Mikko's Phylogeny Archive

PanicTerrestrial Vertebrate Groups


Arthroleptidae: Astylosterninae [Astylosternidae]


After "The Tree of Life" and Frost, 2000-2002 [AMNH Amphibian species of the World]

<==o Astylosterninae (karvasammakot) [AMNH: 4/26]
   |--o Astylosternus ()? [12]
   |  |-- A. batesi
   |  |-- A. corrugatus
   |  |-- A. diadematus
   |  |-- A. fallax
   |  |-- A. laurenti
   |  |-- A. montanus
   |  |-- A. nganhanus
   |  |-- A. occidentalis
   |  |-- A. perreti
   |  |-- A. ranoides
   |  |-- A. rheophilus
   |  `-- A. schioetzi
   |--o Leptodactylodon ()? [12]
   |  |-- L. albiventris
   |  |-- L. axillaris
   |  |-- L. bicolor
   |  |-- L. blanci
   |  |-- L. boulengeri
   |  |-- L. erythrogaster
   |  |-- L. mertensi
   |  |-- L. ornatus
   |  |-- L. ovatus
   |  |-- L. perreti
   |  |-- L. polyacanthus
   |  `-- L. ventrimarmoratus
   |?- Nyctibates 
   |-- Scotobleps gabonicus
   `-- Trichobatrachus robustus (karvasammakko)


Carroll, R. L., 1988: Vertebrate paleontology and evolution.
–W. H. Freeman and company, New York, 1988, 698

Carroll, R. L., 1988: Appendix. 594-648.
in Carroll, R. L. 1988: Vertebrate paleontology and evolution.
–W. H. Freeman and company, New York, 1988, 698.

Frost, D. R., 2000: Amphibian species of the World: An Online Reference.
–iNet: American Museum of Natural History, Department of Herpetology: http://research.amnh.org/herpetology/amphibia/index.html

–iNet: The Tree of Life Project: http://tolweb.org/tree


© Mikko Haaramo,

/ Last updated 2003-04-03 / http://www.mv.helsinki.fi/home/mhaaramo