CROCODYLIFORMES sensu Clark, 1994
      |?- †Platyognathidae
      `--+--o †PROTOSUCHIA sensu Clark, 1994
         |  |-- †Orthosuchidae
         |  `--+?- †Edentosuchidae
         |     `-- †Protosuchidae
         `--o MESOEUCROCODYLIA sensu Clark, 1994
            |?- †Hsisosuchidae
            |?- †Trematochampsidae
            |?- †Paralligatoridae
            |?- †Stomatosuchidae
            |?- †Dolichochempsidae
            |-- †Gobiosuchidae
            `--+--o †ZIPHOSUCHIA sensu Ortega, Gasparini, Buscalioni & Calvo, 2000
               |  |--o †Notosuchidae [Notosuchia]
               |  `--+-- †Libycosuchidae
               |     `--o †SEBECOSUCHIA
               |        |--o †Baurusuchidae
               |        `--+-- †Iberosuchidae
               |           `-- †Sebecidae
               `--+?- †Uruguaysuchidae
                  `--+-- †Araripesuchidae?
                     `--o NEOSUCHIA sensu Clark, 1994 (modernit krokotiilit)
                        |-- †Peirosauridae
                        `--+-- †Atoposauridae
                           |--+?- †Dyrosauridae
                           |  `--+-- †Pholidosauridae
                           |     `--o THALATTOSUCHIA sensu Clark, 1994
                           |        |-- †Teleosauridae
                           |        `-- †Metriorhynchidae
                           `--+-- †Goniopholididae
                              `--+-- †Bernissartiidae
                                 `--o EUSUCHIA sensu Clark, 1994 (nykykrokotiilit)
                                    |-- †Hylaeochampsidae
                                    `--o CROCODYLIA Laurenti, 1768 sensu Brochu, 1997
                                       |--o GAVIALOIDEA
                                       |  `-- Gavialidae
                                       `--+-- †Borealosuchidae?
                                          `--+-- †Pristichampsidae
                                             `--o BREVIROSTRES Brochu, 1997
                                                |--o ALLIGATOROIDEA (alligaattorinsukuiset krokotiilit)
                                                |  |-- †Diplocynodontidae [Diplocynodontinae]
                                                |  `--o GLOBIDONTA Brochu, 1999
                                                |     `-- Alligatoridae (alligaattorit & kaimaanit; alligators & caimans)
                                                `--o CROCODYLOIDEA (krokotiilinsukuiset krokotiilit)
                                                   `-- Crocodylidae (krokotiilit; crocodiles)


Brochu, C. A. 1997: A review of "Leidyosuchus" (Crocodyliformes, Eusuchia) from the Cretaceous through Eocene of North America –Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology: vol. 17, #4, pp. 679-697

Carroll, R. L., 1988: Vertebrate paleontology and evolution.
–W. H. Freeman and company, New York, 1988, 698

Carroll, R. L., 1988: Appendix. 594-648.
in Carroll, R. L. 1988: Vertebrate paleontology and evolution.
–W. H. Freeman and company, New York, 1988, 698.

Clark, J. M. 1994: Patterns of evolution in Mesozoic Crocodyliformes. 84-97. In Fraser, N. C. & Sues, H-D. 1994: In the Shadow of the Dinosaurs. --Cambridge University Press, New York. 1994 Clark, J. M., Sues, H.-D. & Berman, D. S., 2000: A new specimen of Hesperosuchus agilis from the Upper Triassic of New Mexico and the interrelationships of basal crocodylomorph archosaurs. –Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology: vol. 20, #4, pp. 683-704 Luo, Z, & Wu, X-C., 1994: The small tetrapods of the Lower Lufeng Formation, Yunnan, China. 251-270 in Fraser, N. C. & Sues, H-D. (eds.) 1994: In the Shadow of the Dinosaurs. –Cambridge University Press, New York. 1994. x-435 Ortega, F., Gasparini, Z., Buscalioni, A. D. & Calvo, J. O., 2000: A new species of Araripesuchus (Crocodylomorpha: Mesoeucrocodylia) from the Lower Cretaceous of Patagonia (Argentina). –Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology: Vol. 20, #1, pp. 57-76 Parrish, J. M. 1993: Phylogeny of the Crocodylotarsi, with Reference to Archosaurian and Crurotarsan Monophyly. –Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology: vol. 13, #3, pp. 287-308 Sereno, P. C. 1991: Basal Archosaurs: phylogenetic relationships and functional implications. –Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology: Vol. 11, Supplement to #4, Memoir 2. pp. ii-53 Sues, H.-D., 1992: A remarkable new armored archosaur from the Upper Triassic of Virginia. –Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology: vol. 12, #2, pp. 142-149